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    Eastender, 26 days. you are an inspiration to me. To sit in front of a couple of wine bottles meeting a daughter's new beau without having a glass. Don't know if I could have done that.

    I just woke up, it's about 12:30 am, usually I would refill a drink that's been sitting on my bedside table, so I could go back to sleep, instead, I got onto MWO to read/post. I want a drink so badly, to help me sleep, to help me forget. Will have a cup of tea, either "tension tamer" or "sleepy time" tea, and pop in one of the cds (can't stand the way he says hammock/hummack). But it usually puts me to sleep! I hope I learn something sublimely while I sleep!

    I'm finding it harder to talk to friends, usually let the answering machine pick up messages, which I don't return.

    Still AF since Thursday at 6 pm. Wish I was more excited about it.

    Cowgal, you are right about the people on this thread, they are incredible.

    Thank you all for your words of support. Right now I'm having a really bad time and want a drink. Just reading your words of support helps.



      Finski, don't give up, like I want to. You've done 26 days af. It's such a challenge, especially with your work schedule.

      Going to get some non-a wine tomorrow for myself.



        Hi Suki, Finski, Teardrop, Cowgirl, Eastender, Fby, Rustop and everyone

        Still up to my eyes with visitors but cannot get through :hug: the day without checking on all my mates at MWO :l :h Will write a long post tomorrow with individual wishes and an update on where I am at

        But till then a quick note to

        Finski stay strong you have done fantastically upto now 26 Af days how cool is that. In saying stay strong I need to keep saying that myself as tonight we are in company of really big drinkers. I must keep focused and beat the beast

        Eastender 26 days fantastic Tell Mr Beast to go take a hike because you have only 4 days to go

        :welcome: Cowgirl lovely to hear from you Yes this is a very supportive and loving thread with lots of mutal respect and understanding

        Love to you all

        Sweetpea xxxxxxxxxx
        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h



          Hi Everyone,
          Finski, Your doing great 26 days you should be proud of yourself!
          I have felt like you too, wanting to just have 'one',especially when tired, down or lonely.
          Sometimes it can be worse if you are with someone who is drinking when you feel at that vulnerable moment. It would be soooo easy.......
          I do not think anyone here considers anyone to be a failure if they have a drink (we have all been there) but you have come so far, dont let that demon get you now, you have proved that you are stronger than that. Stay strong I will be thinking of you.

          You are doing great! You CAN do this...
          Everybody is different but if you go to my old posts I found the 3rd and 4th day the worst and asked for help at that time.
          This is your fourth day and get through today you will feel so much better. You will also be in my thoughts today.

          All the stress of visitors and big drinkers WOW you are doing well, I have tried to keep this month as stress free as possible to cope! You are truly inspirational. Dreading Christmas when all my Kids (their partners) family and in laws come...........sob

          Have a good day will check in tommorow.
          In life we can live out our dreams its true
          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.



            Hi everyone-- just checking in as well. Today feels like a good day, so... I will hold that thought and make it so.
            Sending positive vibes to all our friendly fireworkers.

            Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
            - Soren Kierkegaard



              I think there's hope

              I wrote a post on another thread about what I had been through for the last 25 years. Then erased it. Thought about what I had written, what I had gone through and what it had done to me, my body, my mind, my self esteem. I decided that I needed to take care of myself. NOW.

              Started cleaning, opened the fridge and was disgusted at what I had to throw out. I've only opened the freezer to get the vodka. Then started cleaning the dining room and found two refund checks from the IRS for my mom's estate that I lost a month ago. Thought what else have I lost?

              Stopped in to see a friend who was putting up her Xmas tree with her kids and a couple of their cousins. The kids had all been out last night (all incredibly hung over), all with a beer in their hand.

              They asked me to go to the liquor store to pick up some more beer/wine. I was a bit apprehensive about going in. I walked in, felt nothing, no urge, no temptation. Walked out, dropped off their beer, went home and made a cup of tea.

              Eastender, you said that the 3rd or 4th days were the worst. I know that the supplements are doing the trick, but I also know that Sweetpea's challenge to go 30 days was the start of this all for me. Plus all of your stories, support, experience have been inspirational.

              I feel better about myself in so many ways, and want to thank you all.

              I just wish I could share this journey with my family, but then again, I just did, to you all.

              Looking forward to day 5!

              love, S



                Hello all you lovely people

                Hi Everyone

                Well it just goes to show what a newbie I am because I have just received the most useful pm which was very very valid and will help us all in our quest for moderation over the Christmas party period. Why I did not think about it, God alone knows, because it is a golden weight watcher rule - never go out for a meal on an empty stomach SAME APPLIES TO DRINKING - NEVER DRINK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH :eeks: should have thought of that BUT that is the whole point of supporting each other because everybody's help is soooooooooooo appreciated - thank you so much for the input. I have now added it to the December action plan on post 1.

                Finski I have decided to continue with this thread when we on when we are doing the December Action plan rather than starting a new one. I have made sure the December Action Plan is shown on post I so that any new people clicking on for the first time can see what we are doing. I would actually rename the thread but I can't seem to change the wording. The reason why I thought it would be nice to carry on with this thread is that it shows new people that the support is consistent, ongoing and demonstrates the support we have for each other. I have a very open mind and know I am consistently learning so if anyone thinks differently let me know. How did you get on over the weekend? Is it 27 days now? I also noticed that your mood says lonely Please know we are all there for you and I know everyone will be with me when I say we send lots of love and good wishes your way - XXX :l

                Thanks everyone on the lovely comments about the picture - the dog is soooooooo cute. It puts me in a happy place just looking at it and dogs are so loyal which is the message I want to put across

                Skuki glad you left that glass alone well done you should be proud of yourself. Tiny slips are there to learned from. Being good to yourself is the way to go because it will then empower you to move forward. Take heart, keep strong we are with you

                Flutterby well done on keeping busy and keeping that beast away. Thank you so much for all those lovely vibes because they are working for me

                Rustop hope you have a lovely weekend. Looking forward to hearing from you

                Teardrop, cowgirl and everyone else hope you also had a good weekend let us know how you are getting on

                Update from me is that I managed to keep the beast away at the weekend. Little swine tried to sweet talk me into "just one" but when has one ever been enough!!! So I got the sword out and sent him running for cover:cheering

                :sendinglove: Sweetpea xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                ********************** Day 22 AF
                :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h



                  Hi everyone,
                  Hope you had a chance to play as hard as you worked at staying AF this weekend! We will know we are making progress when maintaining a sober lifestyle does not take so much effort. After all, when you are doing something you like it doesn't seem so much like "work" anymore. And I LIKE HAVING A LIFE!!

                  Sweetpea-- keep those *********** coming. I have a few more in a row (yeah!). I'm planning to stay with this thread through the holidays on the AF plan. Good luck to us all.


                  Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                  - Soren Kierkegaard



                    Hi everyone

                    Great to see everyone doing so well. Day 28 for me so nearly there. I have done this a number of times before so I'm not quite so excited this time, been there, done that sort of feeling. On the one hand I would like to continue through December AF but there is another part of me thats not ready to give up on the thought of being able to enjoy a nice glass or two of wine with a meal and leave it at that. Social drinking was never my problem it was the home alone stuff that got me in trouble. My ideal would be to be AF 99% of the time and enjoy the odd glass. For December I will be taking it ODAT, not saying I wont have a glass or two but trying to remain mainly AF.




                      Hello everyone,
                      Since last tuesday not been able to stop,but cut down yesterday on my intake of alcohol. It funny just cutting down the withdrawal symptoms kick-in straight away. woke up every hour on the hour sweating, once again. Today i will not drink, just got to keep calm in myself. Count me in for December, it is going to be hard for me, my mum b'day was on that month, plus my brother had his funeral on christmas eve. (xmas never been the same.)
                      With all the alcohol flowing about, just got to learn to say no!!( if i can)
                      Like rustop Being at home drinking is a problem, it would be nice to social drink but it is always that last drink cant say no to (just one more for the road, thats when i make a fool of myself.)
                      But being on this thread will help me be strong.
                      Looking forward to all you guys that make the 30days AF.
                      Good luck to everyone onwards and upwards
                      family is everything to me


                        FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF

                        Morning Everyone

                        How are you all doing?

                        Life seems to be picking up momentum as we get towards the Christmas Festivities. It is the start of the parties this weekend so I will see how I get on. Still hoping to reach the 30 AF days if I can keep that beast at bay. Got to day 23 so am still hopeful that I will make it BUT we all know how cunning :alf: can be!!!

                        Flutterby as you say it would be fabulous to reach the stage where moderation has kicked in and you don't have to think about it 24/7. Unfortunately I think I am a million miles from that stage yet but am hopeful that in time with all your support I will get there

                        One thing for sure and I am not going to say IF but When (that's positive thinking for you) I get to that happy place I will never forget everyone on this site and I will continue to post and offer support to everyone

                        Rustop 99% sounds fabulous to me. I am getting really really nervous :argh: about having that first drink after the 30 day Af period - I keep thinking will I be able to stop at 1 or 2 - will I start thinking again "when am I going to get my next drink". It has been so many years since I have a prolonged absence from partying with the beast. BUT one thing I know for sure with all your support here I will be able to get help very quickly if I need it

                        Teardrop I am so pleased that you are on board for December because we are all going to need loads and loads of support through the party season. It is so so hard as we have all been brain washed for years that this is the party season and we are going to enjoy it consuming copious amounts of alcohol - the bigger the hangover the better night we had IF WE HAVE REMEMBERED ANYTHING ABOUT IT OF COURSE!!

                        So this year with everyone supporting each other we are going to enjoy ourselves remembering every single second - Thats the plan anyway and I am going to stick to it as much as I possibly can.

                        Anyway everyone have a fabulous day.

                        KEEP POSTING EVERYONE
                        GET ON BOARD FOR THE DECEMBER PLAN
                        :armsaround: Sweetpea xxxxxxxxxxxxx


                        *********************** Day 23 AF
                        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                          FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF

                          Good morning all. Am starting day 7 AF. I should be happy, but am not. Have been eating the "miracle food", quinoa, which is a good thing, because when I was drinking I wasn't eating, but have gained 10 lbs this week. Not good. But at least I'm feeding my body good food. (Thanks to the Holstic Healing/Miracle Food thread).

                          Teardrop, when I was drinking, I'd break out in incredible sweats, needed to have a fan aiming at my face all day at work, which made my computer monitor shake and give me a headache. It helped the sweats though. Don't need the fan right now. Should be happy.

                          Work was so bad yesterday, I almost walked out, quitting. Losing it by July, since our area is moving to another state. If I stay until July, I'll get 5 months severance, but I don't think I can last. I'm thinking of taking my 4 weeks vacation during Jan/Feb, hopefully find a job and quitting, I know that work is one of my triggers a big one.

                          I stopped at my friend's house, hoping she would offer me a drink. Knowing what I am trying to do, she didn't. Went home, opened up a bottle of AF wine. It was horrible, but I drank it. So know that I have to keep going af, before I can trust myself to have just one, if I can't put down a bottle of c#@p.

                          Sweetpea, will try to finish November and finish December too. I need to do it, but I want to be excited about what I'm doing. THANK YOU for keeping on this post. It is the first place I visit in the morning and when I get home at night.

                          One thing is that I'm going to bed earlier and earlier, When I sold my mom's house on 9/28, it ended over 27 years of taking care of sick relatives (grandmom, dad, mom) and 2 years of closing up her house. The day I closed on it, I went home and slept for 3 days. I never called in to work, because I was asleep. They accused me of being drunk, which I wasn't. So after jumping off a treadmill I was been on for 27 years without a vacation for 4 years, finding myself with no one to rake care of but myself, passing the second anniversary of my mom's death, my dad's birthday, the 4th anniversary of my best friend's husband's death at age 42, it's been an emotional couple of months. Not sure, is my going to bed so early and still being tired due to exhaustion, depression, getting off the booze or all three?

                          Flutterby, I am envious of you, I would love to have a life, just have to figure out how to get there.

                          I know that the supplements and cds are helping, I suppose it is only a question of time and continuing to come here for you guidance, support and love. No one said it would be easy. Need to get up and to "Camp Happy"!

                          Thank you all so much..:help! but a big :thanks:


                            FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF

                            Good morning fireworkers,
                            Hi Ho Hi Ho... it's off to work I go. Sorry... I feel like singing. No I'm not drinking my breakfast (although I do plan to have a protein drink)-- I saw a corny movie (Enchanted) over the weekend and one of the ways the "fairy princess" coped with life's challenges was to sing. My husband couldn't believe I made him go to this movie with me but I think he secretly liked it. Anyway, I really am off to work but will have to "sing" in my mind because I can't carry a tune and don't want anyone to think I am any stranger than they already do.
                            Suki-- Camp Happy here we come. You go your way and I'll go mine and we'll meet up for an herbal tea and a good laugh.

                            Hugs to all

                            Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                            - Soren Kierkegaard


                              FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF

                              Morning to all on this thread too!

                              I'm posting everywhere this morning because I'm back to Day 1 again, and feeling like crap and needing alot of help. I know I'll feel better in a couple of days, but right now I just feel anxious and upset. And scared. I have no business drinking alcohol - it's the worst possible thing I could do. And I have alot on my plate right now life-wise, and alcohol makes it all completely impossible to deal with. It's got to be AF for me. This I know.

                              Thank you all for being here. And for helping me make a new start. I'd be sunk without you-

                              wonder xxx


                                FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF

                                KEEP POSTING!! We will give you all the positive energy we can to help you through this. It will be uncomfortable but OKAY. Go out and get a little exercise (walk, stretch, breath deeply) if possible. Come back and let us know if you feel a little tiny bit better. Little tiny bits add up.
                                Hugs to you.

                                Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                                - Soren Kierkegaard

