Good morning firecrackers,
Great post East. What a pain in the rear your van "purchase" has been. My counseling has encouraged me to look for the gift in events that appear for all intents and purposes to suck. Sometimes it's not really obvious, but even thinking in that mode does tend to take the edge off the experience and it doesn't fester. Most times I just have to chalk things up to a learning experience. flash... I've learned a lot lately!

One thing is for sure. The more you know, the more you know you don't know?
Anyway... so happy to see you back on the express. I actually think that just around the next bend there is a gentle down-slope --so if the engine goes wacky we should be able to keep going for a while. But if we do need to get out and push.... I will help while Erin works on the problem (I have a feeling she is mechanically inclined

Remember Living's post on the March Madness thread about having the key? What a concept -- we can actually get out of anything if we remember to use our key. I am keeping mine close by just in case.
Love to all FCs. Make it a good one!