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This is Good

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    This is Good

    Morning all,

    Today is 31 days AF.

    When I first posted I was in a bad way and all of my updates followed on from that first post, but I think its time to start a new thread. So 31 days without alcohol?

    There is no doubt that things are now better. My health has improved and I am probably feeling better than I have done in 5 years +. I?m regaining confidence, suffering less feelings of anxiety, my weekly upset stomachs have stopped, the 3 or 4 day hangovers from huge binges have gone and I?m exercising and trying to lose some weight, my ability to concentrate has soared (I didn?t even realise some of the horrible things that alcohol was doing to me).

    But it is difficult. For the last 15 years I?ve spent weekends in the pub or drinking at home and now that?s gone I?m finding that there?s a great big hole which alcohol filled but at the moment I?m just staying away from alcohol completely. I will change and learn but it?s a transition. Its difficult.

    Also like many others I?m wondering if one day I can moderate and have that one cold beer but I don?t trust myself right now. I?m going to see an old friend in 2 weeks and expect that to be a big challenge (I?m still known as a big drinker) so on one hand I can?t wait, while on the other I?m dreading it and already thinking of excuses for not drinking to say to him.

    But overall it?s a hard time but it?s worth it!

    I couldn?t be writing this without you all. Thank you.

    This is Good




    WELL DONE AMASHED!!!!!!!!!!




      This is Good

      Amashed....that's amazing!!!:goodjob:


      Well done.....stay strong, matey!

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        This is Good

        Amashed - that is just wonderful! You have, indeed, come a long way in 31 days! I am so glad for you...what a difference to your first posts! (Don't worry; we've all been there!!)

        Just hang in there for the next two weeks, stay AF and practice your 'responses'.... (IMHO of course!) A one off meeting can gain by being able to use the "On anti-biotics that make me chuck..." sort of thing. (And look forward to the inner smile you may well get whne you hear, "You're looking great!?...what you done?..." (Just smile and say thanks... innder dignity!)

        Then hang in there some more.....again IMHO, I didn't do a thing about mod-ing until after a while after 100 days....then an AF Becks....looking back I am so convinced that 100 days is really, really necessary.... (Not preaching, just caring; hate to see you lose all you've gained.)

        End of lecture, Amashed! Just a big :goodjob:

        Love FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          This is Good

          Woohoo! I'm proud of you, amashed. Keep it up. You really started from a bad place, and you've turned your life around. And I agree, starting a new thread for the new you is a fine idea.

          I think ideally you'd be able to just say, "No thanks, I quit drinking," and if they ask why, "I got tired of sleeping poorly and feeling like crap in the morning; guess I'm getting older...." or just, "It wasn't doing me any good." Good friends ought to accept that, or even welcome it, as you doing what's good for you. And it would solve the issue for the future; you won't feel like you have to "hide your sobriety". Of course, I don't know your friends, and maybe that's not a conversation you're up for just yet, in which FMF's suggestions are good.

          Keep it up!

          peace and strength,
          Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
          A: Practice, of course.


            This is Good

            I'm so happy for you!!!I just joined MWO, 1 day AF;31 is a huge number for me.Thanks for posting your thread, you gave me hope, seriously!I'll keep my fingers crosed.GOOD LUCK!


              This is Good

              Congrats on one month AF! Keep up the great work Amashed!
              September 23, 2011


                This is Good

                Thank you everyone, I truthfully believe that without this place and you all I would not be here.


                EVERYTHING you said made all the sense in the world and I'm sure that if I said any of those things that it would be accepted with no problem but after being so scared about giving alcohol up I'm now feeling scared about admitting to giving it up! Ridiculous isn’t it?!!?

                I drank and felt embarrassed now I’m not and feel the same! I’m laughing writing this!:H



                  This is Good

                  Hi amashed,
                  How wonderful, 31 days AF!!! You really need to be proud of yourself to have done that.
                  Like kela, i'm new to MWO and i haven't even started yet, set my date on the first of nov for my very first 30 days AF in about 6 years.
                  It just gives me so much courage to take the plunge after reading these stories here. I'm sure it won't be all an easy ride, but so many people have done so well, so i'm quite confident i can do that too. But i must say, i don't think i would have made the decision just yet to stop unless i found this place. You people are amazing!!

