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Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Good morning everyone

    Well its the start of another week and a new month coming up too. The holidays are also coming up for you guys in the US so I know that will be hard. I dont have to worry about it until xmas and hopefully I will have a long AF stint under my belt and then can decide whether I want to break that or not. Hopefully I will be strong enough not to and will be looking for any suggestions you have.

    Welcome back Janice, you are doing amazing and well done on staying AF while on holidays. Hi to everyone else, hope you all have a great Monday.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    hi everyone,
    This is not easy for me. Had a really good day yesterday, at this work shop,
    i did. got to know a lot of good people. come home started drinking and lost the plot.- Why do i do this to myself? sometimes i feel like a hopeless cases. one week i feel good and then the next week i feel down, just wish i could find my inner self, sorry to be so negetive 2day.
    i hope you all have a good day.
    family is everything to me


      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

      Good morning all,

      Teardrop - no apologies to us necessary. We have all been there. Learn from it - what was your trigger? How can you avoid it in the future?

      Rustop - I am with you. My goal is to get a stretch of AF before the holidays and then reevaluate. Maybe mod then or I may find it easier to AB.

      Best to all this week.



        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

        Teardrop, I know exactly how you're feeling. You think things are going so well and BANG you have that first celebritory drink and begin to think - "I'll just have one...oh come on I can have just 2....what the hell 3 ........... woops!" It seems like the same old plot - just like the movie Ground Hogs Day where Bill Murray wakes up to the same day. I feel like Bill Murray on Grounds Hog Day, I start my journey without alcohol and something always makes me slip. It can be that something bad that happened at work or it can be something good that happened at work. It can be that it's a beautiful day outside and I just want to enjoy the scenery. It could be that I'm on the phone with my sister. It can be that I'm going out to dinner with friends and want to get a "head start". It could be a song that you hear and want to enjoy with a drink. It could be that it's friday and well you know the weekends - they are like a ticket to drink. It is #$%^&*@ everywhere.
        I want to start AF next monday and right now I have 2 big bottles of wine sitting in my diningroom from a Halloween party I had this past Saturday. What do I do? Throw them out? Drink them? The latter is probably what's going to happen. All I know teardrop is that I am going to keep trying. I know I will probably slip but I have never been this motivated in my life to quit. Reading the threads REALLY helps. There are actually people out there who have been in our shoes and are AF. We CAN do it. Some day I want to tell my story of becoming AF! I'm here to join you on this journey and will be looking for you on the threads. Chin up teardrop!


          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

          good morning!

          Roz, teardrop, evergreen and rustop, happy Monday!day 1 for me, intend to go AF all week and maybe even this weekend (hopefully, going to an AF wedding on Sat, so that is not a worry, Fridays are always tough for me though)

          Hope you all have a great Monday, I will check in w/ you

          Teardrop, I feel for you too, I have been there, just last week-weekend: I couldn't stop for the life of me, Today I am determined to not drink, so let's do it one day at a time ,just focus on today,ok?? I care so much for you, hope you are alright!:l

          Love and hugs to all today:h

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

            Sorry you are feeling down Teardrop. We have all been on the same roller coaster. Alcohol is a depressant so it really is a vicious circle and one we are all trying to break. Keep reading, posting and venting whatever gets you through this. We are all there for you.

            Thinking of you



              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

              Hey teardrop. Keep going gal. I'm in that boat with you - drank yesterday, despite PROMISING myself I wouldn't. Sometimes it gets us like that. Just work towards those occasions becoming fewer and further between. I've got a good opportunity for 4 straight AF days and I WILL do it. You can too. Don't be hard on yourself. Focus on the good weeks that show you can do it and you are a good person. Even when you think you are not that is just the hangover talking.

              Hi to everyone else. Have a good Monday. The sun is shining here - feels good to be alive (even though I'm up to my nadgers in paperwork....

              Bessie xx


                Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                morning rustop, evegreen, teardrop, roz, cowgal -

                Just want to say again that November is going to be AF for me. Which doesn't mean I'm going to drink b/w now and then (though it's a good excuse! "wait til November 1 and start over!....". Love that voice. So helpful). I'm on day 4 and I'm holding on. Reminding myself here ODAT.

                Teardrop - so sorry you're feeling down. It looks to me like you joined MWO here just this month, right? Everytime you take a drink, and then analyze for yourself what happened and how it effects you, and talk about it here, you are getting clearer about what drinking means to you. Getting more, um, aware and conscious about it. So just keep at it. Don't beat yourself up (that will keep you drinking). Keep posting. You've been very honest - which takes courage. That will be your saving grace. Just keep going!!
                Hope everyone has a great day-
                luv, wonder xx


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                  Hi Everybody: Even when we think we're on square one, we really aren't. Any little bit of sobriety, even if it is interrupted by drinking contributes toward our eventual recovery. Those of you who have had a slip, just start again. Also, pat yourself on the back for coming back here to MWO & sharing. Love, Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                    Hi to everyone visiting newbies today - Rustop, Teardrop, Evergreen, Roz, Cowgal, Bessie,Wonderworld, Mary and all who follow!

                    Since I've been away, there seems to be a lot of new faces - I just want to say hi to everyone and welcome!! This is a great thread to visit each day - please keep coming here because I really do feel that sharing our feelings with people who truly understand is all part of our "therapy" if you like. We don't need to apologise to each other Teardrop - we are all here to support you through the good times and the bad.

                    I totally agree with Mary - those slips are part of our recovery. I have been here since 30th April confronting my drinking - Af for 6 weeks, moderating, slipping, falling, picking myself up, a few days AF here and there, then slipping again but there comes a point when there will be a "switch" and I know that happened to me when I said enough is enough. It took discipline, a "plan", and a commitment to myself to stick to it no matter how hard it got. Its not easy, thats why we are all here - learning to fight for our lives - but it certainly is worth it.

                    So please don't give up because at some point, something will click - that switch will go on and you will realise that sobriety is what you want and you will totally commit yourself to it because you feel so much better. I often think about something Mary said - when she feels tempted, she tries to see past that first drink, the second drink, the third drink, etc etc., and how you felt just before you passed out or how you felt during the night. That has helped me so much over the last few weeks - remembering those anxiety and panic attacks in the night and how I couldn't get back to sleep. Why would I want to take that first sip when I think about those nights?

                    So come on newbies, make a commitment to yourself for today......

                    Good luck,

                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                      Hello Everyone,

                      I am recommitting myself to this program once again. I had a good September with plenty of AF days, but October has been not been good. Right now I am so very disappointed in myself. I will take this journey ODAT beginning today. I am sick of wasting my life. Life is a gift. Why do I abuse it?



                        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                        Hi everyone!
                        I hope it's ok for me to join your thread! Today is day 2 AF for me. I started the supplements also today. Gads! Could the All in One be any nastier?
                        My immediate goal is to make it to the weekend AF. I will re evaluate then as I would love to make it to Nov 15th AF.



                          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday


                          :welcome: Shelbysmiles!! Never took the all in one, glad I didn't Just keep on reading and posting and I am sure you will meet your goal, it works!! Everyone here is wonderful too!!

                          Good luck, and welcome!!!

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                            Remember, everyone, we only have today. All we have to do is stay sober for today. Tomorrow isn't here yet, so we don't have to worry about it. I think that philosophy got me through the first week. Just one day at a seems much more manageable that way.

                            I love the reminder Janice posted. When I start thinking about how lovely wine goes w/everything (music, food, romance), I try to remember how I never, ever stop at one or two. I always go way overboard, & the music, food, & romance go out the window. Love, Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday


                              Yeah, I remember how I just want "one cold one" after a long hard day at work (usually cuz I am hungover ) then I end up having 6!! Then I start the next day out w/ a hangie!!!:wow: how stupid can I be!!?? Then I beat myself up over it, which starts the cycle all over again!!:upset: Today, that is NOT going to happen!!!!

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

