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30 days for me my Dad

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    30 days for me my Dad

    Today is day 30 - the most I've done since Dad died in June and the second longest AF stint since I joined MWO at the end of April.

    This time its different. Back then, I thought I was doing so well AF, after 42 days of course I could moderate and drink normally like any other person. Not to be. Dad died and before I knew it, the drink together with the grief I was going through - and still am - meant I was falling into that very dark, deep and lonely pit again.

    After several attempts, on the 1st October I thought enough is enough and like I said in yesterday's newbies thread, something "clicked" especially after the third day. It has been easier this time round but I believe its because I've accepted that abstinence is the only way. Last time when I got to day 30, I started having "thoughts" about if and when I could start drinking again. Not this time.

    My mam is an alcoholic and is very ill. Alcohol has ruined my family and the last years of my Dad's life. He went through hell. That will not happen to my family.

    If you're new to MWO or have just come across this thread today and know you have to do something about your drinking, then this site will help you. You can do it, only you can do it, nobody else BUT you really have to commit yourself and take responsibility. It's up to you. This site and all these wonderful people on it will encourage, inspire and support you every time you come on but at the end of the day, there's only one person who can make it happen.

    So, this is a big thank you to RJ and MWO, and all my wonderful friends here. Thank you for getting me through those dark times....but also thank you Dad, these 30 days have been for myself but they are for you too. I know you're watching over and encouraging me.

    The 1st November sees the start of a new month - that is what got me going, a fresh month, a new start. So come on, wipe the slate clean - get yourself organised, get that plan set up, organise your vits/supps, plan the exercise, the cds, your shopping in advance, social events etc etc - be organised, be disciplined and be strict with yourself. Come on, lets do this together, November......bring it on!!

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    30 days for me my Dad

    :upset: Janice I am sitting here crying - I relate so much to what you are saying. Both my parents were alcoholics and I did not understand - I dooooo Now though - BIG TIME

    So much of my life has been a waste because the bottle has ruled it. My partner is only just coming roung to the idea that I have a very serious problem to deal with. How can you live with someone for so long and not realise the hell they are going through!!! To be fair I did not with my parents :upset: Wish I could have given them more support

    I've started a NOVEMBER AF 30 day before the Christmas mayhem called FIREWORKS jump in with your support as I will on this thread

    Loadddddddddddds of :h

    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      30 days for me my Dad

      Wonderful post Janice, so good for newbies to read! And for me too as I want to start again to give myself a fresh impetus. November is a great month to scrub the soul and see it shine through the darker days!

      I also feel for you on your recent bereavement-when my mother died 2 and a half years ago, after a 10 month fight with cancer, I never stopped screaming and crying and feeling her loss for 2 long years.Drank my way through it all. Not sure I could have done it sober. I've adjusted and can now contain my grief and enjoy life again. I think your way of channelling your grief into being AF for your dad, for your family is truly wonderful. So positive. I talk to my mother about my being AF now and know she would be so pleased for me.
      :l Anna:h

      Day 65 AF, going for 90!
      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


        30 days for me my Dad

        Hi Janice :goodjob: on your 30 Days.

        Thanks so much for posting this today. I remember those early days and your struggles. You have come a long way and as you said at the end of the day it is up to the individual themselves. I'm still struggling and going for another 30 Days in November. I dont want to put myself or my children through any more alcohol induced crap.



          30 days for me my Dad


          Oh, BIG :l

          To you AND your dad. :flower:

          My heart actually feels good after reading your post.

          God bless you and thank you for sharing.

          AF April 9, 2016


            30 days for me my Dad


            WELL DONE!!!

            30 DAYS!

            Congratulations to've done so well....and I am sending a prayer and thought to your Dad :flower: :flower: :flower: ...and to your Mum.:flower:

            It's a lovely thread - I hope you find lots of newbies to gain from your infectious encouragement... Fireworks! Brilliant!

            Anna - I am saving your wonderful words...."November is a great month to scrub the soul and see it shine through the darker days!" I am in scrub mode as we speak! Thank you!

            Onwards and upwards to 31, 40, 60, 55, 90, can do this!

            Love FMF xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              30 days for me my Dad

              Congratulations to you Janice.........your Dad is very proud of you.

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                30 days for me my Dad

                Thank you for that post Janice. It's beautiful. Gives me hope and inspiration. And congratulations on your 30 days - that's my current goal, and you make me feel like I can do it.
                luv wonderxx


                  30 days for me my Dad

                  Janice: What a beautiful post, & yes, your Dad is right there w/you every minute of every day. He's probably extremely proud of you, as am I. I actually feel very mom-like toward you. I know your journey...I loved it when you said "enough is enough." I've said that & what a great feeling that is! Love, Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    30 days for me my Dad

                    Congratulations on 30 days! Thank you for such an inspiring post. Your story and many others is what gets me from each day to the next. Thank you for sharing.



                      30 days for me my Dad

                      Thank you Janice for sharing your story. For us newbies we need to read these as it helps us know that even through adversity of the hardest kind, it is still possible to succeed. This site is a god-send. And like you and I am sure so many others, finally we come to the point where "enough is enough" and I am sure most of us wish it had come much sooner. But regret is a waste of energy, and the moment is now. I am joining sweetpea's thread for a Nov. AF with my start date the 1st and look forward to continuing my journey with the wonderful people I have found on this site. Thank you everyone already for what you have done for me.

                      "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, and prosperous. I am healthy and wise and open to an even greater good. I approve of myself."

                      Fall seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb


                        30 days for me my Dad

                        Aww, thank you all for your kind words - truth is though I couldn't have got there without you all, especially you "mom"!!

                        Looking forward to "fireworks" Sweetpea, I'll see you there! I really do wish there had been something like this site 10-15 years ago for my mam - life may well have been very different now.

                        with much love & gratitude,

                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          30 days for me my Dad

                          Hi janice,
                          Ilove your inner strenght in your heart.
                          Well done 30day AF. I still count myself as a newbie, you have made me realize,I dont want time to be a stand still.(life does go on).
                          Wow i like the thought starting each month as a fresh month.
                          Your story janice has touch my heart and given me hope.
                          Thank You
                          family is everything to me


                            30 days for me my Dad

                            This is exactly what I needed to read today. Congratulations on 30 days!!! Better yet way to go on committing to 30 more! You are right. There comes a point where we have to dive in and be strict with ourselves. . . . .truly commit and let this obsession go. Thank you for this. Here that squeak - that is me cleaning my slate and getting ready to organize my supps and plan my exercise!!!!
                            God bless you and your family!
                            PS I lost my dad several year ago. Thinking of him this November can be my inspiration. I know that your dad is proud of you.

