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Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

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    Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

    I found MWO by accident, but I don't think it's a mere coincidence. I'm a golden oldie, and drank moderately--2 or 3 glasses of wine when I got home from work--and then I retired 6 years ago. Without a regular schedule, those 2 or 3 glasses became 4, 5, then 6--and now I'm up to a bottle plus every day. I've tried AA--didn't work for me. I have ordered the MWO Kudzu, and hope it will help. I believe that joining MWO, where I'll meet people who are just taking the plunge to free themselves from alcohol will help, too.


    Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

    Hi Shantiji / Skydancer and welcome to MWO.

    You have found a great place - the people here ere amazing and being here is the only thing that ever worked for me.
    I drank uncontroledly for mor than 20 years - but after a few months here I have now been without alcohol for just over 100 days.
    Considering my history, that is some sort of miracle - believe me.

    Begin with the book read it and digest it - it explains the MWO programme - but basically you choose how you do this - personally I did it without any medication or suppliments - only the support and advice of the people here.
    For me - the ability to talk openly about my problem with people who knew what I was talking about and did not judge - because they too had the same problem, was the biggest help.

    In the very early days of stopping drinking - it can be a bit tough - but most people agree that if you can make it past days 4 or 5 you should be past the worst.
    In those days - come on here and "talk" to us - someone will be here 24 hours a day because there are members from all over the world. Being on here can make the difference between having that drink or resisting.

    Post and read relentlessly - you CAN do this - you will read many many success stories here.

    Glad to have you aboard - hope to "see" you around


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

      You are such an inspiration. I wish I had an ounce of your determination.
      I know that it is all in my own hands but it is so hard to make that committment and stick to it. I do admire you.


        Help! I'm new here - Skydancer


        Skydancer, WELCOME!! Ditto on Santori, and thanks Santori-you are inspiring! Come here and post often, I am not taking meds, but take supplements and read the book, tried AA (still go occaisionally just to take what I can and want from the meeting, you are aloud to do that )

        Take care and good luck in your journey here!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Help! I'm new here - Skydancer


          Welcome aboard. Many of us have experienced the creep of alcohol you describe in our own lives. For me it was 2 beers that became 6 that became 8-10 over time.

          Like you serendipity or something else had me find MWO. It came at the right time in my search: the book first, then the supps. helped me find my way out. I'm not sure why, but I just knew after a few days that MWO would work for me.

          And, it has. Today marks 96 days AF.

          You can do this. Commit and get started. It may be hard at first, but it will be well worth the effort.



            Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

            Welcome Skydancer! I also stumbled opon this site. After reading the book I finally have hope for the first time in a long time. I'm using the supplements and the Hypno cd's and they seem to be really working.
            You will find so many supportive people here who truely know what you are going through.



              Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

              Skydancer, welcome and good luck!!!

              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

                Hi Skydancer

                Welcome, I second what all the others have just said. This is a great place to be and there is fantastic support. Join in and post on the different threads, there are loads of them going. We all hop around from one to the other.



                  Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

                  Friends, thank you for your welcome, your help and good wishes. I shall plan to come to MWO often, for I truly believe I have found here what I need to rid myself of the burden of alcohol. When I've finished this post, I'm going to the store and order the book, which seems to have helped many of you towards a new life.



                    Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

                    :welcome: Shantiji!

                    I can't add anything more than what the others have said here. I wanted to welcome you and say 'hi', and glad you found us!


                      Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

                      Shantiji: I drank quite heavily before I retired, but when I retired, I really upped my consumption. I've had more success here at MWO than I ever did on my own. Keep coming. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Help! I'm new here - Skydancer

                        Hi Shantiji,
                        And welcome. I've only been a member for nearly 2 weeks now, and just started my 30 days AF today. I'm so glad i found this site, it's helped me to make up my mind that i need to change my habits and this place is my main support system. Everyone here are so wonderfully helpful, it feels good not to be alone.
                        When you joined as a member, they should have given you a link to download the book immediately, so you can start reading it.
                        Looking forward to reading more threads from all of you.

