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Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

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    Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

    Hi all,
    I am hoping by the end of the week to have compiled my top 10 list of reasons that I hate drinking and sear them into my brain to shift my thinking. You all are so wise in your responses. I can identify with every single one of them!!!!!

    Reason #7: Al brings shame, guilt and remorse. He(she) makes us think less of ourselves robbing us of our self esteem and pride. Let's empower ourselves and kick him to the curb!!!!

    Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

    amen!!!!!!!! yuk!!!!!


      Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

      Ever: I think this is the number one reason I joined MWO. I was ashamed all the time. I was a secret drinker & felt I had lost all my integrity. I was in hiding from my loved ones all the time. I want to live an out-in-the-open, authentic life. I can't do that if I drink. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

        That keeps me clean for a few days

        I hope I can go longer than that this time. Those feelings are not fun. I hate the feeling that nobody takes you seriously because you're a lousy drunk. Eventually, in life, us guys are supposed to have a "Mr." in front of our name, be proper, decent, and command respect based on our deeds and accomplishments. It's a sad thing to have all of that go right out the window because of that beer. These are the things that I constantly will need to remind myself of.


          Reason #7: Al robs us of our pride

          What I HATE most about myself is the fact that I am in your face honest.

          I do not hide my drinking or the effects of it.

          I have a Mrs. in front of my name and it means, mom/granny should be able to handle whatever comes her way, take care of sick kids/mommies/daddies and give them all the love they need.

          That is the thing I HATE ABOUT AL!! He robs me my essential role. Caregiver, lover, mommy, granny and employee.

          I HATE HIM!!

          AF April 9, 2016

