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Stupid brain!

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    Stupid brain!

    I have told myself there will be no alcohol today. My mind heard me and I know it understood . But, none the less...

    I'm standing at the sink doing the mundane task of mixing formula for the baby. I glance outside the window and notice that it is a gloomy, crisp, autumn day and my brain thinks "Wouldn't a glass of Merlot be lovely?" I stop and tell my brain "No! Why does the weather make a glass of Merlot lovely?"

    I guess if it is balmy and sunny tomorrow brain will want some Pinot Grigio. Stubborn little bastard.


    Stupid brain!

    Fortunately our "brain" isn't the whole of who we are, and though it often tricks us into believing it is in control, it isn't really. We also have our spirit or soul - that part of us that knows we are better off without the booze, that we are better than what it makes us, that gives us the courage and hope and motivation and inspiration to overcome our body's and brain's addiction to the stuff.

    To hell with the brain!!
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


      Stupid brain!


      What a brilliant post!

      Thank you.

      m. xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        Stupid brain!

        So true! This was the first time my soul or spirit won the battle. I finally took charge and said no, we are not drinking!



          Stupid brain!

          Olivia, I am right with you on this. Everyone is made up of a whole lot of things. Body, Mind and Soul. All very intriguing and complicated. This isn't easy, but sounds like you are on the right track!!!

          Sober since 30/06/10


            Stupid brain!

            Olivia: I loved your insight. I've read that it takes 90 days for the brain to readjust itself to sobriety. Our impulse control is out of kilter. We'll get it back. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing: thinking it through & coming here to MWO & sharing. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Stupid brain!

              Olivia - good on you! I just loved your 'little burst' at the end.... "Stubborn little bastard" !!! Sounds like you're one 'scary' person to Mr. Brain! Hands on hips, feet placed firmly, rolling pin in hand, stern faced scary!...

              Assertiveness wins! Here's to you and your soul!

              Love FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Stupid brain!

                I wish I had a rolling pin right now. I would travel back in time and beat my 15 year old self with it. That was my first drunk.. I don't mean a few beers. I drank a pint of Canadian Mist straight in 3 hours. I had alcohol poisening. I puked everywhere, my friends tossed me in the shower and kept shifts to make sure I was still breathing. You would think that that might have turned me off to alcohol. The hangover left but I remembered the euphoric feeling of drunk. So began my love affair with alcohol.

                Later on this evening while cooking dinner, my crazy brain said "WTF! Where is my wine? I don't cook dinner with out wine!" I went and took my Kudzu and grabbed a wine glass. Crazy brain starts singing "I'm gonna get my drunk on!". I filled it with sparkling water and drank 2 full glasses in an hour. That would have been wine a week ago. I would have been half drunk before I fed my daughter.

                That was 2.5 hours ago and now my body is getting really pissed at me. It's like it is saying enough, joke is over, give me my fix. Oh, give me strength.

                Sorry for the novel. And if you got this far, thanks. Sometimes it helps just to write it all down.



                  Stupid brain!


                  You did awesome!! Vent away.

                  You fed your daughter sober. How wonderful is that?

                  Hang in there!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Stupid brain!

                    You are totally cool... Susan "Stop the Insanity" referred to it as "King Alcohol" and not letting it win.
                    Game, Point, Score!!! You 1 . Alcohol 0
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Stupid brain!


                      You did great Olivia, I need to remember that when my SILLY brain starts it's silly talk! you made it through and won, I think that is awesome!!:happy:

                      Best of luck, and hi to everyone!:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Stupid brain!


                        You did great. Try the Rational Recovery site. There is an exercise there regarding the Beast thats fun. We are all having the same fight with him but together we can win!!!



                          Stupid brain!

                          Just had to update everyone. I did get through the rough patch. And shortly after I posted there was a flipping EARTHQUAKE! Who needs to drink when the room is spinning already!

                          Thanks for all the support!



                            Stupid brain!

                            shelby I like reading your post and how you scold the bad greedy drunk part of your brain,
                            it's a good lesson that we should all focus on.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              Stupid brain!


                              Shelby,heard about the earthquake this AM on the way to work, that must be freaky!!

                              Although we have the hurricanes to contend with, which is better, EH???

                              Love ya, glad you did well!!
                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

