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That's me: Just Starting Out

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    That's me: Just Starting Out

    I just got here and have only read a few threads. Sometimes I just need to write and I feel a little better so I'll skip the "lurking" period. It seems like a good group here and I'm in real trouble and in need of SOMETHING - ANYTHING. Fortunately, nothing really bad has happened yet. I really identify with many of the posts I've read and it makes me wonder what the success rate is here. I realize I can't expect this to FIX me but I'm hoping it will help. I've already done the AA thing and frankly, I don't want that and I really hope there is another way. My drinking career has been pretty legendary. I've been doing 25 years of *hard* drinking. It defies reason that I'm even alive, healthy, with a wonderful wife and a roof over my head. The one time that I should have choked to death in my sleep, my wife was there to turn me over and watch over me for the rest of the morning... Scared the hell out of her. This is an example of the type of good luck I've always had. I've always managed to get by and rather comfortably at that. I guess I just haven't had it bad enough to finally say enough is enough and that's the part that scares me. I've been in trouble strained relationships and failed at plenty of things because of my drinking. I've had those "wake up calls" before and they normally keep me scared straight until the middle of the week but then after a couple of days it's starting to seem OK to drink again and then its binge all weekend again - the same pattern over and over again. I just want to get off that ride and STAY wanting off that ride. It's miserable. I've got WAY too much to lose and my life could be so much simpler if I just cut out the beer. Anyway, writing always helps and I'm doing OK right now at this very moment. Thanks.

    That's me: Just Starting Out


    So many of us relate to you and your ride. We all hate the ride but are afraid to jump off of it. (Because if you are not riding, then what the hell are you doing?)

    I have no idea of the success rate here. I do know there are LOTS of successes, though. Even the "failures" are doing pretty well.

    Please read the book, look into getting the supplements because they help tremendously. You can buy them through MWO or through GNC or others. It does not mattter.

    Most importantly, when you get to where you are really wanting to jump back onto the "ride" and are having a tough time, you can come here 24/7 and someone will answer. (Weekends are a bit sparse, go figure.)

    Best of wishes for you and strength,

    YOU can do this.

    AF April 9, 2016


      That's me: Just Starting Out

      I'm new to this site and program too. I have an addictive compulsive personality with cigarettes, eating, etc all my life, but drinking was always social and never at home until around two years ago. Lots of stress hit then. Husband retired, I retired, spent too much time together, bought a vacation home cross the country, and couldn't agree on much. I started drinking at home and quickly became an addict which grew over the last two years to where i drank to blackout and sleep. Never drove a car, never missed a meeting, but did have strange bruises and scrapes on my arms and legs when I woke up.

      Three weeks ago a friend of my I visited in Florida, who was a psychiatric nurse in a previous life, called my the day I returned, and had an "intervention" with me on the phone - lovingly. I cried, because I knew I had a problem, but didn't think others knew. That's when I threw away all of the alcohol in the house and had the first AF 5 days in two years. I found MWO online and ordered the book and supplements and disks. Now, over the last three weeks I have had some wine and I see I could go right back to where I was without help. I started topomax this week plus the suplements. Have not started the disks yet.

      One thing I could use some tips on is what to mix the All In One powder with to make it taste more papatable. I love V8 juice, but that doesn't get it for me. Any other ideas?

      Thanks, Friends


        That's me: Just Starting Out

        Hey JP, welcome! You will find this program and the people here to be a great start in your recovery. I just gave up smoking for the 100th time 3 weeks ago - and you know the funniest thing, I have not wanted to drink cause I know it'll make me smoke! it works for me!

        But seriously, go well and get well.

        Cheers and good luck - see ya round the boards I hope.


        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          That's me: Just Starting Out

          Welcome jaypee & zanadana !

          Odd how we forget, isn't it? Kind of like child birth.

          Some of us have been 'hard drinkers' for many years, others are younger and earlier on in their drinking careers. All of us realize there is a problem.

          I don't know what the 'success' rate is either, but then that would depend on how you define success. Trying your best is often a blooming success.

          JP...keep on posting if it helps you to write...we'll get to know you better!

 lucky you are to have such a friend. I can't help you with the All IN One powder but some one will be able to. You could try posting your question on another thread. Try "Holistic Healing".

          Again, welcome, I'm glad both of you are here!

          magic xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            That's me: Just Starting Out

            Magic - you forgot childbirth - no way! I will remember it forever

            Having said that, getting my tonsils out as an adult was more painful!

            Anyway, enuf about my pain

            you go guys!

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              That's me: Just Starting Out

              I mix my All in One Powder in grapefruit juice. I also put it in a plastic container and shake it REALLY well. I never could get it to mix with a spoon.
              Best to you!


                That's me: Just Starting Out


                I think it's great you have posted here, as it is a great site for getting the help you need for a problem you now can acknowledge. I don't believe there is a great "FIX" for this beast. It took 25 years for you to get to this point and it takes a long time to get out of it (I think). Not 25 years, but not 25 days either. Tons of self-evaluation; trying different supplements and maybe meds; counselling.... whatever you think is necessary. The big step (which you have taken) is admitting you drink to excess and you need help.

                People here are going to help and seem to really want to help. I think that is all I can ask of other people; the rest is really up to me.

                Good luck and success on you journey.



                  That's me: Just Starting Out

                  Hi JP,
                  I love my All in One powder with orange juice. I shake mine in a plastic container also. It reminds me of a drink called an "Orange Julius" that I used to get at the mall when I was a kid. Good luck!


                    That's me: Just Starting Out

                    Welcome Jaypee and Zanadana

                    Good morning,

                    I started MWO program the early part of October. I have not done everything that I am supposed to do. I did order all the health products, hypnotheropy cd's and Topamax. However, I've been looking for a quicker fix........ and there is not one. Starting today, I am going to do what the program has offered. I was having trouble with the Topamax, in that it was making my head hurt and my mind foggy. I am a single mom, so finding time to listen to the cd's with two teenage children was almost impossible. The most important thing for me; is to stop making excuses and start putting this into action. I have joined Cuckoosnest along with so many other wonderful people here for an AF November. The one success I do have is.........if I have a great night sleep and feel good because of it, I do not want to drink, because feeling good does not happen very often with me. Oh, I need to start exercise again too!

                    I wish you both every success.

                    With so much love,



                      That's me: Just Starting Out

                      I totally agree with you writing does help, I am new here also and am impressed by the support that I see all these people give. Be strong
                      In life we can live out our dreams its true
                      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                        That's me: Just Starting Out

                        I can relate to everything you said JP. I used to consider myself lucky, but I came to realize that I was blessed. It's been difficult, but this place has really helped. Don't give up no matter what. Even the smallest steps towards being AF are worth it.
                        "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                          That's me: Just Starting Out

                          Hi Jaypee and welcome! I can relate to lots of things you wrote. I'm 49 and my hard drinkin' career started .....about 30 years ago?? Something like that. I too got lucky I suppose in that I was highly functional career wise, even through all the heavy drinking somehow. I was also lucky that I never got arrested or died, etc. Like you, I am smart enough to know that my drinking is a HUGE problem, and that I won't always be so lucky.

                          The success rate depends on how you define it. You can read in the long term abstainers section and find posts from people who have now been alcohol free for very long periods of time. I hope to be one of those, but can only get there one day at a time.

                          I started the MWO program on July 11 this year and had a wonderful alcohol free 60 days. I made the all too common mistake of thinking I could have a few drinks one afternoon. BOOM I bit the dust and only yesterday dragged my butt back on the wagon. Lesson learned. Was my fall off the wagon a failure? Well, I spent a fair amount of time thinking it was, and I suppose others might have varying points of view. BUT...I learned an important lesson - I CANNOT DRINK. AND - for my own health I'm sure I am far better off with being alcohol free about 50% of the last 4 months. (I am a daily drinker)

                          So...I hope you will download the book and give things a whirl. Beats doing nothing and continuing all the risky and for me anyway, LONELY behavior.

                          OH - Zanadana (love that!) - I like V-8 juice, but don't care for it with the All One either. I prefer regular tomato juice. I also make home made lemonade (with Stevia) from time to time, and I'm OK with that mix too. I also use the plasitc shaker. For me it disolves best in tomato juice v. other things I've tried.

                          Best wishes!
                          Day 2 AF after the fall
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

