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Newbies in Need - Wednesday

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    Newbies in Need - Wednesday

    Hi everyone, just a quick start to today's thread. I'm sitting here in my dressing gown, still haven't had breakfast and have to be at work soon - this site is sooooo addictive!!

    Good luck to everyone for today - whatever your goal is why not make today AF?

    Back on later,

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Wednesday

    Good morning, Janice, and everyone else to come.

    Starting again today, I hate being so wrap up in myself i forgot to get my little girl a pumpkin. I will have to seach high and low today to get one.

    Good luck to everyone today.
    family is everything to me


      Newbies in Need - Wednesday

      good morning

      Good morning Janice and teardrop! Day 3 for me, slept 7 hours so feeling up to my terribly busy day (dressed up as a princess too!) Wonder why I dress up!? Well I will get such grief if I don't it will be ok!!

      Teardrop, hope you find a pumpkin, I know it would be difficult here too probably, wish I could just "pick one up for you", but you're a little far away:H

      Good day to all who come, and you two! I have a VERY busy morning, but will, as usual be able to check in occaisionally, so looking forward to seeing how everyone is doing on this FINE Wednesday!

      Love and hugs to all around!!:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in Need - Wednesday

        Good morning Janice, Teardrop, Cowgal and all to come

        Have a busy day ahead finishing the Halloween decorating and then the trick or treating. My two are teenagers but they still get a kick out of it. This will probably be their last year which is kind of sad. They have grown up so fast. I want to enjoy their last few years at home AF.

        Have a great AF Wednesday everyone.



          Newbies in Need - Wednesday

          Hi Everyone: I love checking in here w/you all. I feel like I might meet up w/you in the supermarket or the park. I'm doing well. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in Need - Wednesday

            Hi everyone again,
            Just reporting back, i managed to get a pumpkin been to scotland and cornwall and back here,forgot about my farm shop.( just shows you how much health eating i do.)
            Very later on going to the skateboarding park (party) should be interesting seeing all the men dressed up skating. The adults are worst then the kids(i loved it)
            Happy Halloween.
            family is everything to me


              Newbies in Need - Wednesday

              Hello all - just checking in. Got all my supplements today - exciting!! Well it is when all you are faced with in the day is ironing and admin!

              Not going to start the, until after my hols - practical and psychological reasons. I want to give myself the best possible chance of success.

              Happy All Souls Eve to you all....:alf:


                Newbies in Need - Wednesday


                Gald to hear you found a pumpkin Teardrop!!! Glad you got your supps and everything Bessie, good plan too, why stress yourself out w/ unrealistic expectations to get through the holidays trying out something totally new??

                Good holiday to all!!!:H

                MA:l :h
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies in Need - Wednesday

                  Spooky day! I just sent my daughter of to school, where they will put their costumes on at lunch time and parade through the school. I'm going to be there at lunch time - we made devilled egg eyeballs for snacks. Oh Rustop - I can't imagine when my girl is too old for trick-or-treating!

                  I'm worried tonight will be difficult to abstain, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
                  Happy day!
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    Newbies in Need - Wednesday

                    Hi everyone! Glad you found the pumpkin Teardrop! What a relief that I can enjoy this fun day with my children without a hangover. I'm still exausted as I'm up several times a night with the wee ones. But, at least I'm not hungover and tired!

                    Hope everyone has a great Halloween!



                      Newbies in Need - Wednesday

                      Hi Everyone,

                      I've sort of been struggling today. Can't seem to settle down and focus. But I am getting things done and as the afternoon rolls by, I am feeling a bit better.

                      No alcohol for me today. I drive down to my parents place to spend the night and tomorrow with them. They no longer drink: so I'm "safe".

                      I find the temptaion of drinking to be unbearable when I'm home alone. Does anyone else have that problem, too?



                        Newbies in Need - Wednesday

                        Sante - I sure do. 2 - 3 nights each week my daughter is at her dad's house and those are the hardest for me to be AF, especially the first night of the 2-3. That's why I'm worried about tonight - it's Halloween, and she's going tick-or-treating with him, and I wasn't expecting that, change of plans... and everyone is out having fun I'll have to fight the brain telling me "C'mon, pick up a 6-pack, why cant we have fun like everyone else??"
                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

