Good morning everyone. Well day 1 was successful and I am optimiscally looking forward to day 2. Wishing you all success and thinking of you.
No announcement yet.
November AF
November AF
Mary, Cuckoo and all,
I think the real key here is what Mary is doing.
Do NOT look at it like we are denying ourselves, look at it like we are giving ourselves a GIFT by not drinking.
Hmm. I am working on it, still, but it relates to RJ's post about Chocolate. Those who contemplate DENYING themselves chocolate tend to eat more...
So, let's figure out how to turn this around by viewing AF as a GIFT, not a DENIAL.
Mary is right on track. Being sober means she is happier, doesn't do stupid things, and feels better. It is NOT denying ourselves of something we want, sobriety is GIFTING ourselves with happiness.
Hmmm. I like that!!
CindiAF April 9, 2016
November AF
Cindi, Mary, Cuckoo and all,
This month I am trying to derail my "stinking tninking" by saying to myself . . It's November and I am not drinking this month. No excuses. Trying to not even give it a second thought.
I am not even looking beyond November. I will deal with that when it comes. I am feeling very optimistic and actually pretty empowered!!!
November AF
WHEE Can I come play too? Mary and Cindi - I like turning everything around into a positive for staying AF when the invasion of the Booze Beast occurs in our minds. I truly loved my 60 days of sobriety, regardless of those thoughts that came (but they came less frequently towards the end). There is a huge part of me that wishes I had never caved into those few drinks on that beautiful Saturday afternoon. But on the other hand, I think it was an inevitable lesson that I had to learn the hard way - moderation really IS only a fantasy for me.
Anyway, happy to be alive and here with you all on Day 2 AF after the fall!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
November AF
doggygirl, schappy welcome to the site. I also want to look at this as a positive in my life not a negative. Well it is day 2 and I have had 2 days of success but my biggest success is I didn't drink on a Friday and that hasn't happened in over 16 years. I'm feeling really good about things and I hope to keep posting although I am out of town until at least tomorrow night. Cindi, mary, evergreen, amelia, captjbean, gettingthere, takingcontrol, sweetpea, wonderworld, rustop61, and morning girl hope all is going well with you. Take care and wishing you success. Other than being extremely tired, we all know the sleep pattern when you first try to quit, I am feeling good. Well you are all on my mind and look forward to getting home so I can post more regularly.
November AF
Hi everyone
I'm back after a few days away and on Day 6 AF. Going for the 30 in November and while taking it ODAT, am counting again, didnt last month as I slipped early in the month but I think I need to keep more focussed. Hasnt been bad so far. Love your bottom line Doggy girl, thats the attitude.
November AF
I'm doing great this very fine Sunday. Our son-in-law came over to clear our yard of leaves (he's a real sweetie), & I had my little g-son most of the day while our yard was being done. I made cookies w/him & much, much more, & as time went on, I began thinking about a "drink to help me relax." I didn't, of course...there isn't even anything in the house. But I know now when I feel vulnerable...fatigue, over-stimulation, that sort of thing gets me thinking. Forewarned is forearmed as my mother used to say.
I have 2 more days to come here to MWO & share & then we'll be going to Ireland. I'm pretty excited & a little nervous...not about drinking. Leaving home is not something I feel naturally comfortable with. Cindi, I don't know how you travel all week for work. That would exhaust me. Anyhow, I check back here tomorrow. Love, MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
November AF
Rustop, congrats on day 6 AF. Especially through a weekend which has always been the killer for me. I was finally able to make it through. Yippee.
Mary, I think you will love Ireland. Not that I have ever been but 3 of my friends visited there about 2 years ago and thought it was absolutely beautiful. I look forward to reading your posts for the next couple of days and then will be thinking of you in the land of green.
Cindi, keep those gold stars coming.
DG, I agree with Rustop, I love that end quote.
November AF
Hi everyone
Just checking in. The drink tracker is very useful Cuckoo and you have a great sense of satisfaction when you see the 0's stacking up. I got a great kick out of it when I started in September. Actually I went back today and did a count of how many alcohol free days I have had since January and its 86. This is from someone who drank every day for the past 12 years!! Thank you MWO. Now aiming for 30 AF days in November and hopefully another 30 in December, that will make it 143 Days, nearly 5 months.