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November AF

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    November AF

    Hi Cuckoo and everyone else

    Know you are disappoined Cuckoo with Dr. appt. but remember it takes time, just stick at it, thats the important thing. You are doing brillant.

    Lilnev, these social occasions are a nightmare especially in the beginning. Take them one at a time. Decide you are not going to drink over the week-end, get the supplements and tell yourself that just for those few days you are not drinking, maybe when you get back but for those few days no. Trick the beast. Then if you stay AF for those few days, take on the next social occasion, baby steps. We are all the same and it is a constant struggle. I am having the AF wine and beer at week-ends and it seems to be helping. I'm happy with one AF beer and dont feel deprived. Good luck




      November AF

      Hi Rustop, thanks for the encouragement. I love the large stars. I was disappointed last night but didn't drink so that's good. Will post in a little bit have to go clean out the garage.



        November AF

        Boots, I'm like a bad penney, I just keep turning up.


          November AF

          Sweetpea, I'll log on to the fireworks thread after I'm done here and read the post. I've been trying to stay up to date on about 3 threads but sometimes it gets a little difficult. If you miss more than one or two days you feel like you are out of the loop. Thanks for plug of encouragement. This high blood pressure is like a double edge sword. I think I'm doing good controlling it and then I go to the dr's to get it checked and I get all wigged out when he checks it. Oh well, I'll keep plugging along trying to do the right thing. Congratulations on day 4 for you sweetpea. Are you keep track in the drink tracker? I just started that because Mary and Rustop suggested it and I do like seeing the collection of zeroes. Well, have a good night.



            November AF

            Hey Rustop, according to one post, a person's blood pressure normally goes up when they go for a doctor's visit and according to another post, a person's blood pressure goes up after a strenuous workout. So now I figure that is what it was and the hell to anything else.

            Thanks, Cuckoo.


              November AF

              Well, all, I broke last night and had 2 gin and tonics and 2 glasses of wine. I know we can all rationalize our reasons for drinking but I think coming home to an empty house on Friday night with no plans was the big trigger. I had something to do almost every night this week except last night. So now I know that I need to have something to do every night even if it means going to a movie or out to dinner by myself. I don't feel hungover just let down. I plan on getting right back on the horse though. If I don't I'll feel doubly let down tomorrow. I hope you all had success and look forward to hearing from you.


                November AF

                Cuckoo, I reckon we have all 'been there and done that'..... You have been doing amazingly well and still are. You are still here posting and I reckon you are going to just climb back into that saddle and start galloping again. Empty houses and no plans,...I can totally understand.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  November AF

                  Thanks, Amelia.


                    November AF


                    I second everything Amelia has said. Been there, done that. Today is another day so start again. WE WILL GET THERE, hang on and remember ODAT.



                      November AF

                      What is ODAT? I have so far been AF in November and plan to continue.



                        November AF


                        ODAT stands for One day at a time. There is a thread over in newbies that some of us use. Sometimes the 30 day challenge can be too much but regardless of whether you are going AF Mon-Fri, 7 days or 30 days you will get there one day at a time.




                          November AF

                          Thanks Rustop. I went into chat last night (into a seminar) and spoke with 2 long time AFers and it really gave me hope. It might take some falling down but I know I will get there because I want it so badly. Congratulations on all your stars. I am so happy for you.

