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    Hi Everyone

    I picked up the MWO book 2 weeks ago at the book store because I had decided I needed to do something about my drinking. I'm in my late 40's, married, with 2 teenage daughters. My problem is very similar to many of you. Around dinner time every night, I have my first glass of wine, then usually don't stop drinking till bedtime. I also drink more than everyone else at social gatherings, but rarely get drunk enough to totally embarass myself. I have been very fortunate that nothing tragic has resulted from my drinking. My drinking was more sporadic when I was younger, but more severe. Partying on the weekends was just what we did.
    13 days ago, I rid the house of all alcohol except my husband's beer and his bottle of gin. (He drinks a few beers or a couple gin and tonics once a week or so.) I told him and my daughters that I wanted to stop drinking, and to please be patient with me if I wasn't myself for awhile. I, like many of you, can not imagine life being any fun without drinking.
    I decided not to take the meds, but ordered the supplements and the hypnotherapy CDs. I also made an appointment with a local family counselor who specializes in substance abuse.
    Well, so far so good. 13 days AF. The first week was extremely hard, this week a tad easier. My supplements and CDs came a few days ago, so I'm hoping they'll help. My first appointment with the couselor was fine, mostly just talking my history. Tomorrow's appointment will be about setting my goals. I'm hoping to do my 30 days, then some trial and error situations to see if I can handle drinking any at all. Thanks and ttyl.

    Hi Everyone



    You are doing great!!! Glad it is starting to get easier.

    I hope you are at least going for 30 days AF before looking to try to moderate. That does seem to help a lot.

    Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and glad you are with us.

    Good luck with the appt.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Hi Everyone

      Wow! I am impressed and wish you much luck and success on your journey. It sounds like you have thought this well out and have an excellent plan. I have to commend you on your honesty with you family and seeking help with counselling so early on. I have to admit that is something I struggle with. Also, it sounds like you are definitely not going to moderate? That to can be a hard decision too.

      I think this is an excellent site for feedback and comments and it really helps to get it off your chest, don't you agree?

      All I can say is "YOU ROCK". 13 days right out of the gate....WOW I am impressed.....


        Hi Everyone

        FF: Good for you. You're doing great. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Hi Everyone

          Thanks for the encouraging replies. I'm struggling with the decision regarding moderating. I'd love to be able to, because thinking of NEVER having another drink is so depressing. I was glad I immediately made an appointment with a counselor, as well as tell my family, because if I hadn't, I probably wouldn't have made it through the first week. Not that they intended to help...I was just too embarrassed to back out of it. I spent many hours of each day thinking about giving in to my cravings. Still do. Thanks again for all the support.


            Hi Everyone

            Feeling Fortunate;217860 wrote: ...I was just too embarrassed to back out of it.
            I told myself I was going to quit many, many times, and it seldom lasted more than a day or three (sometimes not even that). It wasn't until I told other people that I was quitting, a couple of friends and here on the boards, that it stuck. I have a pathological (yes, I mean that word) fear of being thought poorly of by other people, and I finally decided I needed to bring that leverage to bear....

            Welcome, and congratulations on your progress so far. I see you've also found your way into the ODAT thread. Good people there. Are the cravings physical, or just mental? Kudzu and L-glutamine can help with physical cravings. I think the best remedy for the "mind loop" is to make positive, definite plans for how you're going to fill your "drinking hours". And it does get better; it surprised me how quickly. The first 4 or 5 days were the worst for me, much easier since (now three weeks AF). Keep us posted. And again, welcome and congratulations!

            peace and strength,
            Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
            A: Practice, of course.


              Hi Everyone

              Lilnev, Congrats on 3 weeks AF!
              And thanks so much for your input. My cravings seem mostly mental, although I did start the supplements a few days ago just in case. I definitely agree that staying busy during the evenings (my drinking hours) is key. But my evenings are often filled with mundane tasks, (which seemed much more enjoyable with a buzz!) Cleaning the kitchen, laundry, making sure the kids have studied, etc. Any suggestions?


                Hi Everyone

                Feeling Fortunate, There is a very interesting thread on Holistic Healing regarding Kudza that was started by Beatle, especially Page 3.

                Good Luck

