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I am trying again

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    I am trying again

    Hi all -
    I was here about a year ago and after about 15 days I fell off the wagon and was on my way again, down the same road. Well here I am again....I have to stop drinking, I HAVE TOO but dont know how. My marraige is about to end, I am totally miserable even when drinking. I dont want to lose the most important things in my life but it seems inevitable.

    I am so scared to stop drinking, where will and what will be the fun in my life? I know that sounds dumb but it is the truth. I am gonna go to the doc and get some topomax and hopefully that will help. I do have to book and do have the supplements but that didnt seem to work for me.

    So I am just gonna hang out here alot and read and write. Thanks for listening. :thanks:

    I am trying again


    Your post says it all.

    Your marriage is about to end, you are losing what is most important to you.

    Alcohol is fun, huh?

    Not joking. We all have that issue. It simply does not make sense to anyone but us alkies.

    Hang in there, keep posting and we will help as best we can.

    AF April 9, 2016


      I am trying again


      I, for one, found the Topamax a great help! It just took the edge off enough that I could manage the rest. I started with 25mg about 4pm, then went to 50mg. I was AF for 24 days, then had many things come up in my life and for no reason also went off the Topa. I started drinking again for about a month. For me, I really can tell when I take the topa. I have decided that drinking is just not as fun as I think it is when I am doing it and it nearly ruined my life - more than once! So I am back on Topa and committed to 30 days AF (first goal).

      As far as the fun in your life. All I can say is that you will find so many unopend treasures awaiting you. There is life after drinking. Life is filled with amazing, beautiful and thrilling experiences - give it a try.. we will be here to help guide through the rough patches..

      what do you have to lose.. ....

      Best of luck..

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I am trying again

        Hi schappy. I'm sorry to hear of your marriage breaking up, and the troubles that alcohol has caused. I also understand how easy it is to fall off the wagon - just returning from a little trip down the booze infested memory lane myself.

        I'm glad you have a doc appointment. I haven't tried Topomax or any other prescriptions, but I do use the supplements and CD's and I REALLY believe that my diet and exercise plan play a role too. PLUS REALLY WANTING TO QUIT - BADLY. I don't think there is any magic bullet. I DO think the MWO tools really help take the edge off of a difficult journey.

        I wish you the best. Right now, I am hanging on to how WONDERFUL I was starting to feel after 60 days alcohol free for the first time in 30+ years. AND I'm hanging onto how shitty I felt for the last 7 weeks or so back to drinking every day. For whatever stupid reasons, I still think of drinking. BUT - it feels better NOT to drink and for me anyway, leaving alcohol alone will be an important key to good life in the future. Sounds like that might be true for you too.

        Anyway, we're all here for you!! WE CAN DO THIS!

        Day 2 AF after the fall
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          I am trying again

          Bless your heart, Schappy, I too have the same problem....imaging a life without drinking. Ive been on this merry-ground for too long. I hate the way I feel after a night of vodka. I always loved my first drink, but the second and third were way too many. I have decided to give November a try on the AF wagon. It is painfully hard not to have that drink, but I haved learned from spending time here, it will be well worth it. I have to give AF a chance, no matter how hard it is.

          Wishing you so much luck, take care.



            I am trying again


            Your life will be so much more "FUN" if you quit drinking. Waking up in the morning, with a clear head is priceless. Do whatever it takes to not to open that bottle. There are many suggestions here for other things to occupy your time, not to mention the books and supplements which will aid you, but you have got to really want it and want it bad. Once you have a few A/F days under your belt, the desire for more will increase. Go on.....give it try....You know you can......It is a long journey and every day we take more baby steps towards to person we want to be...

            Where one road ends, another begins.


