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New here--feeling discouraged

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    New here--feeling discouraged

    Hey all,

    I'm new here. I had the book overnighted Tuesday, got it Wednesday and sat down and read it from cover to cover. I've been so encouraged and excited since learning about the MWO program. I thought finally I can fix my problem of drinking too much without standing up in a room full of strangers and announcing I'm an alcoholic, and all the psycho-babble that goes along with counseling.

    But I feel discouraged. I contacted my doctor about getting on Topamax and he passed the buck telling me to contact the substance treatment branch of Kaiser. He also pointed out that he practiced alternative medicine for 5 years and is not impressed with the usefulness of supplements and hypnosis for addiction problems. So I called the substance treatment people and I have an appointment on Tuesday at 9am. They didn't even have anyone available for me to speak to on the phone right away!

    I have lived with this demon for so long and now that I am finally ready to do something about it, I feel as if I am hitting roadblocks! Maybe I will get in there and they will be more open to the MWO program than my pcp was--that is my hope. Is there anyone else out the who has Kaiser insurance and knows anything about their process for dealing with alcohol treatment? Any advice on how to prepare for the appointment? I guess if all else fails I can order the meds online?

    In any case it is so nice to be here, to 'hear' people who are like me...I keep reading and thinking to myself this is me, or that is how I feel too!

    New here--feeling discouraged

    Hi Pepper :welcome: to MWO

    Don't feel discourged, lots of people here have done it without the meds, Keep reading and you will find lots of inspiration.

    Good luck with your journey .....


      New here--feeling discouraged

      I am here to attest to the fact that the supps DO work and are extremely effective especially when paired up witht he CDs. I don't take the Topa just the supps and that has worked for me. :welcome:
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        New here--feeling discouraged

        Hey, Pepper!

        I think you will find Kaiser helpful, my Aunt did.

        Remember, this is YOUR life and YOU DO get to choose what you do about your sobriety path. So arm yourself with that confidence. If you want to take Topamax, tell them that. Tell them you want to give it a try. If not, yes you can order it online - many here do. I am taking Topamax and have found it to be a wonderful help in combating cravings. I take 50mgs in the evening. In fact, I don't even think about drinking when I am taking it in conjunction with my supplements. If I can add one other piece of advice, don't overdo the supplement protocol at first. There are so many choices. My suggestion is to take the essentials, the daily ( I love the allone), and the l-glut, and maybe the kudzu, but with me, it was hard to tell what was working when I started with so many things. Much easier to add and stop when you find where your personal balance is.

        Hope this helps..

        Stay strong, and read a lot here. There is a lot of awesome information posted.


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          New here--feeling discouraged

          Welcome, Pepper! I like you already, because I have a cat named Pepper (snoozing behind me as I type, in fact; he loves my computer chair for some reason.) You are definitely in the right place. This is an unusually intelligent, humorous, and open-minded community; I truly feel that I'd enjoy knowing each person here if I could meet him/her in person! It's like an AA meeting without the ridiculous "rituals" and, of course, it's REALLY anonymous here!

          I went to exactly ONE AA meeting this summer, and was sorrrrrrry the minute I walked in. I've told this story on another thread: the first person who greeted me was the wife of an older business associate of my husband's, and WOW you should have seen the look on both our faces, like, "Uh-ohhhhh." Of course I've seen her since, and it's almost funny to watch us NOT refer to the incident. "Anonymous'??? Hardly! That said, I have another friend who has been in AA for 21 years now, and it has probably saved her life. To each his/her own, and I'm sure it works for many, but...I want "my way out." Clearly, so do you, and I'll bet you find it soon.

          I wish you success! The first thing you'll learn here is that nobody is ever punished, sneered at, or thought less of for slipping up. Just about all of us have, to read the posts. But we keep sighing, kicking ourselves, and clambering back on the wagon---grateful that, whatever our success rate, we are at least not battling alone.

          I have laughed and cried more here in the past 2 months than I have in the past 5 years! Now, if I could only figure out how to add an avatar...!

          Again, welcome!
          Jane Jane


            New here--feeling discouraged

            :welcome: pepper!

            Nothing is going to be a sure thing without the 'determination' and 'will' to want to quit drinking. The Topa, the supplements, etc... are to help you along the way. I don't take the Topa, but I do take supplements. I just started Campral - and I am finding it OK. But like anything else, if you don't put the effort into it, it won't work either.

            Although I had a big-time slip on Halloween, this place has given me the support to stay mainly AF through out the last year. I am talking about 90% AF over the last year! I use to drink every day and I drank until I was drunk.

            Take what you need from this program and tweak it to meet your own personal needs. I find checking in here, seeing the familiar names, and knowing I am not alone in this battle really helps me.

            Sometimes you just have to have a little faith. The medical profession meaning our General Practitioners are not alcohol problem specialists. They don't really know what to do when one approaches them and says they need help. Most aren't up to date with the drugs or the options available. And honestly I don't think they should be. They have enough to deal with - no human can possibly be an everything to someone. They should know of a referral treatment of some sort, however.

            Anyway, stick around with us, and see how you do. There is always the light at the end of the tunnel if you choose to see it.


              New here--feeling discouraged

              Hi Pepper and welcome! This is an awesome site for support in the Booze Beast Battle. Good for you ordering the book and the other elements of the program. You may find that you tweak things over time - the important thing is to keep after it and figure out what works for you. I agree with the others who have indicated that your desire to quit drinking (or moderate as the case may be - I can't, but kudos to those who can!) is a critical component.

              Day 2 AF - back after the fall
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                New here--feeling discouraged

                Hi Pepper,

                Congratulations on getting and reading the book and for having the determination to go ahead despite your medical advisor being less than helpful. I am convinced that hypnosis does work and so do the supplements. But the key element I think is sitting down in front of the computer and having a good old cyberchat with people online here at MWO. You will get all the support and encouragement you need here and it will help pass the time when you may be tempted to imbibe.

                Welcome! I hope to see you around the boards.



                  New here--feeling discouraged

                  New here too

                  Hi Pepper!

                  Don't give up the ship! I find this site incredibly helpful. I only take supps and they have been very helpful to me. I also take at least a three mile walk in the morning to set my mind and spirit right for the day. Anything that you can do to keep you focused on everything else but a drink. I find that every sober day makes me thankful for another. Just take it slow, hold on to yourself when times are tough, and find a path that is right for you. The people here care, are non-judgemental, and have been through what you are going through now. As most of us here know, some doctors work with you, some don't. Search out people and professionals that can help and care.

                  All the best, Gabby.
                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    New here--feeling discouraged

                    Thank you all for your comments and support. I did get a call from the counselor that I am to see on Tuesday and am encouraged by her attitude. While she says they do not use Topamax--they still think it is too experimental--they do use naltrexone and campral. I've been reading the posts about the different meds but I don't see any that talk about the side effects of naltrexone as much--does anyone know much about it? Anyway I wanted to let you all know I am once again more hopeful and I appreciate all of your encouraging comments!:thanks:

