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Could I have caused some damage?

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    Could I have caused some damage?

    I found this site and went AF. I have been AF since september 23rd. I was just wondering if anyone was worried about the possibility of liver or pancreas damage?

    I'll say, that for the past 5-6 years I have been drinking a huge bottle of wine over a 1-2 day period...sometimes a little less. Not a slim bottle of wine, but a gigantic bottle. I haven't seen too many people concerned about health on here, but was wondering if I should be worried?

    I have an appointment for a physical bext week, where they will test everything. So I will find out then, but am I the only one praying that no damage has been done?

    Could I have caused some damage?

    I guess the only way you will know is after you have your liver enzymes tested. I think a lot of us worry about it but it isn't always discussed. I think that is part of this problem, we don't want to think about the damage we have done.

    Good for you though to get a physical done. I had a physical done in August and everything came back ok. I was worried about the results - big time but never posted my fear.

    Good luck to you and hopefully you will be A-OK!


      Could I have caused some damage?

      Yep I worry about it all of the time and I know many people do here as well. A physical is a good way to ease your mind. Congrats on the AF days!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Could I have caused some damage?

        I have a physical scheduled the week after Thanksgiving. About three years ago my bloodwork indicated that my bilirubins were up and my Dr. wanted me to come back a month later -- they were in the normal range that time. When I thought about it when I had the first round done (for my thyroid) it was after a long stint of about a bottle of wine a day. Sadly I was 37 at the time. Now, I am 14 days AF (again).
        I'll let you know my results in a few weeks. Baby


          Could I have caused some damage?

          I too admit to having health concerns though I don't really talk about it much. After the holiday's I need to go for a dreaded physical too. Best wishes to both isthisme and Baby for positive outcomes!

          Day 2 AF after the fall
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Could I have caused some damage?

            hello I was drinking a bottle and a half of wine every day for almost 8 years. barely ate towards the last 2. was worried just like you.
            I was lucky. when I got the test result everything was fine.
            my doc was surprised that I was so healthy.
            It's important to get a check up. wishing you luck

            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Could I have caused some damage?

              I have an appointment with my dr on Monday. Glad I read this thread because I was as worried as everyone else. Now I know what to ask. I will be embarressed to acknowledge my fears to my doc but, I will do it!


                Could I have caused some damage?

                Hi Isthisme,

                I think lots of people worry about the damage they have done to their bodies after years of abuse. I know I certainly did when I was at my "best" - six-eight pints, a couple of bottles of wine and one or two large vodkas every day! However, the body does have a remarkable capacity to repair itself and since I cut back I am feeling so much better. I believe eating well is a great way of reversing any damage.

                Anyway, all the best and good luck with you results.

                Let us know how you get on.



                  Could I have caused some damage?

                  Had my worries too.

                  I went for my dreaded physical this past Monday. I have been putting it off for over two years fearing the worst. I went, didn't discuss my drinking in depth, and waited until the test results came back to "face the music" and come clean with the doc. Everything came back fine. I was shocked to say the least. I have worried about my liver for a long time. My sister-in-law's brother-in-law just died of cirrhosis a few months ago at 45 and it terrified me (of, course not enough to stop drinking my wine!). I think I dodged a bullet. I have been AF for 9 days now (after a two day slip) and feeling great. I hope the bill of good health keeps me on the right road.
                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    Could I have caused some damage?

                    It seems random...

                    About 5 years ago I had a check-up and was suprised that I was in great health despite the bottle of wine a day for 4 years... unfortunately I took this a carte blanche to carry on drinking. It seems to affect people in different ways; the biopsy on my friend's alcoholic mother showed her liver and kidneys to be in tip-top condition after many years of very heavy drinking, whereas I hear of cases that just a few glasses of wine a night can cause cirrosis in some people...


                      Could I have caused some damage?

                      Love to all and hurray for good bloodwork, especially to those who (like me) do not "deserve" it after all our merrymaking over the years! Proof positive that there is mercy flowing, or just good DNA.

                      I mentioned in a post a while back that I had been to a beloved great-uncle's funeral. He died at 93, and had (no exaggeration) kept a huge magnum of chilled cheap white wine by his side, starting right after morning coffee, throughout every day of his adult life. If he finished it, he'd start another! He loved to garden, he loved to fish, but most of all he loved to drink wine, and that sweet old fellow mainlined it right up until the end. His widow, who didn't drink at all (?) says that his blood pressure, liver enzymes, and all that were sterling---so obviously, there's a genetic element. I mean---93 years old, and taking his great-grandchildren out fishing on the lake right up until he dropped!
                      Jane Jane


                        Could I have caused some damage?

                        I had elevated liver enzymes, which my doc said meant my liver was "inflamed". But she said probably no permanent damage if I stop now, after 3 years of abuse. I also had high blood pressure, whereas it was always normal or low before. Hopefully both those will be much improved at my next checkup. Good luck.

                        Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                        A: Practice, of course.


                          Could I have caused some damage?

                          Hi everyone,
                          Glad to hear the tests for you all were fine .I have worried about my liver 24/7 have blood pressure that fluctuates and my Doctor passes any thing I have wrong down to my weight! I have never felt brave enough to tell about my drinking.
                          I am on a newbee my 5th AF today
                          My grandpa died at 92 after 'living' at the pub on the corner of his road (more than his house ) survived Lung cancer 30 years earlier, He worked until he was 85 never missing a day and was father to 10 children and over 30 grandchildren. I guess your genes and attitude have a lot to do with how your body copes. Good luck with your results.
                          In life we can live out our dreams its true
                          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.

