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    I am new to this, I have just finished the book, I have been drinking for a very long time. I would say most of my life. I found this site by acident. I still do not want to go to the doctor and admit to her I am a Alcoholic, even though I know I am. I realized this, this year when I wen to a function with my husband and did not stop. I have done this a few times this year. I guess I crossed the line, between social and over the top.
    I usually drink around 10pm and drink a whole bottle of wine within a hour or more. This year I have noticed that my memory is really bad. people tell me things and I don't remember. Then I feel guilty. I also just realized that maybe it's because I drink to fast and it goes right to the brain. I am starting to worry about my health. I am going to order the Kudzu and see if that will help.
    I did go on the lemon diet for 14 days and did very well I was quite proud of myself. I just hope I can do the same here. I would like to loose some weight and I know that it's the Alco. that is stopping me.
    wish me luck.


    Mornin' ducks.....WELCOME!!!! and good to see you.....
    You've already made a fantastic start for the great changes you can make to your life!
    Keep coming to the boards and read the stories, advice, and post any queries you may have. Take each day at a time, work out a program including diet, supps and reading material that works for you...we are all different, so do not get too disheartened if you read fantastic things about one method only to find that it does nothing for you Determinator must 'find the one that fits'

    Looking forward to seeing more from you when you're ready...... the name of Helen Clarks striking moustache is the lemon diet???????????????????????...I am intrigued Veronica




      Hi. Veronica and welcome.

      I can only reiterate what Veronica says: keep coming to the boards and keep absorbing all the friendship and support on offer.

      Keep checking in to let us know how you are doing and if you are ever feeling down and don't know what to do then log on here and there will always be somebody to lend an ear.




        The lemon diet is called a number of things.
        But it is acutally called "The Master Cleanse" original Text was written by Stanley Burroughs, I found it on line. You literally drink water pure lemons squeezed, good quality maple syrup and cayanne pepper.

        2 tablespoon lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)
        2 tablespoon genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)grade B
        1/10 teapoon cayenne pepper(red pepper)
        8 oz water
        Combine and drink all day long.
        You just drink the juice. You literally fast for 10 days, no food what's so ever. Actually some one did ask what it was and has any one done it on one of the threads I read.



          Hey Veronica, Welcome!!!

          Oh my god, you didn't eat for 14 days. I would be a bitchy, lethargic, insane woman!!!
          If you lasted 14 days doing that, you have some mean will power.

          Glad to see you have read the book. This is a great site. Post and reach out for the support - you will get it.

          Looking forward to hearing more from you.

          Sober since 30/06/10



            Thanks, for your support



              Welcome, and a quick warning: do be careful about confessing alcoholism to your doctor. She/he is not a priest, not bound by any confidentiality agreement, and will record this on your file, and it may affect future insurance claims. At the very least, address it with him/her.

              When I went for a counseling session with a recovery center, I paid full price for the hour, so that it would not appear as a claim on our health policy.
              Jane Jane



                Wow, I never thought about that. Oh, well, it's too late now. I was just going to say how much my doctor surprised me. She's usually somewhat cold and believe me I've lied to her about the quantity I drink a number of times. It took every ounce of courage I had (spurred on by suddenly elevated blood pressure that freeked me out) to admit my situation to her and ask for a prescription for topriamate. She was great! :new:



                  Hi Veronica,
                  The people here are marvellous for support (some guardian angel helped me to stumble on the site in the last week ):welcome: I too am a newbee on my 5th day AF.
                  I can identify completely with what you say, I too have not told or want to discuss with my doctor. Seven years ago when my blood pressure rose very high he asked me to lose weight (which I know is due to the wine) I lost some by dieting with food but still drank the wine.....not good. Did not feel good and was tired all the time.
                  Was hoping that the 30 days will show some results if only I can keep my hands out of the sweet jar........... IMPOSSIBLE AT MOMENT!
                  In life we can live out our dreams its true
                  the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.

