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I thought I was the only one....

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    I thought I was the only one....

    who could consume 2 bottles of wine a night by herself. Wow, it's nice not to feel so alone. I'm looking forward to reading more about MWO.

    I am 44, married (barely, my DH doesn't drink and is pretty pissed at me), a SAHM with twins that are 8.

    I grew up with parents that got pretty hammered every night (starting at "cocktail hour") and I want more for me and my kids.

    Anyway, I plan on hanging out here. Everybody scoot over and make some room, ok?


    I thought I was the only one....

    scooting, scooting, scooting......

    Hi Minx!
    Good to meet you. And yes...... isn't it such a relief.... hearing all these stories so much like our own. I was just thinking today about how alcohol (ism) for me is such an isolating thing. Whether I'm drinking in a room full of people, or home alone drinking (preferred), it's lonely and isolating. This site is helping me so much with that. Great people here.

    My parents were big drinkers too. Cocktails every night. Overdoing it on the weekends. I grew up surrounded by it. yuk.

    Look forward to seeing more of you!


      I thought I was the only one....

      Welcome, I am new also.

      Hi and Welcome,

      I am new also and a "stay at home Mom" with way too much time on my hands...or not enough to get the right things done anyway. I grew up in a family who drank always, pretty much none stop on nights after work and on weekends. I guess it does run in the family....wish it didn't. Hopefully we can all figure this out together.

      Finding Me


        I thought I was the only one....

        Welcome Finding Me and Minx! So glad you found your wayhere. It is amazing the support you will find here. Just don't be afraid to ask...


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          I thought I was the only one....

          Thanks all!

          Wonderworld, yes!!!! My drinking is isolating. My kids are in 3rd grade and I refuse to get involved in any of the evening school events because, well, I couldn't drink! It sucks!

          I'm pretty sick of myself at this point; I really want to be free of this monkey. I'm hoping to get some time tomorrow to read up on the program and visit other parts of the forum.

          Thanks again for the welcome.


            I thought I was the only one....

            I used to drink 1-2 bottles a night too, no problems, but I've been sober for 11 months and 2 days now....I can't tell you how liberating it is to be free of that little bastard!

            I wouldn't commit to anything in the evenings either as it interupted my drinking, if I HAD to go out for a school concert or whatever I'd slip a few into me before I went just to get through it.

            Anyway, it CAN be done, and it's not that hard, really! Thinking about it is worse than doing it.
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              I thought I was the only one....

              Me too!

              Hi - this is my first post, and I too am a bottle a day (at least) white wine drinker. Today is my first day and if I can make it through dinner, I think I'll be ok for Nov 2. I also just started taking topiramate and listening to the tapes today. My supplements are on their way so I'll do without until they arrive. My doctor, who was very supportive, said they were probably not necessary (a multivitamin, good eating and exercising once a day would be fine) but she also prescribed an anti-anxiety med to have on hand this week just in case things became intolerable. I'll check in every evening. :new:


                I thought I was the only one....

                Barbell;218815 wrote: Hi - this is my first post, and I too am a bottle a day (at least) white wine drinker. Today is my first day and if I can make it through dinner, I think I'll be ok for Nov 2. I also just started taking topiramate and listening to the tapes today. My supplements are on their way so I'll do without until they arrive. My doctor, who was very supportive, said they were probably not necessary (a multivitamin, good eating and exercising once a day would be fine) but she also prescribed an anti-anxiety med to have on hand this week just in case things became intolerable. I'll check in every evening. :new:
                Barbell, yeah, whitewine is my poison too. I have a lot to learn about the medicines/supplements etc. I used Chantix to quit smoking (I'm going on 4 months, yayyy!) so I believe that modern science can help (not to mention vitamins, hypnotherapy). Hell, I'm pretty much open to everything.

                I confess, I'm not wine-free tonight. I postponed having a glass (or a bottle) by an hour or two and I'll probably be a *bit* less buzzed tonight but I really want more than just getting by. I hope you did better tonight and hopefully I'll do better soon.


                  I thought I was the only one....

                  Hi Minx,
                  Who could ?I too could drink two bottles and liquers to follow! My other half also cannot understand How I can get through that amount he sleeps after 2-3 drinks. Isolation is the enemy also so reading these posts make you feel you are not alone and help tremendously. good luck to you!
                  In life we can live out our dreams its true
                  the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                    I thought I was the only one....

                    Welcome Minx - Ditto to what Eastender just said - "Who could? I too could drink two bottles" of red wine in a night. It is starting to scare the hell out of me. I'm 51 and I don't want to be like this for the rest of my life. My dad was a very heavy drinker and he had a stroke in result of his drinking. For the last 6 mos. of his life he couldn't talk. It must of been hell for him to see everyone around him talking and he couldn't respond. His last days of life really put a jolt in me "Do I want to end up like my dad?". This site is a godsend. I wish it was here for me when I was in my 30's. Glad you're on board.


                      I thought I was the only one....

                      Hi all, I promise that you have all found the best place ever, we all truly understand how everyone feels .....

                      Good luck to you all on your journeys :welcome:


                        I thought I was the only one....

                        Hello everyone and welcome to those who have just found us!

                        Of COURSE I can relate to 2 bottles of wine, or even as much as 16 fluid ounces of Vodka in a days time.

                        I too found one of the saddest parts of all this to be how absolutely lonely the drinking sport becomes when we get this far down the path with our bottles. I'm sure for most of us drinking started in our younger days as a social thing. In the months before I found MWO I spent hours trying to figure out when things changed. When did this become something I had to hide due to sheer volume and level of drunkeness instead of a fun activity with friends and co-workers?

                        I too can absolutely relate to the "prison" of scheduling most waking moments around drinking. No evening activities if at all possible. Get the errands done first thing in the morning so the drinking can begin. (I became a day time drinker - I work from a home office). Avoid family commitments. Avoid arranging visits with friends. Geez it got bad. And especially since I fell off the wagon, it will still be kinda bad for awhile until I get past the worst of climbing back on the wagon.

                        Anyway...I know I'm too wordy but you are NOT NOT NOT alone. And we CAN kick this. We've got people like Flip who show us that - she's been sober almost a year. There are others here who have been sober longer. I WANT THAT IN MY LIFE and I believe we can all have it if we are willing to work at this.

                        OK - off soap box now. Happy Saturday and keep the faith!

                        Day 3 AF after the fall
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          I thought I was the only one....

                          I absolutely agree that isolation is the absolute worst feeling. I drank the same way as all of you & found myself here at MWO. As of today, I'm 29 days sober. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            I thought I was the only one....

                            Congrats to everyone who has found some sobriety!!! Flip, you must feel sooooooooooo free.

                            This is actually (sort of) my second time around. In my early 20's (a long time ago), I was using drugs (I didn't drink so much then) but gave up everything for 4 years!! I can honestly say, those were some of the happiest years of my life. Then, I thought I could have a glass of wine and gradually THAT became my drug. I've been drinking daily now for almost 8 years. I'm REALLY glad I found this place and some people to hang out with while I work on this.


                              I thought I was the only one....


                              :welcome: Welcome Minx & Barbell. You've found the most supportive place on earth. Hearing similar stories and then seeing that they kicked the habbit after being in your exact position is mighty encouraging.


