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Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

    Good morning everyone!! Welcome to newbies if this is your first visit to MWO - feel free to drop in anytime.....we are here to support each other through good days and bad no matter what you're aiming for - a day AF, a week, a month, or you're just trying to cut down - come and share with us how your day is going and how you're feeling!!

    Its a beautiful bright autumunal morning in England, I love this time of the year with all the colours don't you? Its funny isn't it but having my sobriety makes me feel so much more alive... I notice and appreciate things that went over my head before. Plan on catching up with washing and housework today....I've got both my children home so probs won't get on the computer much!!!!

    Wishing everyone good luck for the weekend, I know it can be a tricky time especially if partners are sitting there, relaxing with their glasses (like mine!!) but try and treat it like any other night. You will feel great on Monday morning!!

    love and best wishes,

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Janice & Everyone to Come: I didn't get to the computer yesterday. Busy, busy, busy. I really miss MWO when I can't get here. I'm fine & looking forward to a calmer day today. I'm learning how to celebrate the weekends wo/any wine. It's much more fun waking up feeling great the next day. Take care, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

      It is a beautiful morning here in Wisconsin as well. We have had one of the best autumns ever. Janice, you are so right when you say that sobriety makes one feel so alive.

      Today is day 6 for me. I made it through Friday night just fine. A little temptation late afternoon, but I kept myself busy and today I feel FANTASTIC. Last night my sister called me around 7PM. Normally at this time I'd be a few sheets to the wind and trying not to slur my words. I was SO NICE talking with her and not worrying if she'd pick up on the wine consumption!!!! Also, my 13 year old had a friend who came over around 8PM. For once I didn't have to hide. There are so many benefits of being AF!

      I hope everyone has a wonderful, sober Saturday! Like Mary, I must stay vigilant ODAT!



        Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

        Hi janice retteacher, and everyone,

        Felt really bad last night too scare to go to sleep, throught i would not wake up again b'cause my heart was beating to fast. i just want my own body back with out the drink inside. i hope this is a turning point for me. need it so badly now. I'm going to go for the 30day. no drink tonight dont care if it is the weekend. AF day1.

        Good luck everyone for saturday.x
        Love Teardrop.x
        family is everything to me


          Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

          Wow!!! Janice, Mary and Taking Control - you guys sound so great! I'm feeling really good today too - it's day 9 for me, and I couldn't be happier about it. It's so funny (or not so funny) how being AF feels so good (at least after the initial 'hump'), but the thoughts/urges to drink still come at random times - like yesterday afternoon (must be the friday thing) in the beer aisle at the grocery store. Feel so lucky to have all of you to help me get through it. Hope everyone has a good day - luv wonder xx


            Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

            Good morning Janice and ODATers. Today is Day 3 AF after the fall for me. Saturday is my toughest day of the week. I WILL NOT DRINK ALCOHOL TODAY. No way. I will go get a root canal first - that would be better than drinking. I can't get past this early difficult part of AF if I don't get past Day 3. NO BOOZE FOR ME TODAY.

            OK. Got that outta the way! Wonder, contrats on Day 9. Tomorrow is double digits for you! I can't wait to be where you are.

            Teardrop I'm sorry to hear about your scary night. Congratulations on your choice to make this Day 1 AF. WE CAN DO THIS.

            TC, congrats on Day 6. I loved reading about your Friday benefits of being sober - I can relate to all of them. How could I have ignored all that when I fell from the wagon? Not having to hide, worry about slurring, etc. etc. is so liberating. Thanks for sharing because it's a great "benefit" reminder for me on my toughest day of the week for AF.

            Hi Mary! Hope your day today is nice and calm. I bet you are really busy getting ready for your vacation!

            Janice - it is HEAVEN to hear you sounding so good. Thanks for all you do here to motivate us all. Enjoy your beautiful autumn day with your kids home, and don't do TOO many household chores, OK?

            Day 3 AF after the fall
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

              Teardrop;218940 wrote: i just want my own body back with out the drink inside
              I know exactly how feel Teardrop - you said it so well. I hope you feel better really soon. Those first few nights are soooooo hard. For me the sleepless anxious nights in the beginning are really just the worst. The worst I've ever felt. Drink lots of water. Take warm baths or showers. Keep posting - even in the middle of the night! We are all here for you-
              Sending you lots of love and strength- and a big hug :l
              luv wonderxx


                Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                Good morning everyone!!

                Doing very well here. I am hoping to meet up with Mags and Wonder in NY next week. That would be so much fun.

                Mary, DG, Janice and everyone else, please have a serene, happy Saturday. I know I plan on resting up today and pampering myself.

                Teardrop. You are truly worrying me, girl!! Heart beating so hard you can't sleep? and this is just day 2 AF you are on. Day 4 and 5 are the ones, if I have read correctly. Please read RJ's section on alcohol withdrawl. It really wouldn't be a big deal to go to a clinic and get some Librium to get you through this. Take very good care of yourself and drink LOTS of water. Been there done that, Teardrop. Once through the first week, you will be fine. :l

                If I have missed anyone, I apologize profusely. I am just flat out getting old.

                Love to all,
                AF April 9, 2016


                  Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                  Great Day!

                  Good Morning All!

                  What a beautiful morning! Got up, took a three mile walk with my dog, and was thankful for another sober day. I really can't relate to the weekend issue because everyday is Saturday to me (retired early). I am day 10 AF. Congrats to all AF'rs. Whether 1 or 30 they all count!

                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                    Hi all - day three here.. Hope you are all well!

                    Teardrop..I know how you feel, just wanting the real you back, the one that you feel inside. You can do it, I know you can. We are all here fro you and have been in a similar situation. I wanted to ask if you take anything for anxiety? You have said your heart is beating so fast in a number of posts.. I use herbal supplements; calmes forte and or valerian root. it really helps me to get myself calm when I feel lik eI am just over the top. I also drink TONS of TEA when I feel like this.. Just the making of a cup of tea seems to be calming. Lastley, don't forget the wonders of a nice warm bath.. Remember, the more thought you give something the more power you give it, so take your mibd somewhere else. Well, hang in there and know I am thinking of you..


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                      Hello Everyone!

                      Teardrop-I hope you get to feeling better soon.

                      I also had a good day today. Met with my trainer at 7 am and she kicked my ass. I then went to get my hair cut and colored. Then I went and had pictures of the babies taken. But, the best part was the family and I went out for lunch and I did not order alcohol. It was refreshing to sit a resturaunt and not worry what other people thought of me drinking (at lunch!) with two small kids.

                      I hope everyone has a great evening!



                        Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                        hey all

                        Had a decent day, drank though..............teardrop, hope you are feeling better:l

                        Good to see all this success, I just feel like such a failure, cuz I feel like I HAVE to drink to deal w/ my life.....................really no physical compulsion, but the mental insecurities I have to deal with are overwhelming..........

                        I hope everyone has a great evening, I am going to turn in now, but I enjoyed reading of your adventures through this journey!

                        Lots of love and hugs:h :l
                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                          wonderworld;218953 wrote: I know exactly how feel Teardrop - you said it so well. I hope you feel better really soon. Those first few nights are soooooo hard. For me the sleepless anxious nights in the beginning are really just the worst. The worst I've ever felt. Drink lots of water. Take warm baths or showers. Keep posting - even in the middle of the night! We are all here for you-
                          Sending you lots of love and strength- and a big hug :l
                          luv wonderxx
                          I know exactly how you feel. This is my first AF day. Taking supplements helps with the feeling physically rotten part. I'm going to take some melatonine later tonight because it might help me sleep. Hang in there! I will if you will.

                          What I love about this board is hearing from so many other people who have done it. It makes me feel like if they can do it, so can I.


                            Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                            You definitely can less desperate. and so true - isn't it good to know that so many have gotten through those creepy-crawly nights? And know exaclty how it feels? But it is just the worst! The melatonin should help. Warm milk can be good too. And big doses of calcium, if you have it. A warm bath or shower. Lots of water.
                            I took all the suggested supps, and I'm sure they helped to some degree, but the fact for me, was that it just STUNK. And the only way through it was to get through each day and night, and let time pass.
                            The good feelings are waiting for you on the other side I promise -
                            hang in there!
                            a big hug-
                            wonder xx


                              Newbies in Need ODAT - Saturday

                              Good morning and well done to those of you who ar AF and well done to those of you who are trying!!! i was going to start AF today but, this morning i did something i havent done for years.........i drank a can of lager,:upset: I cant believe it, and i have another one that i cant quite bare to throw away, why is that? i hate the stuff its ruining my life but that just makes me want it even more, like the forbidden fruit i suppose! I am so dissapointed with myself, if my kids were here i wouldnt have done it i know that much they are back later this afternoon, the thought of life without alcohol is so exciting but so scary at the same time, but i will do this! Wonderworld i can wait to feel those good feelings.....

                              love Em x
                              Don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today, if you do it today and like it, you can do it again tomorrow!


