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selective drinking

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    selective drinking

    Can anyone tell me why it is that I can scoff a bottle of wine at home
    by myself easily and more at times but when I go out socially I can not have any
    at all and it really doesn't bother me. Most of my social friends dont drink so it
    makes things easier. I think to be honest I really like the feeling of being drunk
    surprise surprise! Sometimes during the day on a Saturday I look forward to
    getting my wine that night otherwise I feel depressed and think I dont have anything
    to look forward to. All this is sabotaging my exercise and weight loss efforts - I put a lot into exercise during the week but have difficulty in budging the bulge! All this makes me
    feel very depressed as I am on a treadmill so to speak and my self respect goes up
    and down and I feel like a loser! I need to try and dig myself out of this hole. I cant
    be exercising all the time so I need to try and find a way out . Any ideas? Thanks for reading. Pan

    selective drinking

    Hi. I think it is quite easy to down a bottle of wine when alone at home. There is no one there to judge you. In the past, I have been very restrained when with my husband in the pub, sipping my wine slowly and being so terribly socially acceptable! Then, when at home glugging away quietly because I want to feel drunk and have a "I don't care so much" feeling. Being drunk makes me feel chilled out. But...being paralytic is slightly too chilled out for me!!!! We exercise to feel good about ourselves and look good but then ruin it by binging. It is a vicious cycle. But, it can be broken. You are definatly not a loser. We all do it and that is why we are here trying to break that habit. Keep reading and posting. I'm sure it will help to read others' stories. All the best, Bella xxx


      selective drinking

      Thanks Bella
      I remember reading in one of your previous posts that you feel the rebellion thing
      happening, I too could relate to that. I feel its that excitement and rush that you
      get with drinking as well. However, I must remember all the downside too. Have
      only had 2 glasses tonight and will stop here. Hope the bump is going well!


        selective drinking

        Hey Pan, I can totally relate, at least on the exercise front. I do pilates twice per week, strength training twice and 4-6 hours of cardio. I should be slim, right? Nope, because the calories from drinking (and from associated overeating) cancel that all out. I am trying to make my mods more mod to make more progress on the scale. Good luck to you as well.


          selective drinking

          Hi, I too can do all what you have said ,My friend called last night and I told her I was an alcoholic she just laughed and said I could not possibly be! She attended a function not so long ago where I drank mineral water all night and then come home once safe at home to drink like my life depended on it! Its like you say the feeling of 'could not care less'. Focus on the feeling good instead of guilty the next day that seems to help me. Good luck
          In life we can live out our dreams its true
          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


            selective drinking

            Thanks Ducky and Eastender
            Your support is really appreciated! Great to know like minds and all that!

