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I need to chill

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    I need to chill

    Hi Everyone,
    Have been reading and posting on and off today. Trying to concertrate on work (Work on computer at home for our business) but feel a bit vague. It is my day 5 AF no supps/meds and I have ordered book cd the whole complete capudle!
    I may have to wait up to 2 weeks for delivery.
    Have drink in the house (infact its own chiller) for everyone else who has more willpower than me.
    Feel lousy today Have headache since yesterday, My husband supportive of my decision to go 30 AF but believes I do not have problem. That chiller is calling today PLEASE someone tell me I will feel better tommorrow?
    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.

    I need to chill


    You will feel some better tomorrow, and the next day, and before you know it you will be feeling better than you have in a long long time.

    Once past a week it gets a whole lot easier.

    The supps will help a lot when they get there, too!!

    Take care and hang in there. Pretend you're just sick and need rest and TLC.

    AF April 9, 2016


      I need to chill

      Hi Eastender and Welcome!!

      From my experience, day 5 AF (and day 4) and two of the hardest. Your body is detoxing and you are going to feel foggy, irritable etc, etc.
      Is there a reason that you are doing it without the supps?? They really do make a difference and aid your body as it deals with going AF.
      You will feel better tomorrow if you stay AF. If you drink now, you will be disappointed in yourself and very probably, hungover. You will wake with that awful 'Why did I do that?' feeling. Cravings (the chiller calling your name) come and go. Keep busy and don't give in!!!
      Just keep reading and posting........
      Hope it goes well.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        I need to chill

        Eastender... Day five can be a toughie, but that is really the end of the real tough part. It gets much easier once you hit day 6.. You will DEFINATELY feel better tomorrow! And take it from me, you don't want to do the day 1-5 more than once, so stay strong and stay close by today/tonight.

        I TOTALLY understand about the husband thing. Ihave a wonderful, supportive husband, but one that also doesn't think I have a problem that wouldnt be cured by just Moderating - EASIER SAID THAN DONE! I handle my wine pretty well 99% of the time, so he really didn't know how much of a struggle it was and is for me. In addition, he really likes taking me out for a few glasses of wine after work, or sitting in the evening. If it were only that easy for me... my mind gets too wrapped up in it.. before, during and after. Just too exhausting..

        Anyway, hang tight!

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          I need to chill

          You will feel better tomorrow.

          It's true. I've been thru it many a time. Day 6 is the "over the hurdle" day.

          Good work, keep it up.

          And take your supps, for g-ds sake. They help immensely.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            I need to chill

            Thanks for the reminder, Beatle.. Off to the cupboard....
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              I need to chill

              Thanks for you reply guys! Feel some light at the end of the tunnel. Roll on tomorrow!
              Not read up about supps do not know much about them.
              You really are on call ! Thought I go hoover keep busy and when came back all these replies, I am impressed! Ciau for now
              In life we can live out our dreams its true
              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                I need to chill


                You should really read the MWO book, or Seven Weeks to Sobriety about the supps. Alcoholics DO need special vitamin/mineral because of damage to our brains, livers, kidneys, gallbladders, YIKES!!

                The supplementation helps our bodies replete those things that are in low supply due to the drinking.

                This is actual KNOWN and UNDERSTOOD science, not "touchy feely" stuff.

                (Although, I like the touchy feely stuff, too!!)

                Perhaps someone will jump in and give East at least a good basis for what to start with? That way it is not all coming from me. :H

                AF April 9, 2016


                  I need to chill

                  Hold steady, East....the rough bit will pass.....just tell yourself that drinking is not an option. When the chiller calls just go and do something else to occupy your mind and hands!

                  My basics for supps would be a good multi vit/mineral, l-glut and Milk Thistle

                  Stay strong!

                  Suze x
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

