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Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

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    Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

    I just wondered all the time if people knew that I was tipsy? I mean during the day a neighbor might come over, and I wouldn't be drunk...but tipsy...and I would wonder if she had any idea.

    Also, when I would go to the school for the kids, a few times a might've had a glass of wine beforehand. Do you think people could tell? I always figured no one would think I had been drinking at noon. I remember at a parent teacher conference, I had a glass of wine befroe i went. She said something I didnt agree with about my son, but I was too afraid to disagree. Afraid to say too much, for fear she would smell the wine. So I just let it go. Thats bad when you won't even stand up for your kid, because you were drunk at the parent teacher conference!

    I'm not a stay at home mom...but this has got to be an epidemic among them. So many of my friends are in the same boat as me. Just drinking while everyone is away at school or work.

    Just basically journaling....

    Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

    I saw an OPRAH segment on just that a long time ago. I would be a HORRIBLE case if I were a stay at home MOM. I know how you feel, though. I really tried not to have any wine before any school functions, but it was really hard. I couldn't wait for them to get done and many times didn't enjoy it becasue I was annoyed it was running late because it was cutting into my drinking hour. At the time I would'nt have seen that, but I do now. I have been one of those people OVERLY worried about wine breath, so I just wouldn't go out after I had any. I remember three years ago when I decided to do something about my drinking, I had been sober for a few months, and I went to the store at 8pm. It was like I had never done that before. I remember being so happy, so talkative. Not worried I was buzzzed or had wine breath. That was my first taste of the freedom sobriety could give me.

    Thank you for another big reminder why I don't want to drink anymore.

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

      Isthisme and MM,

      I truly am worried about the idea of not working. It scares me.

      The few times I have been home this year, I would start drinking as early as when my hubby left the house!! (What is that, 7:00 a.m.??)

      Thank Heavens my work precludes that.

      I have got to get sober before retirement. Seriously.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

        I have done worse

        I have drank and gone to work - and am not proud of it.. actually it was a pretty low point.:yuk: And on days I did not work I usually opened a beer as soon as I was done with my coffee. It did not matter what I had to do that day.. and I have gone to plenty of school functions drunk.. I tried to tell myself I was not- I was perfectly able to handle myself , but I know I had drank too much. I am just ashamed for my kids - which are grown now so there is nothing I can do to change that part of it. But I can change me now. And that is what I am doing.

        Working on Day 3 AF

        "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, and prosperous. I am healthy and wise and open to an even greater good. I approve of myself."

        Fall seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb


          Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

          Good for you, Leebo.

          You are right, never give up giving up. One time it WILL stick and you will be happier and proud when it does!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

            Hi guys, Isthisme i'm seriously believe that people do know! especiallly people who dont drink or who are not drinking with you, coz you can smell it a mile off, i have tried a few times over the last few months to quit while hubby is drinking and he stinks of it, its horrid so i guess thats what my kids have smelt on me for years, i drink approx 8 cans of lager a night, but never till the evening, mostly after nine but i used to get up in the morning and my first thought would be, lets get the baby ready and go to the shop for alcohol! i am so embarrased and ashamed that i did that, i dont think i drink any less now just the routine has shifted to evenings, i stay up till the early hours coz i cant leave any, (god knows Why) it sounds soooo pathetic, if i have 8 i have to drink 8 although recently i have been going to bed after 4 or 5 so getting better! i also avoided evening social activities coz it was getting in the way of me getting of my face i feel so sorry for my kids, they are now 12 and 9 so i wanna quit now while they are still youngish, sorry for rambling:blush:

            Em x
            Don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today, if you do it today and like it, you can do it again tomorrow!



              Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

              Of course they don't know, you've hidden it so well...?????


                Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

                By the way, I am a stay-at-home mom and never drank during the day, as I was way to busy taking care of kids and running the perfect house.


                  Do you think people know what you are (were) doing


                  I am new here, but my God it is great to talk to so many like-minded people. I get in about 6.30pm week days and drink at least a bottle of wine a night, with possibly the odd Monday or Tuesday off. At weekends, I don't even arrange to go out anymore because I want to start drinking earlier. I will easily drink two bottles both weekend nights. I have always just thought I was a heavy drinker, but reading stories on here, it made me realise I am what is known as a 'Functioning Alcoholic'. This scared me, and I am going to really try not to drink. I know the feeling of wondering if people know whether you have had a drink or not. I sometimes go to do my horse in the afternoons at weekends, and I might have started drinking at lunchtime, then I try to avoid contact with people at the yard.

                  Sorry, still not sure how to use this site really, just getting started, but it feels good to chat. Any tips on starting out AF?


                    Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

                    I think people would know what I was doing usually only when I started to make lots of phone calls "to say hi."

                    Then call in the afternoon again... to say "hi."

                    Considering I'm not one for phone conversations, I'd say that was an indicator. I started calling lots of people from my past... lol

                    My mother always knew. And since my father is an alcoholic, and her father died from alcholism, she was usually livid with me.
                    Windsor, CT


                      Do you think people know what you are (were) doing

                      I'm self employed & live alone. There have been many days when I start drinking early. Once I went to a client mtg after having a drink. I was so embarrassed and kept thinking that they knew. Never did that again.

                      When the UPS guy drops off a package or a neighbor stops by, I always wonder if they know. Or the best yet - when I meet friends out I always have to drink while getting ready. When I arrive I usually have a buzz and wonder if they know.

