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My story

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    My story

    Hi All

    What a nice welcome I have received, thank you. Have spent a lot of today trying to figure out how this site works, but think I am there now.

    Having read some of the heartbreaking stories on here, I feel that my story is a bit trivial, but here goes anyway.

    I did the usual college drinking thing, and I even remember worrying back then (13 years ago) that I was drinking too much. After leaving college and going to work, drinking wine was pretty much part of my daily routine, give or take one or two nights a week, but I was happy and had a few good relationships. I was just a normal girl who liked a drink, I thought.

    Then I got involved with a man who I allowed to destroy my confidence through a lot of mental torture and I started drinking a lot more - between one and two bottles a night, every night. We split up and my drinking continued. I did a lot of things I regret during that time, mainly sending texts to this man under the influence.

    That was two years ago and I have carried on drinking heavily ever since. A few months ago, I met another man, who I was very fond of, but three months down the line, his emotional baggage issues forced us to split, and although that was only a month ago, I have since been drinking more than ever, to punish myself for the way he treated me, I suppose.

    The strange thing is, most people in the outside world are unaware of my drinking. I have a good job, I don't drink during the day, except for the odd weekend day, and I am fairly immune to hangovers, so I get through every day, despite feeling groggy and tired. My friends and family know I like a drink, and they do, too, but I don't think they know how much. I lie about it to most people.

    So while I was looking at a website yesterday, I came across an advert for this site, and having read lots and lots of the stories, I found myself nodding in agreement throughout, as so many of you are suffering such similar problems.

    I woke up this morning and decided that I have to do something, and today is the first day. Although I still have the odd night off the booze, it is rare, and tonight I have come home from riding my horse and I am now on my third cup of tea. I find that if I can just get through that little battle with myself, where my mind says 'go on, have a drink', and tries to justify it, then I accept that I am not drinking and it's liberating.

    I am only on day one, so nothing to be proud of, but I am really determined this time. I would love to hear from people, it's great to chat to people about it at last. I wish you all great success in staying AF. I would love to drink in moderation, but I know I can't. Once I have a couple, something completely controls my willpower and I just can't stop. Know the feeling?

    All the best
    :new: x

    My story

    Hello Bluenoon and welcome!!:welcome:

    You describe me perfectly! My goodness I can not believe how similiar your story is.

    I am so glad you have been fortunate enough to come across this site.

    I am happy you have decided to go AF. This is the best site ever. Really, immerse yourself here. Take the supps and just be good to yourself.

    Looking forward to reading your future posts!!


    Sober since 30/06/10


      My story

      Hi Amelia

      Thanks for your message. Where can I find out what your situation is, if you have written it down? Would be really interested to know.

      Yes it is a great site, really pleased I have found it.



        My story

        Hi Bluenoon!
        I just joined last week. I orderd the cds and kudzu and they arrived about 3 weeks ago. I was not consistent with either of them until last weekend. I did not order the supps but am taking multi-vit along with milk thistle and the kudzu.

        I noticed a huge difference in my attitude and being able to control the urge to drink this week. I had a few on Wed eve (halloween) and nothing else all week! It was so awesome. I did go out with my girlfriends last night and drank. I feel ok about that because I had already told myself it was okay. So this week I'm planning on being AF all week until the weekend.

        This is a great site - it really has helped me! I find that I check it out first thing in the morning and before going to bed. If you haven't ordered the cds yet - do that!! I was so high on life all week! I even went to the gym three times last week!



          My story

          Dear BN: I came here to MWO in April & was up & down for months. I just reached 30 days AF & my whole life has changed. Mostly, my confidence & self-esteem has risen greatly. I don't have to hold back, because I have nothing to feel ashamed of. I wouldn't let anything jeopardize my sobriety, because I was in a very deep pit before I came here. Please keep coming & sharing. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            My story

            Hi Bluenoon and welcome!! This is an awesome site. I too can relate to so much of what you said. Keeping volumes a secret (although I KNOW many folks were onto me and concerned). Staying highly functional and successful in terms of career while being a heavy drinker. *Knowing* for many, many years that my drinking was a big problem in my life, but not really doing anything about it. (I put the "Pro" in Pro-crastination!)

            While I managed to keep it together on the career front, I have paid a price health wise, relationship wise, confidence wise and in so many other ways. As Mary mentioned, just getting out from under the GUILT is huge.

            I started seriously looking for support solutions and a strategy back in June or so of this year. In early July, my angel found me in my hunt, and told me about MWO. I read the book (have you downloaded it yet? If not, I highly recommend that). I used the supplements program recommended and purchased here as well as the CD's. I did really well and managed 60 days Alcohol Free. I had a slip where I thought I could moderate - that was the wrong decision for me. So I'm back to AF, and on Day 4. This time I hope to make it AF for good - with a little help from my MWO friends!!

            WE CAN DO THIS!! Hope to get to know you better.

            ODAT (One Day At a Time)
            Day 4 AF after the fall
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              My story

              Hi Bluenoon,

              Sorry I didn't see your response until today (3 days later).
              Hope you are doing OK. I haven't really written my story as such. As with everyone else on the site though, if you want to look at other members past posts, you can click on their name (next to the avatar) and you will get a drop down menu with choices such as 'find all posts by Bluenoon' so if you want to get to know others a little better that could be a good way to do it.
              Hope to see you here again soon.

              Sober since 30/06/10


                My story

                Hi Bluenoon and welcome

                You are right to tackle this now as it is a progressive disease. If you were in college 13 years ago you are still quite young. I'm 46 and a wine drinker, a bottle a night but there were times when it went way beyond that. Very few hangovers and highly functional during the day but there were blackouts sometimes and the feeling of self-disgust the following morning was terrible. Good luck




                  My story

                  Hello Bluenoon and welcome to MWO.
                  It is an awesome place with so many helping hands and shoulders to lean on. You sound still very young. Consider yourself fortunate if you can stop this now and don't wait until your senior years.
                  I wish you all the best.
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    My story

                    Thank you everyone. I haven't come back on this site for over a week now, because I have been drinking again. Annoyed with self? Yes. Am only drinking tea tonight, but I have been quite bad up until now. I need to log in every night and chat to people. Thanks for all your support. I'm not as young as you might imagine, I am 36, so need to start now x


                      My story

                      Hi Bluenoon: Good to see you back. Take one day at a time. You can do this! The more you try, the stronger you will become. In time, you will get more AF days behind you. Keep visiting this site. It will hep empower you! - Reenie
                      September 23, 2011


                        My story

                        Good luck bluenoone! You can do it! I don't post much at all but I do get in here everyday and it sure has helped to stay a/f. 14 days now. I so badly wanted to drink something tonight but so far so good. I made myself a promise to give it my best shot which trust me, I've tried so many many times....but it would only last till I felt good again and then I would drink again. I've felt like this site has been a miracle for me. Also, have you heard the new song by Seal called Amazing. I listen to it every's about people like us with struggles. It's my new theme song. Listen to it if you can. Best of luck to you....just come in here everyday and it'll make your journey much easier!


                          My story

                          Bluenoon: Please don't beat yourself up about having gone back to drinking. I still haven't managed to go AF.
                          If you're interested in my story, it's a little different ..
                          I always loved to drink and binged a fair amount in college. But through my 20s and most of my 30s I was pretty moderate, could not have imagined sitting home drinking every night . I didn't get bad until I was around your age. I suffered from depression, low self-esteem ,etc. But I was married to a wonderful,supportive guy, who'd played the role of "caretaker" from childhood (mentally ill mom, horribly messed-up family). It's a very long story, but our seemingly great marriage ended up exploding when my ex basically snapped and all the anger he'd been bottling up for decades came spewing out ... and the fact that I dealt with our marital crisis by drinking did NOT help.
                          Anyway, I'm rambling, but I know that for the past couple years, since the horrific divorce, I 've been using the drinking as a way to "hide," to avoid starting over, trying to date again, etc.It has made me gain a lot of weight and that's something I hide behind also, in my fear of getting involved with anybody again.. oh god, do I sound like a mess .. anyway, we will help each other get through this and get healthy again !!!!
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            My story

                            :new: Hi Bluenoon...
                            Today I had a drink this morning, but I am going to try now to get sober. This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. I drink wine all the time, and I always find an excuse to do it again and again.....This is thanksgiving week, and I always think of an excuse to drink around the holidays...I really want to stay sober.....Do you think I can do it?????? I have NO confidence in myself anymore. I am sick of feeling horrible and I want to change. Does anyone have any ideas that might help????
                            Tiger:new: :new: :new:


                              My story


                              :welcome: Hi Tiger! I just joined myself and not yet managing to get myself AF. but it has given me a lot of hope. Try to read a lot of the posts about other people's stories, and there are some longtime members who will give you great advice. We will get through this!!!
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

