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Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

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    Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

    And I know I belong here.

    I'll post my story later, but I am here to say hi, and a simple introduction.

    I am 30 years old, a mom of a 3 year old boy and 2 year old girl.

    A lot of what I've briefly seen is so familiar, and I've felt so alone... and I think I realize, I'm not.

    So I may be staying for awhile. I'll post more later.

    To add a bit more:

    I was in inpatient for seven weeks last year, for drinking white wine by the box (up to about three liters a day, I'd say), and was hospitialized for that plus an eating disorder. I was sober for several months, and my weight is normal now. Liver is again healthy, however, I've been sneaking again. Not wine, but Mike's Lemonade, and wine coolers, etc. I'm sober today, but just a weekend ago I "went grocery shopping" on a Sunday and drove to Massachusetts to get what I "needed." I can't go down this road again.

    My husband was just starting to "let" me drink again socially, when he found some empty bottles. I was so mad at myself for getting caught, because I felt like for awhile there I could have my cake and eat it too. Well, that backfired, and unless I want a divorce and to lose my children, and my job (I work as a paralegal 2 1/2 days a week), I need to get back on the ball.

    I'll add more later. I can't live like this... I use alcohol mostly to control anxiety, but of course to have a better time, be more social, etc.
    Windsor, CT

    Wow, I've been here 5 minutes


    :welcome: Whatever your reasons for being here, you will see, there are many with the same reasons and the really good news is that whatever the results you wish for yourself, you'll also find many with those as well! Whatever encouragement you need, you'll get, judgement free, guidance, support and help...yep, it's all here! Welcome.


      Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

      Hi LauraAnn- :welcome:

      I know what you mean.....all these stories....people all over the world.... so much in common! What a relief. Look forward to hearing your story too-


        Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

        Hi LauraAnn and welcome.
        No, you`re certainly not alone........come right on in........hope you find all you need here.

        Love and strength to you,

        Starlight Impress x


          Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

          Welcome LauraAnne! MWO is a blessing, an extremely supportive, uplifting, non-judgemental, inspirational, international and intelligent group of people, all working toward achieving an important common goal. MWO has been a godsend to me! Please keep visiting, posting, reading and join us in the Chat Room sometime ... you will find all very good stuff here. Good luck and take good care, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

            Welcome LauraAnne!
            You are not alone - this website and program has given me new hope and inspiration! In the past year, I keep asking myself "what happened to me?". I'm so glad I found this and I know you will be too!! Keep sharing!


              Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

              And... what does "AF" mean?
              Windsor, CT


                Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                Hi LauraAnne. Really glad you found us. You are very fortunate to realize this at a very young age. SOunds like you have a great plan and many reasons to be honest about your drinking. I also was a good "sneaky" drinker. However, I realized the only person I was really hurting was myself - and if I kept going my family. Definately not worth it.


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                  Alcohol Free
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                    alcohol free !


                      Wow, I've been here 5 minutes


                      of course!! :H
                      Windsor, CT


                        Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                        I haven't posted my story yet.. but I'll share briefly. My long term boyfriend (12 yrs) broke up with me on New Year's Eve last year. My drinking increased considerably to cope with it. The other day I thought to myself "wow, 10 months CF" (chris free!).. tee hee.

                        Funny that I was using alcohol to cope or deal with it but this week. when I was sober most of the week, I actually found my emotions stabilizing. I even threw out some of his things that I still have in storage. The drunk me would have held on to it and cried.


                          Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                          Right on, Scorpio!
                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                            Welcome LauraAnn!

                            I'm so glad you found us. Trading in your marriage and your kids for booze would so not be worth it. It's a struggle sometimes to give it up, but we're all here trying. And there are TONS of inspirational folks who have truly made it to the other side - a wonderful, sober, happy life. We CAN DO THIS!

                            Have you considered (or already) downloaded the My Way Out book? I have found the supplements and hypnosis CD's to be very helpful. Also the diet and exercise recommendations help too. I am not currently taking any prescription medication, but many others are. Reading the book helps to understand the baseline program as designed. People tend to go on a tweak things from there.

                            I'm recently back on the wagon after a fall. But I made it 60 days on my first try. This time I plan to make it for good. We all can if we want it bad enough and are willing to do the work.

                            Day 4 AF after the fall
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Wow, I've been here 5 minutes

                              Hi and welcome Laura Ann,
                              Like many of us here, we thought we could control our drinking, stop whenever we wanted to etc etc. and then so many of us reached the sneaky stage. That's when I realised I wasn't fooling anyone except myself.
                              Alcohol is not worth losing your job or family.
                              If you haven't got the book yet, please get a copy.
                              You'll get lots of help and support here, so stick around because we're all aiming for the same goal AF!!

