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Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Good morning everyone

    Well, its the start of another week and Day 7 for me. Good luck to all of you starting your 30 Days over in Fireworks. As I was saying yesterday the more AF time we get under our belts the easier it gets. ODAT, WE WILL GET THERE.

    Enjoy your vacation Mary, it was beautiful here last week but pack your brollie, its raining today. Have had my walk with the doggies so feeling good. Catch you all later.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Good morning rustop and all to come!!

    I pledge to myself and my friends that I will not drink alcohol today. NOT ONE DROP. If thoughts of drinking cross my mind, I will just wait until the thoughts pass, because I know they will. I am woman hear me roar. Loud. (did ya hear me Al (cohol)???)

    One Day At a Time.

    Day 5 AF after the fall
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

      Hi Everyone: We're leaving for Ireland on Wed. I'm pretty excited. We live in New England (Massachusetts), so I think the weather here is similar to Ireland. I'm not worried about drinking. We'll be on a tour w/a lot of other retired teachers...I don't think I'll even want to drink. Stay strong DG. After a while sobriety will feel natural & normal. Yes, I get the fleeting thought now & then (when I have a vulnerable moment), but mostly I can't even imagine taking a drink & jeopardizing the hard-earned & valued sobriety that I have. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

        Retteacher, I am 100% jealous of your Ireland trip! I've been twice, and am in love with the whole country. Do you know, I found it quite easy to be sober over there, as it's more a "beer, ale, and whiskey" country, with fairly bad wine selections in pubs. So, I just mostly went without, and I'll bet you will, too! Here's "slainte" to making smart choices, and enjoying good "craic" without booze!

        Bon voyage to you. Tell us all about it when you come home!
        Jane Jane


          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

          Enjoy Ireland Mary and if you are anywhere near Sligo or Donegal say hullo from me as these places are my spiritual home.

          Anna x
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

            good morning

            Hey all, same here, jealous of your trip to Ireland, one of the places "over there" I haven't been and I have heard it is quite beautiful!!! Heard the people are wonderful too!!

            I am on day 2, feel good about that:happy: .......................only drank 2 out of three days this weekend, getting better?? Maybe only one or none next weekend!!????

            Had a horrible morning, don't know what brought it on, but my husband was really just MEAN to me, don't know what I did to deserve it? I went to his family dinner, took my own car cuz I didn't really feel like sitting around watching him and them get WASTED, which is what they did, he came home totally out of it:nutso:

            I am going to call around for couples counseling cuz he won't see the guy my counselor suggested for him (which my counselor said is a sign that we are on our way out.............)

            Fear is not holding me back any more, I am determined to keep the house, it is basically his choice that we are splitting,even though the love has been gone FOREVER, I try and try and get tired of it.....................trying for basically nothing! I feel hopeless, but I know if I don't drink things will FEEL better at least! I have to start working out a plan if the counseling doesn't work out...............ODAT, today I don't really have to deal w/ much except call around and make an appt for counseling..............thing is they are going to tell us to lay off the drinking, he won't say he smokes pot, but I gladly will!!

            Enough rambling, just felt like getting that off my chest,

            Love and hugs, thanks for listening:h :h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

              Good Morning All,

              Day 8 for me. It has been quite awhile since I've had that many AF days in a row. I can feel the momentum growing inside of me and feeling more determined to keep stringing more AF days together. It is hard to explain, but I feel this powerfulness inside of me right now. I feel smart, I feel worth while, I feel good. Alcohol has robbed so much from me and I deserve so much better.

              Yesterday I spent the day with some of my family. It was so nice not to be thinking to myself - " do I look like hell from Saturday night?" Was my face too red? My eyes blood shot? Did I smell? Did I shake?

              ODAT for me. I will not drink today and I will continually remind myself of this new freedom. Thank you everyone for the daily input. This thread is the key for me, it is what is making the difference for me this time.

              Mary Ann, I am sorry that you are having to go through all that crap with your husband. Stay strong and you will definately come out the clear winner.

              Have a great Monday.



                Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                Good Morning! I am new here but had a question. Does the book help? I was going to go get it today. I will be 2 days A/F today and feel good about it...finally. I think all your support will help tons! Good luck all!


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                  Hi everyone,

                  AF 3days and to scare to even think about drinking.

                  Retteacher have a good trip to ireland. I have been there once, when i was three years old (cant remember.) would love to go back there, just to see the village where my mum comes from.

                  Mary ann hold in there and well done for staying AF.

                  I have try to take my little dog out last night but was to scare to go out for a walk or even the back garden because of the fireworks. I have to take her when its day light. The think is where we are they go on for another week or two.

                  Well done everyone and good luck.x
                  family is everything to me


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                    Everyone: The important message to remember is "No Drinking Under Any Circumstances." I used to be able to think of all kinds of reasons:
                    -argument w/someone.
                    -disappointment in someone (or vice versa)
                    Why did I feel I could solve these problems w/booze? It doesn't even make sense. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                      Hi everyone. It is still Monday in California so I thought I would post. I'm having a hard time with this. I get a few days sober, and I honestly feel great. But then I loose it. I'm so tired of this merry-go-round I'm on. I've read the book, taking the supplements, and attempting to listen to the CD's (my new disc player is saying no disk). I get so proud of myself when I get 3 or 4 days. I feel so good I feel like I deserve a drink for it. My mind is so twisted right now. I guess you could say I'm having a bad day.

                      Mary-Have a great time in Ireland! What a lovely vacation you are about to have!

                      Rustop-Great job on day 7. I hope to be able to brag about day 7 soon!

                      Doggygirl-I heard your roar! Great job on the stars!

                      Mary Anne -You are doing great! Your atttitude is so positive. Just a side note-I grew up very close to Tallahassee. My family is still there. I'm looking forward to spending the holiday season there!

                      TC-Isn't it nice not to worry if people smell alcohol on you. The other week I was getting ready to work out with my trainer. My hubby asked why I was putting make up on. I told him it was to cover up my "alcoholic glow". Can't cover up the smell, though.

                      iluvdesert-The book is what brought me to this website. It was the first read that gave me hope! Please read it!

                      Teardrop-I'm glad to see you are doing better! AF 3 days is a great accomplishment!


