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Hubby Found My Stash

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    Hubby Found My Stash

    and poured it down the drain on Sunday. Hadn't even been drinking, just had some attitude and slammed a door. Sunday night was horrible, couldn't stop crying, couldn't sleep and wanted my booze. After an hour or so of sleep, woke up feeling like crap....eyes all puffy from crying, lack of sleep and my body felt like it was crawling in its own skin. Did not know how I was to face going to work looking and feeling so lousy...but I did, and although it was a very long, uncomfortable day (I swear I was being stared at all day)....I did make it, and drove right pass the liquor store on my way home.
    Although I did not make the decision for myself to get rid of the booze, I am going to take this opportunity given to me by a man who truly does love me and begin my journey ODAT.
    I have been procrastinating since joining MWO in August, telling myself I needed to mentally prepare myself....waitng for the right time.
    This is the evening of day 2 and I am dreading the thought of going to bed because I have a feeling its gonna be another long sleepless night. I will thank myself in the morning.
    I am making no promises to my husband or myself. I chose not to drink today....
    sobriety date 11-04-07

    Hubby Found My Stash

    Way to go, charl.........proud of you!!!

    Starlight Impress x


      Hubby Found My Stash

      Charlee, just pay attention to how you are feeling, you made it through the first night and that is huge, but just be careful about withdrawal symptoms. The majority of folks are fine and it's not an issue, I drink wine and can stop for days and it is just a couple of days of lost sleep followed by day 3 or 4 cravings. I guess it depends on how much/how long/what kind you've been drinking. Good luck to you, you got a man who cares and loves you. :h Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Hubby Found My Stash

        Charlee - oh, good on you.... your post sounds full of sadness but so full of determination...and honesty.

        Do this thing for you - and therefore you both; your hubby clearly cares for you as do you him...

        I wish you all the best!

        Love FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Hubby Found My Stash

          Hi Charlee- you can do it. You're right - you have to just start at some point. It never seems like exactly the right day...but you are making a start now. Just like you said - think about today. Think about how good you will feel in the morning.
          btw...have you thought about trying melatonin for sleep? I had a terrible time sleeping and it was one of my biggest worries when trying to quit drinking. The melatonin is safe and it helped me tremendously.
          Take care - let us know how you do today.


            Hubby Found My Stash

            I had the same problem this weekend. My husband would not speak to me all day on Saturday and I finally got the nerve to ask him what I had done that was so bad on Friday night (of course I couldn't remember anyting past dinner)he said nothing really, just sick of me drinking so much. He loves me tons too so it makes me sad that I do this to him. I am on day 2 and I think I'll go the gym tonight. That should help. Good luck and keep me posted. We can do this! Jeanne


              Hubby Found My Stash

              "Been there done that!" On many occasions my husband has also found my wine bottles. Sometimes I would get the cold shoulder and other times he would throw them out. When he was in the throw out stage, I finally decided to throw his chocolate covered cranberries away (he is crazy about that candy and can't find it at very many stores). I know that sounds childish of me but it just pissed me off. This is my problem and instead of just talking to me, he would throw my wine away behind my back. As a matter of fact, it made me want to drink more. He finally came to the conclusion that it is my problem and throwing it away won't stop me from drinking (or he missed those craisins!). I love my husband and know he just cares about me - and I really hate hiding my bottles - how pathetic. This is one reason why I am trying to go AF. So Charlee, I know how you feel. Just wanted you to know that you are not the only one out there.


                Hubby Found My Stash

                I sure have the time but don't know how to get in here and just chat. Help! Off to the gym so tonight I should be's tomorrow night that I'm worried about! Thanks more2life....great name!


                  Hubby Found My Stash

                  Hi Charlee. Congratulations on making the decision to dive into the AF pond. WE CAN DO THIS!! Our lives and our marriages and our familes are worth far more than a bottle of booze. We just have to keep working at this HARD until we succeed.

                  I fell off the wagon and am just starting over. But with MWO help I made it 60 days AF this summer. Not being able to sleep was an issue for me too. Melatonin is a great suggestion. Another thing you can try is Valerian Root. Everyone seems to respond a little different to these things...Valerian Root ended up working better for me. This time around, I'm actually getting at least 6 hours of decent sleep per night - WAY more than the first time around.

                  Best wishes - we deserve good quality lives free of acohol. Let's just do it.

                  Day 5 AF after the fall
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Hubby Found My Stash

                    Keep up the good attitude Charlee. "You chose not to drink today". Say that to yourself every time you wake up in the morning. Before you know it, you will have several AF days behind you. You will start to sleep better once your system adjusts to not having alcohol in it. Keep yourself busy. Go for walks, read books, and push yourself to take care of tasks you been putting off. You'll find you can get alot accomplished when you don't drink and having to tend to a hangover or sluggishness. Tension between you and your husband will also ease. He'll be proud of you knowing that you are trying. Good luck!
                    September 23, 2011


                      Hubby Found My Stash

                      Good job Charlee
                      Now is as good a time as any to start and it sounds like the right time for you. Good job on staying AF for a few days. The first few days are the hardest so keep posting here all you can - get on chat as much as you can. We will be here for you.
                      Are you taking any supplements. Kudzu and glutamine help a lot - you can buy them from this website. Also for sleep, the Calms Forte which RJ recommends works very well and without any of the dangers or side effects of melatonin. You can buy it at any natural foods store. Just make sure you let it dissolve slowly under your tongue - never swallow the Calms Forte pills. They should help a lot.
                      Good luck to you. Keep at it. Let us help. We can do this.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Hubby Found My Stash

                        A huge thank you for all of your kind words and support. Yes, I wish it had been me that had the strength to pour the booze down the drain, but I am on day 3 and really don't care how I got here, just thrilled that I am. My head is much clearer this morning and I am beginning to think that all of the reading and chatting prior to me "getting caught" made me more aware of what to expect as my mind and body recoup, and the pitfalls that are lurking. I did take a natural sleep aid......broken sleep all night, but at least I was not pacing the floor.
                        I was always confused when I heard the terms pamper yourself, be kind to yourself but as I sit with my morning coffee my mind is racing with thoughts like hey, maybe you can quit smoking, start an excerise program, wash some windows. I need to pull back and let my mind/body adjust and not overwhelm myself with to do's......So on this cold, wet windy day in New England that is just what I'm gonna do. I am choosing not to drink today.
                        sobriety date 11-04-07


                          Hubby Found My Stash

                          Great stuff KNOW you can do this.

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Hubby Found My Stash

                            GO Charlee

                            I am so happy for you, day 3, :goodjob: awesome, your hubby must really care(mine would be pouring it down my throat, likes me drunk off my A** ) I know you will start to feel even better as time passes, don't know if you intend to stop for a long while or moderate, but just stay close to these boards and you will get all the support you need

                            You are loved here!! Remember that!!!:h

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Hubby Found My Stash

                              This was my story just last week. I completely understand 100%

                              I'm glad you are here!!

                              I hate it when that happens. I'm so sorry!!
                              Windsor, CT

