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Trying again. 5th time lucky?

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    Trying again. 5th time lucky?


    I am 36, married, with two young boys (3 and 5 years-old).

    I have always been a heavy drinker, though the past 12 ? 16 months things have gotten dramatically worse.

    I have stopped several times in the last year or so for anything from 2 days up to 4 weeks at one stage, but I always end up back in the same situation. Coming out of a 3 or 4 day drinking binge, physically sick, in pain and depressed.

    For the past several months I am averaging 1.5 ? 2 bottles of wine per night. And more on the weekends as I drink in the mornings to get through my hangovers.

    I have tried AA, visited my local GP (twice!) and have tried self help books and dietary supplements. Nothing appears to work for me.

    My wife loves me and is supportive, but has told me I have to stop.

    So I am starting again, today, and am hoping My Way Out will be successfully where others have not. I have emptied the house of alcohol, and am trying to be positive about this situation and my future.

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.

    Trying again. 5th time lucky?

    Hi Livewire. Just wanted to welcome you. I hope you find the support and strategies that you need here to help you turn your situation around. Have you ordered or downloaded the My Way Out Book yet? IMO that's a good place to start - in addition to emptying the bottles. Congratulations on that step!! I look forward to getting to know you better.

    I too am a many years (about 30) drinker, and a daily drinker for way too much of that time. You have done better than I did - before I found MWO I don't think I strung 2 alcohol free days together in many years. My first alcohol free stint with the help of the MWO program (I do the supplements, CD's and support here) I made it 60 days. I then made the BIG mistake of thinking I could have just one.....well, you can guess where that led. So finally after 7 weeks of misery, I'm back here on Day 5AF - determined to make this the last "start." are among friends!! Read and Post a LOT and WE CAN DO THIS!!

    Day 5 AF after the fall
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Trying again. 5th time lucky?


      Hi Livewire,

      :welcome: I just wanted to welcome you also. I am a long time (25 years+) drinker and daily for way too many of them, and probably way too much for too many of them also. My poison of choice has been primarily beer but would drink whatever was available if needed. As of today I am 5 days AF and started the program Sept 1. This site provides wonderful support and tons of information. Read, read, read.. there are lots of people on here who have abstained successfully or moderated successfully whatever your goal may be.

      As DG suggested it is a good idea to read the MWO book, it gives you an immediate insight into the program and can be downloaded in minutes - that is what I did.

      Good luck.. you have found a wonderful place and you are among great people.:groupluv:

      "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, and prosperous. I am healthy and wise and open to an even greater good. I approve of myself."

      Fall seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb

