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Just Starting Out

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    Just Starting Out

    I finally figured out how to post! I just found MWO and every post I read hits home somehow. I have been trying to quit drinking for a month and can't seem to do it. I am paying to see a private counselor and not being honest about my drinking. I'm at the point where I even want to give that up as I don't see it doing any good. I was given a "homework assignment" to attend an AA meeting but I can't seem to get myself there. I feel my family is losing faith in me and my struggle. :new:

    Just Starting Out



    I hope you can find strength and help here. We all know the struggle you are going through.

    Please take care, read the book and look at the program.

    As you work through this struggle, I also hope you gain some faith in yourself, first and foremost.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Just Starting Out

      :welcome: bookmom

      Cindi is right the book and program make essential reading. You will see so many of us have been through the same struggle and have found the strength through the support of others to start conquering our demons

      All the best. Have faith

      :l Sweetpea
      :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


        Just Starting Out

        :welcome: Bookmom,
        Just wanted to say Hi . and congrats on working out how to post (I had the same problem a week ago and now this is my new addiction!)
        You have found the right place for support here from people who honestly know how you feel and will not need to make appointment for!
        Finding this place has helped to keep me AF for 8 days now something I could not have comtemplated for years.
        Good luck to you....and take care
        In life we can live out our dreams its true
        the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


          Just Starting Out

          I to did the private couenslor thing, and was dishonest.... to ashamed to speak the truth. I think the face to face was just to embarassing for me. Tried AA ,but for me at least, it was again the face to face roomful of people and again found myself again being dishonest (if I spoke at all). Did not want to put my family through inpatient care...again, so I just struggled year after year excuse after excuse. I lurked and chatted for months, just reading the posts watching the successes , the slips, but more importantly the determination. The support is amazing...just plain folks who have been there done that...
          stay close, join in chat....Hopefully you will find you have come to the right place...
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            Just Starting Out

            I've been in the same boat. I went to counseling & didn't talk about my drinking at all. I didn't have any success until I came here to MWO. I've been 32 days sober & can hardly believe it. All it takes is a daily dose of MWO & the desire to stop drinking. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Just Starting Out

              Welcome BookMom!!

              You will find lots of support here. Reading the posts help me daily! When I have a craving, I log in or pop in a cd. This website is my new addiction!! lol.


                Just Starting Out

                Welcome Bookmom

                It's great that you have joined us. Hopefully we can help you along in your efforts. You will definitely meet lots of been here done thats here but more important you will meet lots of share you pain and truly want to help you people. The nice thing about MWO is you can share anything you want to with us and we will try to help and support you as much as we can. Never any judgements or criticisms - that is 100% guaranteed.

                What my friends have said above is true. The best way to start is to download RJ's book from this website and read it. Spend lots of time poking around all the different forums on this website and just reading all the different posts and conversations. You will find there is lots of funny stuff going on and also lots of very insightful and very sympathetic advice.

                I hope you will find this place can help you. We'd love to try.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Just Starting Out

                  Thank you All

                  Thanks to all who have responded. Not a good day though. I can only try to start again to tomorrow.


                    Just Starting Out

                    Welcome Bookmom!
                    Tomorrows another- day just do not give up.Stay in touch xx


                      Just Starting Out

                      Hi Bookmom,

                      I really can relate with the counselor thing. I wish I could have back the money I have spent ( and the time! ) on those people! Last year the hubby and I were having some problems (well in his mind they are MY problems only) so I went to a marriage counselor--alone. Was pretty honest about my drinking, so by the third or fourth session she said she didnt want to see me again until I went through some type of rehab. This was only because I confronted her as to what was beneficial about me seeing her. She thinks my drinking is the root of my marriage problems. Hmmmmm -- I think it's the other way around. So I am done with those people. Thanks to MWO, I am on a AF November and I am determined to get over this nasty habit. I want to keep myself healthy for about a year then I will once again reevalute why I am married and go from there. I don't want to make anymore major decisions in life with booze around.

                      Keep looking around at all the different posts and I am sure you will find lots of people you can identify with. I don't post very often ( I am the 'quiet' type ) but I had to speak up about these counselors. I just don't think many are worth the time and expense. But MWO is!!!
                      Good luck to you Bookmom! :yougo: do this for yourself and the rest will fall into place.


                        Just Starting Out


                        Hi BookMom and others,

                        I am new hear also, well have tried before and lasted awhile but am back again. I am getting everything together to start again. I have the book and waiting on the supps and will be getting the topa. My husband is out of town this week so I plan on going AF starting Sunday. I have two kids and drink during the day while they are at school. Why is that I wonder? Boredom, lonelyness....It's not like I don't have anything to do! I haven't been to counseling, would like to try it on my own first. I, like the some of you, would not be completely honest with the counsler it either. I'm not even honest with myself or family!

                        I enjoy all the posts and hopefully we can all help each other out.

                        I can't wait to kick this addiction in the butt for good!

                        Thanks for listening,
                        Finding ME
                        "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

