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First time to post...have a few questions

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    First time to post...have a few questions

    I have been visiting this site for over a month. Ordered book, Hypnotherapy CDs, and Kudzu. Read book and trying to figure out how to start.

    A brief story....I am turning 54 this week. After high school, I spent 7 years drinking, taking an assortment of drugs, and smoked cigarettes. After experiencing panic attacks, I moved back home, stopped drugs, quit smoking, and reduced my drinking to an occasional beer or glass of wine (never more than two). Got a job, started college...and psychotherapy to help with the panic attacks and lack of self esteem. I did all of this without withdrawal systems or AA.

    3 years later I married and immediately got pregnant with twins. 3 years later I had my third and last child. Both times I gave up alcohol without any problems. Until four years ago, I was still had control of my drinking. I had given up beer and would only drink one glass of wine at dinner and occasionally had a second glass in social situations.
    My marriage has been rocky for most of the 25 years. We have separated twice with the last one 4 years ago (my husband asked me for a divorce). By this time, I really wanted out of the marriage.....but my husband asked me to come back...and I did. This is when my drinking started to slowly get out of control. My husband and I are still together and are seeing our 6th marriage counselor. My husband tells me he is not sure if he really wants to stay married.

    Well...what use to be one glass of wine a day...has grown now to on average a bottle of wine each day. Occasionally I drink that fifth glass and occasionally I only drink 2 or 3...but for the most part one bottle of wine a night. I don't really feel hung over, but do notice I feel better if I have only 2 glasses. It has affected work a the fact I am not as productive as I use to be. I am in sales and self employed...I don't miss appointments...just don't go after the leads like I use to.

    I have wanted to gain control (back to the one glass) for over two years.....just can't seem to do what I did back in my mid twenties...and I find this very frustrating.
    My plan is to combine the Hypnotherapy (had success with hypnotherapy for panic attacks 28 years ago) with Kudzu (I have no interest in taking Topamax). I already walk 3 miles 5 to 7 days a week, take great vitamins daily and eat really healthy weight is 20 lbs over pre- marriage weight (I was very skinny) and at my age the doctor is O.K with my current weight.


    Has anybody used this combo (Hypnotherapy and Kudzu) and had success?

    Will playing the sleeping CD affect my husband (he drinks moderately and does not want to stop)? I have been playing a white noise machine for over 20 years, so I don't think he would even notice the difference...but I don't want him to be effected by the CD.

    For those who have used Kudzu, does it help? Do you have any side effects? I tend to have side effects with most medications and from what I read on this site the side effects of Topamax are too scary for me to try.

    Any help or suggestions would be great.


    First time to post...have a few questions

    Hi nicnak!. I'm really sorry I'm unable to help you on this one as my methods are completely different to yours. I just wanted to wish you all the best and I'm sure someone will answer your questions ASAP!. (sorry this not the reply you had in mind right now!!! but I still try not to ignore new posts If I can help it!!)

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      First time to post...have a few questions

      Welcome nicnak
      I think my situation is similar to yours. I was always able to control my drinking. I was in a relationship and when we started having problems my drinking increased. The relationship ended ten months ago and that’s when I really started abusing alcohol. Anyways, I do think the relationship problems had a lot to do with my drinking (sounds like that is why you drink).

      I also am self-employed and I know the drinking effects that somewhat. There are times when I go on appts and I'm so hung over and irritable - not good!

      I've been listening to the cds and taking kudzu and multivits. The first two weeks I didn't feel that anything was happening, but the third week - wow! This is now my 4th week and I feel in control. (And feel incredibly awesome!). My goal is moderation and I've noticed a huge improvement. I just ordered L-glut, because I do have cravings around 5pm each night.

      As far as being worried about how the cd’s will affect your husband, I think he has to listen to them all. If they affect him though – it’s a good thing! I wouldn’t worry about that and just think about you and your goal.

      I really like the cd’s and think they have helped a lot. My attitude in general is so upbeat. I have even added cues like “You are a great salesperson” !

      As far as side effects of the kudzu – I had headaches the first two weeks but after reading and sharing, I realized that the headaches were not from that. I believe it was the onset of a migraine that never appeared. Other than that, I have not noticed anything else. In the 3rd week, I increased my dosage from taking 2 capsules (300mg ea) a day to 3.

      Hope this information helps and good luck! Keep me posted.


        First time to post...have a few questions

        Hi nicnack

        I do think you can have a lot of success with the hypno CD's and kudzu but I would add L-glutamine to that also. The kudzu and glutamine have no side effects that I am aware of and I personally think they are extrememly helpful. I would try them at 600 mg kudzu and 1000 mg L-glut every morning and every evening - or something like that. At least that's what I find very helpful. but you might want to play around with it a little and see what works best for you.

        As for the CD's and your husband, I wouldn't worry about it. It just sounds like white noise and unless he is doing the other CD's it probably won't affect him at all. I wouldn't worry about it.

        I'm glad you are doing this. Sounds like you have a positive attitude and a lot of determination. Please keep reading and keep close to the boards here. Keep posting and as you go AF or at least cut down on the alcohol, please keep posting and let us help you along the way.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          First time to post...have a few questions

          Thanks for the great replys

          Hippie57, Scorpio, Mags

          Thank-you for the support. The answers were most helpful. I thought that you might have to listen to the first CD's for the sleep one to affect you. It is exciting to know that my plan might work without the Topamax.

          I am still in preparation for this....want to make sure I have everything in place. I also been reading in the Holistic approach and I think I will add the L-Glug to my regimin.

          Also, this might be a stupid question.....but what is AF short for? I figured it has to do with total abstinence.

          thanks again....


            First time to post...have a few questions

            Alcohol Free - got to get back to work now.

            Stop procrastinating - start today (sorry to be so bold)
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              First time to post...have a few questions

              Hi nicnak..

              I just wanted to throw my two cents worth in on the Topamax. I am also VERY squimish when it comes to medication - and can feel almost anything I put into my body. So, I was very reluctant to try the Topamax. I was drinking about the same as you - some nights 2 glasses, and on that rare occasion I would go for that 5th glass. But, it was too often and it was definately effecting my health, both phyically and mentally. I got the Topamax and followed the prescribed dosage as outlined in the book and it was a HORRIBLE experience - I felt toxic! But, I wasn't drinking - or doing anything else for that matter, as the brain fog was so bad that every time I dosed up I had to sleep for 4 hours. So, I went off completely - and started to drink again. I decided to come back to MYO and came across a post from a gal that said she took all her Topa at the same time in the evening, so not taking that noon dose - which was the one that killed me, I just couldn't function (and I gave it a month). I never drank during the day, so that sounded good. I started the Topa again, first 25mgs at 4:00 pm (I have found you want to take it an hour before your bewitching hour), and took that for a week. Then the next week I took 50mgs, the cravings were completely gone and no side effects - except a bit of tiredness, which is OK for me because I am usually a bit amped at that time. I know quite a few people that are now taking Topa this way and are equally happy with the results - some at 50mg, many at 75mgs, and a few at 175mgs.

              Anyway, wanted to give you an upside to Topa from a crew that has done the trial and error...

              Hope this helps

              Good luck to you. You sound strong and ready to make some positive changes in your life.


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                First time to post...have a few questions

                Good Morning,

                I don't take Topo. Too afraid of side effects. I am somewhat sensitive to prescription meds and don't like being in a fog. I take Kudzu and L-Glut three times daily, 9am, 2pm, and 5:30 (my witching hour). I notice a huge difference. It really started taking effect after the first three days. I also ordered the Gaba (read about it on the MWO site) and think that may help as well. Exercise it pretty great too. I am 14 days AF and feel fantastic! Sleeping 8 undisturbed hours a night and am busy all day. I still think about drinking but am not doing it. Go for 30 days AF. It will help you get in touch with how you are feeling about everything that is happening right now. Good Luck and stay in touch.

                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                  First time to post...have a few questions

                  I'm still waiting for the L-glut but I'm happy to say - yesterday didn't have any cravings!! yea!

                  gabby1go - 14 days AF - that is wonderful Keep up the great work!!



                    First time to post...have a few questions


                    Duh!!! No wonder I couldn't figure out what AF meant....I was thinking the A was for abstinence.

                    And you are right....I should get started. I actually started the CD's this morning. Plan to try one Kudzu this to start slowly on meds to see if I will have side effects. I have had so many in the past...there is a big fear.

                    Meditation Mama,

                    Thanks for your sharing your experience with Topa. If I don't get results with Kudzu, L-glug...I will consider your dosage. If a medicine is going to make you sleepy...brain fog, etc.....I will usually feel it double. Good luck! Sounds like you are on your way.


                    Thanks for the info and support. 14! I hope I can do that.


                      First time to post...have a few questions

                      Hi Gabby!

                      I hope you are well and the meds are working out for you. Even though I don't agree with AA's methods i.e. The 12 Step Recovery Program I did get a lot out of this philosophy of one day at a time, especially during my early days. If you set yourself goals in this way i.e. I will not pick up a drink today, and you achieve that goal you will feel really good about having done so and it will spur you on for the next day. Don't set your goals to high at this moment in time Gabby. If you are planning 30 days AF to begin with still take them ODAAT
                      Reward yourself as well each day, it's a great confidence builder as well believe me I've done it!!

                      Wishing you well in your new found sobriety
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        First time to post...have a few questions


                        I'm not sure if you are aware of it, but there are other forums here on this website that might help you. On the holistic forum, I have posted quite a lot about my experience with kudzu, as well as the hypnotic tapes. On the medications forum, you will find a lot of info on all the different meds used and how the members have reacted.

                        A quick summary from me is that L-glut does seem to help a lot of people but it does nothing for me. We are all different. Kudzu, which I just started taking a couple weeks ago, has been great for me (but it does nothing for other members). So you really have to try and see for yourself. It might be interesting, though, to look at what other members have been through.

                        Good luck to you. And I'm glad to have you with us.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          First time to post...have a few questions

                          I am new to this forum and this is my first post..I am really having a problem with dirinking..My family wants me to quit but I love to drink wine. it relaxes me and I enjoy the buz I get from it. I have been drinking wine for about 3 years. It started with one glass and moved to 2 glasses now its a bottle to a bottle and 1/2 every night. It started when I was having problems sleeping...Now I still have problems sleeping. Not going to sleep but staying asleep. I wake up at 3:00 a.m every night. Like I said I enjoy drinking. it is the only thing that helps relax me...but I am worried about my health...I am a type 2 diabetic on meds...and I have had a gastric bypass about 5 years ago...I have had a hard time talking to my doctor about this. I think I would like to go with natural herbs. I am on medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and high clolesteral...and really don't want to take any more medications. I do take all kinds of vitamins which I don't absorb very well. Is there any hope out there for me? I am at my wits in I know its bad for me to drink..I feel awfal and I am tired all the time.


                            First time to post...have a few questions

                            Welcome Sam-- and of course there is hope for you. Just look at all the people on this site who have reduced or eliminated their drinking, but still come back here, because we all want to help each other and we like each other (and, ok, sometimes we have some fun).

                            To address your immediate problem: I don't know if you have read the My Way Out book, but if not, you should. You can download it right now for a rather cheap price. It is fun and easy to read and will give you inspiration immediately. For the longer term, I recommend the CDs that go with MWO, but you seem to need immediate help.

                            Therefore, I also recommend "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" if you are thinking about nutrition/vitamins. You will get all the info you need there to "prep" your body for cutting out alcohol. The problem about absorbing the vitamins is also addressed in the "Seven Weeks" program. The MWO program also offers a great supplemental program that is perhaps better, and easier, for most people, but I'm thinking that you might need a little extra, which is why I mention the "Seven Weeks" program.

                            Regardless, supplements will help you tremendously. You need them to quit. You need them to be healthy.

                            Please do read the book. Please keep coming here. And I'm not sure if you noticed, but there are other forums on this site-- Holistic Healing, Medications, and so on. Please explore them.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

