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Went to doc today

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    Went to doc today

    Hey all,

    I just wanted to share that I went to the chemical dependency branch of my insurance this morning. I was quite nervous, thinking they were going to try to pressure me into something I did not want to do like AA or something, but left feeling a huge sense of relief. The counselor I spoke to took down my history...the first time I've ever been honest with a medical professional about how much I truly drink and the things I've done--how scary to hear myself say those things out loud! She was not familiar with the MWO program, but was receptive to whatever I wanted to do. They do not have Topamax on their formulary so I have to go back this afternoon to see a medical doc that will prescribe Naltrexone--that is assuming my liver functions come back normal. I am willing to try that instead and have all my cd's and supplements on order from MWO. I will go back to see her periodically...right now we'll try every other week and I plan to visit this site for any other support I need.

    I'm interested to hear if anyone is taking the Naltrexone, what their experiences have been, and if there are any interactions with the supplements that I should be aware of. I have searched the forums but haven't really found a whole lot of info about the Naltrexone.

    I didn't have a drink last night for the first time in I don't know how long. But I did take half a xanax to take the edge maybe that doesn't really count as being sober. I hope that my optimism about my 'new' life continues and that I can get to know some of you in the weeks to come!


    Went to doc today

    Welcome aboard!

    Hi Pepper-

    Way to go and well done on your day 1. Also, hats off for going to the doc and being honest. I agree that it is the scariest thing!!:goodjob:

    As for not counting day one because of the xanax, I really disagree. You're doing great and you should be unafraid to reach for whatever comfort is available outside the bottle. Get a massage, take the day off - whatever passes the time and makes you feel as comfortable as you can. If I can count day one when I was taking librium and drooling on my shoes, you certainly get to keep yours!

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with Naltrexone, but I am very interested in your experience with it.

    Be sure and check out the boards and chat and use them anyway that helps you. It is a very open and supportive group and you are welcome in any discussion or chat you find. The closest thing we have to an exclusive group would be the guy's group. Rather than being steered away, though most of the females regard the thread title as some sort of dare




      Went to doc today

      I have heard real positive things about naltrexone so I hope you will share your experience as well. Good for you for being able to be so honest and ask for help. Wishing you the best!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Went to doc today

        Hey pepper!

        How good did that make you feel getting things out in the open to your doctor! No fuss, no problems, no AA lecture etc. The fact you were honest with not only your doctor but yourself shows you are willing to take steps to make a better life for yourself. Keep that up and keep being honest with yourself and you have fought a big part of the battle already. It took me over 10 years to be honest about my drinking habits and I have many regrets about not admitting it to myself sooner. You will get all the help you need here with other members of the MWO community and forums like this have been a blessing for me in helping me stay sober. Its good to get thinks off your chest and not one person who has replied to my posts has been judgmental in anyway. I find humour a great distraction as you will probably find out reading my posts and laughter has always been a good pick me up when I'm feeling a bit low. Get stuck in and start posting and enjoy yourself on here as well. It's not all doom and gloom giving up the booze you know!!!!

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Went to doc today

          I commend you for being honest with the doc., Pepper.
          Wishing you all the best.

          Starlight Impress x


            Went to doc today

            Pepper, I applaud your courage. Good luck in your battle. Look forward to hearing more from you on how you are making out.



              Went to doc today


              Well done on going to the doctor and taking the first steps in sorting your life out. Wishing you the best of luck and looking forward to seeing you on the boards.



                Went to doc today

                Great job! I am new to MWO. In September I had such bad stomach pains that I took myself to the ER thinking it was drinking related. Later that month when I went for my annual exam I was finally honest for the first time about my drinking. I did get a lecture and it was not a positive experience. Now I feel guilty for all the extra medical expenses my family has due to my drinking. For a while I was "scared straight" but then started drinking again. Today I will be AF! Congrats to you for your courage.


                  Went to doc today


                  Let me add my welcome and congratulations for taking those important first steps for making positive changes in your life. Believe me, each of us here can relate.

                  I'm also new here, just saw a doctor Monday -- he gave me topamax, which I've just started, but also mentioned naltrexone as an alternative if topa and I "don't get along."

                  I'll be interested to hear your experiences on naltrexone, and wish you every success!

                  Taking it all in

