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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning everyone

    Its wet and windy here this morning so its a big change from the beautiful autumn weather we have been having. However, I did manage a 30 minute walk with the doggies and my friend so the day is not completely wasted. It's great to get the exercise over early in the day, otherwise I get lazy.

    Day 10 for me so delighted to be in double digits again. Had some cravings last night but had an AF beer and it satisfied me. I find the AF wine insipid. It's ok with a meal but not on its own. The beer is probably the same if you are a beer drinker but I have not drunk beer in years so to me it tastes like the real thing.

    Hope everyone has a great AF Thursday



    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Good Morning Rustop and all to come
    Woke up with way to much energy this morning (something very new to me), so did all my chores, and decided to dust off the old eliptical machine and give it a go. Been quite a while so I had myself a nice slow stroll.
    I am finding now that I am not dehydrated in the morning, I have cut back on my water intake....need to work on this....Hope everyone has a good day.
    Day 5
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

      good morning!

      Hey Charlee and Rustop, and all who follow.......... good morning! Congrats on your AF days, I am at 5, and almost blew it again last night................but didn't! It was just like hanging on w/ my fingernails though.

      I am looking forward to moderating tomorrow night, but took the day of, so w/ all that time on my hands am sorta scared I might be tempted to start drinking early, then that means I am heading for trouble.............

      while home I will stay close to you guys, but I intend to stay busy w/ gym, shopping (starting Christmas shopping, yeah.....usually I am out the week of, shopping, I don't like shopping, not the typical female I guess!?)

      I have a sort-of busy (but in a good way)morning but will be checking in to see how everyone is doing on this fine Thursday!

      Love you guys!!:h You are helping me do this in ways you don't even know, it is great!

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

        Hello everyone
        great to hear everyone woke up to another AF day. I'm on day 4 and I can really feel the difference., i just feel better and better. I've actually been more productive at work, although I pop in to this website 2-3 times during work hours. I have to say this thread has been a blessing for me, thank you all. Have a great day!:bananacomputer:
        "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

          Hi all,

          I am on Day 8 - cannot believe it!! I completed a week which feels like a hurdle to me.

          Rustop - thanks for starting the thread. Have a great and blustery Thursday!!

          Charlee - great job on Day 5. It is amazing isn't it that we did not realize how much energy the alcohol was sapping.

          Cowgal - stay strong. Don't let the beast get the better of you. Think of where you have been and keep those urges at bay!! Remember ODAT. Let tomorrow take care of itself)

          Bettelove - good job on Day 4. That seems to be a real hurdle for many of us!! Go work!!!

          To all who come - WE CAN DO IT!! Stay strong!!!

