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I'm new and afraid this might not work.

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    I'm new and afraid this might not work.

    This is my first time posting. I've gave this website so many rounds, but here I am. I really need this to work!

    I'm new and afraid this might not work.

    Hi Aron and :welcome:

    This is a great place to be and you will receive lots of support. Download or buy the book if you have not already done so. It's a good place to start. Read the boards and join in. There are lots of threads. Some people are aiming for 30 Days and there are a few different threads about that. There is also a one day at a time thread ODAT that some of us post on every day. Some people are using the topamax, others myself included are just using the supplements, cd's and the support of the boards. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and looking forward to seeing you around.




      I'm new and afraid this might not work.

      Oh - it works all right - but it is still down to you MAKING it work - with the help of all of us here of course.
      We will do whatever we can to help!

      This place is the only thing that has worked for me in over 20 years hard drinking.

      Now 113 days since I last drank alcohol - and loving almost every minute of it!

      It works all right!

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        I'm new and afraid this might not work.


        Aron, :welcome: I hope you will find what you need here, everyone is very supportive and we all are here to help you, so post often, read alot, and good luck!

        The book is helpful too, like Rustop said..................Hope to see more of you on the boards!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          I'm new and afraid this might not work.

          Hello Aron, a heartfelt :welcome: to you. There is a lot of help here. To start with read as many posts as you can fit in. Definitely order the book. Nobody is judgemental here and do join in. We are all in the same boat and we need each other.
          This is the first day of the rest of your life.
          Hugs Lori
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            I'm new and afraid this might not work.

            Hi Aron,

            This is a good place to be and a great place to get good advice, support and encouragement.

            Post often and strike up some cyberfriendships with people who really do care about you and know what you are going through.



              I'm new and afraid this might not work.

              Welcome, Aron!

              You sound realy ready for something to work - and that is what it takes. You ar elike hundreds of us here on this site. Do read the book, it is a good starting place, then just stick with us. We can answer questions as they arise, help you when you are going through the tough times. Sounds like you have done some reading here, and that is good. Make sure you keep posting and ask a lot of questions!

              Good luck to you. It really does work!!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                Stay steady and to what the book says. Go to a doctor and get some meds it will really help you out. Good luck and keep coming back.


                  I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                  Hey Aron,
                  Welcome! I'm new also, at the end of week three AF. Great advice and support is all right here for you. Another suggestion, because it is helping me, is to go to a substance-abuse counselor. I go on Fridays and it has really helped. Not only do I get good down-to-earth guidance, but the fact that I have that weekly appointment helps keep me from giving in to the urges to drink during the week. Keep at it!


                    I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                    I have order the book and minerals...but wanted to start working the program this weekend...where I will be camping with our group...lots of drinking going on...I am a little scared...I want to try and cut back so I don't pass out so early and can enjoy the campfires late at night....normally go to be and sleep it off. I went to my local health food store and bought sam-e, l-glutammine, GBA. and calms forte. but they didn't have kudzu. I will have to wait for the mail to deliver it. If I can just cut down..I will be happy. wish me luck and maybe a lttle prayer for me will help. I want to be able to social drink 1 or two glasses. that is all.. don't know if I can do it. but will report back after monday....


                      I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                      Sam, and Aron,

                      Prayers from me. Even if you do not believe in the "higher" power thing.

                      Get through this weekend.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                        cindi or anyone out there like my last post I am starting to take these Minerals Sam-e and Gaba, L glutamine..without the kuduz (just ordered) Does the book have a recommendation for the pill?


                          I'm new and afraid this might not work.


                          The book recommends if you are a "problem" drinker you might be able to moderate.

                          If you are an alcoholic, no. "Sorry, I wish we could!!"

                          There is lots of evidence that us alkies have a substnace in our brains that making modding impossible.

                          I hate to be the bearer of any bad news.

                          So, if you can moderate, go for it!!

                          If not, GO FOR IT!! (AF, I mean)

                          I wish there was an easier answer, but there is not. You MUST dterermine if you are a MOD or an AFer. That part is up to you.

                          For the rest, we love each and every person here, whether mod of AF. Period.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            I'm new and afraid this might not work.


                            Not drunk, high on pain killers. Not sure which is worse.

                            Tummy hurts to "high Heaven."

                            I took the pain killers doc gave me last night and am sooooooo drunk!!

                            LOL. No alchohol involved.

                            Tummy is spasming and hurts really badly.

                            Sorry to be so graphic.

                            Love you guys!!
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              I'm new and afraid this might not work.

                              Cindi, are you ok?
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

