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Looking for support

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    Looking for support

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first time looking into quitting drinking and fortunately this is the first place I came across, it seems like a good program and everyone on the boards seems intelligent I'm 22.5 and have been drinking heavily since I was 13. The very first time I drank it was an entire bottle of Vodka at 13, went to the hospital, got pumped, and happened to come out alright. I resumed my drinking shortly after that, I began getting into trouble, all things drinking related, anywhere from public intoxication to a DUI a week after I was 17. I think my parents gave up on me since they never really saw it. That was the last although I have come close many times since then. This summer I passed out walking home and was forced into an ambulance ride, but they let me leave the hospital with no checkup because i was going berserk. I've probably spent tens of thousands of dollars on drinking, missed work, getting in trouble, etc. Up until a couple of months ago I kept it a weekend thing drinking upwards of 25 drinks a night just at night. If I didn't black out I considered it a good weekend. I would be hungover until Wednesday or Thursday it seemed, but I felt like if I didn't go out and party and get wasted i felt like I was missing out on something. I started doing Friday through Sunday non stop and every day during the week and I don't know why. I chose my screen name because thats what I feel like when I have a moment of clarity. I've lost my girlfriend who I was madly in love with and quit my job I've had since I was 17. I feel my health and intelligence have deteriorated and even eating seems painful sometimes. Everything feels pointless and I feel lost. I don't know what I want or what I'm doing. I know my problem is alcohol but I don't know why I can't resist it. I think I may head to the bookstore and buy the book.

    Thank you for listening. I hope someone can make some sense out of it.

    Looking for support


    Hi Reborn,

    Your story touched me. I am new also.... I drink, drank 14 beers or so a day on my 5 foot 4 frame and thought that was bad. Yikes! 25 is alot bud, too much for the system and life to handle. Go and get the book, you will be amazed! We can beat this thing! The people here are amazing, read the stories and join in.

    Welcome! YOU can do is time to start living!
    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


      Looking for support


      Reborn, welcome:welcome: Your story touched me too, I drank/drink beer, but don't think I could handle that much Bud. Good for you coming here, it is great and supportive site, Keep reading and posting and let us know of your progress, ok?

      Lots of love and support to ya!!:h :l

      Much love,

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Looking for support

        welcome reborn
        keep reading and writing, there are so many resources here. take what ever approach works for you. I found that the supplements kudzu l-glutamine and a lot of determination worked for me.
        keep us posted
        and welcome again
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Looking for support


          I think you have come to the right place. I discovered the book just browsing around amazon and it was the first thing I've seen about problem drinking that seemed like a possible solution that I would actually consider. Like Finding Me, I'm about 5'4" drinking as much as 15 beers a night, maybe more if I do shooters, really I lose count after about 12 beers though. I can so relate to your feelings of diminishing health, intelligence and appearance too. I'm 36 and just now getting to the point of seeking help and getting my head on straight. I commend you for looking for help now, I wish I had been smart and resourceful enough to do so at your age...I feel I've wasted so much time.

          After I read the book I went to the doc--they would not give me topamax, but I started Naltrexone last night. I hope this is the beginning of my new life and I hope that you can look forward to many more moments of clarity! I understand you can also download the book, the sooner you read it the sooner you will be on the path you need to be on. I've only been here a short while but have enjoyed wonderful support from the people here. Good luck!


            Looking for support


            I am relatively new to the site as well. Stay in touch with MWO as much as possible because you will find hope here. I suggest ordering the supplements a.s.a.p. I take Kudzu, L-Glutamine and am just got the Gaba today. They may take a few days to get into your system but you will notice a difference. The thought of not drinking again can be scary but after several days of sobriety you will begin to get some clarity. Try to cut down on your intake first. Based on how much you said you drink, if you go cold turkey you may suffer terrible withdrawls. Then try and set some realistic goals like "today I won't drink" and then "today and tomorrow I won't drink". It didn't take overnight to get where you are (it took me 25 years) but you can do it and we are here with no judgements. You can do it!

            Stay in touch,

            Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


              Looking for support

              Welcome, Reborn and all of the other new additions. It is a scary first step, but the path gets easier and easier. It may not seem like it at first, but that is why we are here - to help you with your journey. Please take advantage of all of us here. Ask tons of questions and never, ever give up!

              Yes, you can download the book from this site. I read it in about an hour!

              Good luck and I look forward to seeing a lot of you!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

