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Not exactly a newbie

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    Not exactly a newbie

    Hello, everyone- I'm not exactly a newbie although I am new to MWO. I have been participating in a study of the effects of topiramate on excessive alcohol use for the past several weeks and have drastically cut my consumption of alcohol. However, the study will be over in a month or so, and I am worried that I won't be able to maintain the gains that I have made. I'm not really big on the AA twelve step approach, so I am turning to My Way Out to find that support that I'm sure I'll need when the study is ended. All of the stories and threads that I've read in these forums have given me hope that here is the right place to find that help and support.
    A Hopeful

    Not exactly a newbie

    Hi A Hopeful,
    Welcome to mwo, you are at the right place here. I been to the AA meetings only once, the 12 steps really put me of. Just felt like all the people were brain washed by the 12steps. on this site there is a great bunch of people here, everyone is very suppotive. just keep on posting. I've been here since oct now, and find logging on here everyday helps me alot .
    Wishing you best of luck.
    family is everything to me


      Not exactly a newbie

      Hi A Hopeful
      I'm a bit concerned the people running this study offer no further help after the trials end. It's almost like going to rehab for 28 days and getting tossed out on the street again with an attitude of you're cured. Really that is the time when one is just beginning and at their most vulnerable as far as I'm concerned. What made you decide to go on the trials in the first place? Do you recognise you have a drink problem etc? I'd love to hear a bit more about your story A Hopeful if you would care to divulge a bit more.

      I'm in agreement with you though over AA and the 12 steps. They work for others but I have to disagree where my own sobriety is concerned. Forums like this have been a godsend for me and I get all the help and support I need here. I hope things go well for you after the trials and my advice to you is to get stuck in and start posting and in particular about what you intend to do after them. I'd hate to think of you being left out in the rain hanging out to dry!! Please come on inside and warm yourself amongst friends who are here for one another no matter what!

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Not exactly a newbie

        A Hopeful,


        Yes, we will be here for you when you are through with the study.

        I imagine your doctor will give you a script for Topamax if you explain how well you are doing on it!!

        What dosage are you taking?

        I am sure everyone here would love to hear about the study and how it is working for you.

        AF April 9, 2016

