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    New Member.

    How kind of you...One day at a time, is what they tell me. :thanks:
    The support here is everywhere, you are all pleasant people. This forum gives me a place to express myself.


      New Member.

      First Post

      This is my first post. I have been enjoying alcohol since I was 16. When I was 16 it helped me lose my inhibitions. It made me feel comfortable in my skin. I used it to overcome shyness so I could feel comfortable with "boys". Then I discovered pot and poopooed alcohol until pot made me feel paranoid. I discovered meditation and spiritual quests and didn't care much for either pot or alcohol. I married and had three children. My husband died when my children were 6 mos. 2, and 5 years old. I was too busy to drink but I did enjoy alcohol on rare weekends when I was able to get a sitter for the kids. I still used alcohol to make me feel more social at parties. I was the one who had the most fun at parties and I could never stop once I got a good buzz. I drank to keep the buzz going. Now 25 years later, I am totally dependent on alcohol to relax after a long day of work, help me get to sleep even though it makes me wake up at 3:00/ and the number one reason I am totally hooked on wine is that it keeps me regular. I discovered that wine cured my constipation problems. One glass of wine helps me "go" in the evening. Two glassess guarentees that I will be able to "go" in the morning. Thus I am hooked on wine!!!!! I need help finding a way to relax, sleep easily, and stay reglar without abusing wine. I know I can give up going to parties since I am 52 and I am not as social any more. I can not stop after one glass. I keep going until I am totally buzzed. I drink at least 3 glasses a night. Can anyone give me some advice about using meds? I have tried the hypno cds and kudzu but so success so far!! I have spent a lot of money on the supplements but the best I have done is going one month without wine, but all it took was a trip to New Zealand where people love wine. I had a blast indulging, amd I haven't stoped since and that was two years ago!!! Anyway thanks for listening (reading)


        New Member.

        high ideals, you have been through hell, losing your husband has to be the worst. You sound like me, same thing using to shit, to relax and so forth and so on. I tried antidepressants and then Klonopin add some wine and trouble. I went to Rehab to "get away" from the drinking...period. Now meds work nicely and keep me stable. Does this help you? We are at that age where the body is changing and our moods are affected easily. Hooked on wine I was.

        Do you want to quit wine? You take care and I hope I was help to you.



          New Member.

          Hello all you Newbies and :welcome: to MWO. Please just keep coming back here and read the posts and take from it whatever helps you. I too have been on and off that wagon numerous times. It really helps to be able to post and not be judged, as we are all in the same boat.
          Hugs and much success on your journey.
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            New Member.

            Yes I want to quit. I am afraid of Topo because of the side effects. Have you tried something that works w/out side effects? I guess I'm looking for a miracle. Maybe there's a drug that stops the craving and makes you shit!!!


              New Member.

              Actually the longer on Campral the better it gets. As far as the potty situation Campral is correcting that very well! Thats a side affect that I like! LOL. Good Luck.


                New Member.

                Hi Ripple and high ideals and welcome to the forum!
                Unfortunately there are no miracle cures for Alcoholism and you have to put 110% if you are going to stay sober. Seems like hard work.....? Damn right it is but the benefits are so rewarding and being able to get on with your life without worrying about where the next drink is coming from is the best feeling in the world.

                Stick with it guys your hard work and effort will be rewarded in time. Baby steps though right now and don't set your goals too high. One day at a time thinking helped for me in the early stages as well with a bit of psychological help with Antabuse tablets!!

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  New Member.

                  Hi Ripple and High....welcome!

                  Yep early days are tough - but don't get fooled into thinking that you won't have any fun without alcohol!

                  I was scared to quit completely coz I couldn't imagine life without alcohol.

                  But - after I eventually quit - I can not believe how much better my life has become.
                  Hell - I'm having more fun than I ever had slumped in front of the TV with a beer in my hand.
                  I go out more now than I have in years.
                  Now have enough distance fron alcohol that I can go out into bars with my mates and have a laugh - only difference is I drink soft drinks.
                  Still go our for meals - only I drink soft drinks
                  Still go to see bands - they are just as good when I am sober.
                  And because I can nor drive anytime - we actually go our MORE than before - coz I can drive home.

                  Go for it - you will NOT regret it!




                  117 AF days into my new life
                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    New Member.

           are so correct. I am fine all day its night time I get edgie thats when I would drink. Its actually kinda nice to be sober and know whats going on 24/7. Fun is better without as I laugh more over the silly little things that made no sense before!

                    117 AF? Gee I cannot wait until thats me! You know the benefits so keep it up.

                    Thanks for the insight, I appreciate dearly.

                    :thanks: Rip.

