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Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

    Hello all,:welcome:

    This is my first time kicking off this thread SO I hope that I am not stepping on anyone's toes!!!

    We are heading into the weekend from the sounds of many of the posts strong and committed. Good job to all for being here . . . for achieving your goals big and small . . . heck for even making the goals. Never forget, it took us awhile to get to this place and the changes we need to . . . we will make . . . take some time. It is a process. If you have fallen down, pick yourself up. Here is my hand. If you are soaring take the time to reach out to another. We are in this together. There is no problem that a drink will make any better. There is no celebration made sweeter by a drink - despite what the beast tells us.
    And she (he) is a beast!! We are stonger than the beast!!!!:alf:

    OK I will put down my pom poms now!! Happy Friday.:wave:


    Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

    Good post there evergreen the weekend is here! I had a tough nite last nite and today i am still sober! Candy bars and diet coke my new fixes.

    Does anyone know "why" my name is not in alphabetic order when logged in? :thanks:


      Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

      Well said Evergreen & congratulations on day 6 !!!!

      Day 6 and feeling strong......See a new issue lurking in the background, slowly trying to rear it's ugly head.........What is up with this appetite?????....Thought the pounds would just drop without all that alcohol....Good grief!!!!!....Yesterday I had the appetite of a linebacker!!!
      Yes, we are in this together and I know the weekend can be difficult...Stay close, post and we can do this!!!!
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

        Hi Evergreen,
        Happy Friday to you!!!!!!!!!
        If the beast even dares to raise its ugly head I will look it straight in its ugly little eyes and tell it to "go away... you are ugly".
        Have a good one,

        Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
        - Soren Kierkegaard


          Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

          Charlee-- ditto for me. I could eat an elephant for breakfast followed up by a mastadon for lunch and topped off with a woolly mammoth or two for dinner. Yikes!!
          P.S. Metaphorically speaking of course. I don't even like elephant (really).

          Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
          - Soren Kierkegaard


            Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday


            Your appetite will be huge at first because you are no longer feeding your body the sugar you did while drinking.

            Alcohol is a funny sugar. Your body will utilize alcohol's energy before it uses anything else.

            L-Glutamine will help with the sugar craving a lot. Try it.

            You are taking other good vitamins, etc? Right? Your body will heal much faster if you do. There is a lot on this board about the supplements you should take to help speed up your recovery. I found they helped me with the cravings and feeling better.

            Great going to everyone else. I am sorry I have been so quiet. Internet connection issues, busy with work and mentally and physically struggling right now.

            However, I love each and everyone of you and we will do this together.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday


              Just so no one worries, I am struggling with problems other than alcohol right now.

              I ended up having to take a strong pain med last night, though, so I did get zonked. It is funny that I used to be able to drink so much and keep it "together" on the outside but give me something with codeine in it and I am a complete loop.

              I have been throwing up off and on all week. One particularly embarrassing incident in the bathroom at the client.

              Not serious, though, known issue with ulcer and side effect of gastric bypass. I just let my prescription lapse and I guess I have to get back on it.

              Take care, all.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                good morning!

                Hey all, good morning, glad you all are doing well, as I am on day 6 also, (If I make it!?) I am seriously thinking of going AF, cuz I feel soooooooooooo GOOD!! But, as someone said, the "beast" as you called it, keeps calling me..........oh that cold Miller Lite....................

                I aimed for just Mon-Thurs, but a fell MWO friend has today off also, so we will stay close and spend the day together, maybe get through at least until 5 or 6PM? Then if I only have like 2 or 3 beers it won't be like drinking from noon on , which is what normally would happen on a day off!

                Well, off to listen to Pink Floyd and work on my painting some more before heading out!! Letting it warm up for me before going back outside

                Love you guys, thanks for being here!!:h :thanks:

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                  Mary Anne,

                  Why don't you buy some AF beer for tonight?

                  It might "trick" your mind.

                  Either way, I am glad you are doing so much better!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                    never tried

                    I have never tried it, have you?? I wonder what it tastes like, if it would quench that "thirst"!?

                    Sound worth it, DEAL!! I will at least give it a "TRY"


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                      Gmorning Everyone -

                      Great reading this thread to start the day. Very inspiring opener Evergreen! I have the eating thing some too. Big appetite. For me it's also this time of year, colder weather, shorter days, bare trees. Something about the onset of winter makes me really hungry (am I a bear fattening up to hybernate?!). In the summer I am much happier and less inclined to pack it in. And...... I think some drinking thoughts this week have been about that too - hybernate with a drink! That and stress - family stress and financial stress - makes a drink come to mind. I'm doing a 30 day AF, and have no plans to cave, but that's what's been coming up. Oh - yeah and the weekend - like alot of people - TRIGGER!!!!!

                      Cindi - Seriously. I am so feeling for you right now. Pain, ulcer, traveling - I don't LIKE IT! Wishing you peace and good health. Hope to spend some quality time with you over the weekend when you're home - my pooor lamb!

                      Luv, wonder xx


                        Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                        I am wishing everyone a sober weekend - be it AF or Mods. Stay strong and focus on your successes!


                          Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                          Hi everyone

                          Ripple did you mean alphabetically on the thread? They come up in order of who posts first, second etc.

                          Hope you are soon feeling better Cindi, missed you around the boards.

                          Mary Anne, I have tried the alcohol free beer. I'm a wine drinker and find the AF wine insipid but find the AF beer quite good. To me it tastes like beer and one is enough. Maybe if you drink beer all the time you will find it too bland but its worth a try.

                          Hope you all have a good week-end.




                            Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday

                            Good morning everyone! I'm really proud of all of you! Happy to be up and not feeling sick and guilty. I'm working on day 5 and feeling almost great! You're right db, the supplements really help physically. My plan is to stay AF all day to fully reach day 5. The weekend is a BIG trigger for me so I just have to remember that "The bridge between goals and accomplishments is discipline" because physically I don't feel like drinking, so for me at this point is all about discipline. My ultimate goal is to moderate, only have a couple of drinks on special occasions or when i go out to dinner but right know I don't feel psychologically strong enough to do this and as I said, my body is not craving alcohol. I just have to remember I DON'T HAVE TO DRINK JUST BECAUSE IT'S THE WEEKEND wishing you all the best what ever you goal for today and the weekend might be. Let's be good to ourselves.:hug:
                            "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                              Newbies in Need ODAT - Friday


                              You sound like me and I will have to remember I DON'T HAVE TO DRINK JUST BECAUSE IT IS THE WEEKEND I am working on day 3 AF and so happy as you are to not be feeling sick and guilty this morning. I'm looking around at things as if I'm in a new world! My ultimate goal is to moderation, but my primary goal right now is to be AF for 30 days! Hoping my supps and cd's arrive in the mail today--I think that will really help me get through the weekend, but my resolve is strong and I have fantastic support at home and here so I will be fine even if they don't arrive today. Good luck to everyone here--happy weekend!

