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Friday night ideas

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    Friday night ideas

    Hey all,

    Who has Friday night ideas?

    I am finding myself on day 3 AF, on naltrexone and thinking ack!, this is my first Friday night in forever when that I won't be getting hammered! What in the world should I do?! Normally it would be a perfect night for hitting the bar as my ex has my kids, but I'm finding myself fretting about what to do!

    I am tempted to go straight home to bed so I don't screw this up! I guess I am just afraid of being bored now that I am AF...yes, I'm one of those boneheads who thinks things are no fun without alcohol...yeah, like last Friday night when I was falling down drunk and fell and hurt my leg (which is still throbbing by the way). Yeah, that's fun huh?! Stupid girl!

    Any ideas? Shout em out!


    Friday night ideas

    How about candles, bubble bath, nails, facial, foot massager.......


      Friday night ideas

      Hi Pepper Not that I am in a state to give advice but you could have a nice beauty bath and do a facial? I am in withdrawal and will just be going to sleep for as long as possible even though I know I will have a sweaty night. 3 days is great. I am on day 1 and it is only 7 to 8 hours since my last drink so I feel very shaky, disorientated and the fear is surfacing as part of the withdrawal. I haven't gone beyond 3 days for weeks and feeling iller and iller - hence my joining this group for support. Hang in there.


        Friday night ideas

        Hello Miss Pepper---

        Don't be alone! Do you have a (sober!) friend you could call, explain your situation, and ask that they "babysit" you tonight? What about a good movie (at cinema or rented)? Treat yourself to some delicious food, too, to ease that feeling of "poor deprived little me."

        Or...just log in here. I'll wager you are not the only one facing a Fearsome Friday!
        Jane Jane


          Friday night ideas

          My first Friday night AF was really rough. And I didn't feel up to doing much of anything. And I really wanted to drink. I spent the night here on this board. And posted on the 'need help ASAP' when a craving got strong. When it turned to 9 o'clock, when the liquor stores close, it was a total relief. Love all the other suggestions too - warm bath, beauty stuff. Also - watching a good movie on TV, reading a trashy magazine, having something really yummy for dinner. Cleaning out a closet or drawer (I know - not so fun maybe, but it's very satisfying!). There's also the chat feature on this board - fun to have a live talk with other MWO-er's. Helps pass the time and not feel so alone.

          This thread could give us all a place to hang out tonight. Tell some jokes, stories, share what's going on. Strength in numbers!!! I'll be here later for sure. I'm not out of the weeds drinking-wise, not by a long shot!
          luv wonderxx


            Friday night ideas

            Pepper --
            MWO, Movies movies movies, mindless TV... anything YOU WANT. Just do it.

            fjones-- if you are feeling withdrawal symptoms after 7-8 hours, you are physically addicted. Don't take this lightly. If you are not in the mind to consult a doctor, at least take lots of cal-mag (magnesium helps with withdrawal and is an anti-convulsive) and vitamin C (thousands of miligrams) and the B-vits (also triple, quadruple whatever it says on the bottle.) This is serious, and I would really recommend you see a doctor.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Friday night ideas

              Hi Pepper. I'm also one of those boneheads who thinks things are no fun without booze!!! But Its not too bad and things look ALOT less fun in the morning WITH booze! So.....what to do on a friday night? Well I remember thinking exactly the same thing as you many months ago. I stocked up on lime and sodas and watched stuff on tv. Not mind blowingly exciting but I felt sooooo proud of myself for keeping clear of alcohol AND I was able to watch good tv late and remember it the nxt day!

              good luck Pepper and proud of yourself. Bella xxx


                Friday night ideas

                Pepper & fjones,

                I just received the Gaba I ordered from MWO. You can also pick it up at GNC or other vitamin/supplement store. It works to relieve anxiety and relaxes you. They recommend taking it at night as it helps you sleep but if you are anxious because of the desire not to drink or withdrawls it might help take the edge off. Good luck and stick with it! You can do it. Gabby.
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                  Friday night ideas

                  Thank you for all your ideas! A bubble bath does sound wonderful and (lol) watching tv late and remembering it Bella, what is that!? I don't think I've remembered anything after 9pm in quite some time!

                  FJones, I think I was about where you are now yesterday. I am not a medical professional and don't know if you need medical attention or not for the physical symptoms. All I know is I just lived with the terrible anxiety, shakes, chills, sweats, disorientation and nausea and I feel sooo much better today. Don't give into it, you will only have to go through it again!


                    Friday night ideas

                    Thanks for the advice and for being there. Right now I am just cold but still at work, the shakes have reduced although my stomach is very fluttery. I have some very powerful vitamins which I will take before I go to sleep. I am away on business and cannot see my doctor right now. I will just have to suffer through it and will stabilise. I feel so ashamed that I am such an addicted mess but relieved to be talking about it instead of hiding the problem. Hopefully I am on the way back up.


                      Friday night ideas


                      I have felt the same way...ashamed to be such a mess and yes, an addict. Me, the one everyone thinks is sooo smart...don't I have them all fooled? I am slowly getting over my shame by doing the work I am doing and being here...keep talking, it does get better. My heart goes out to you!


                        Friday night ideas

                        I can relate. I've cut WAY back but end up drinking ont he weekends. But this weekend I'm determined not to and I'm nervous too. Especially the nights that my daughter is with her dad.
                        BUT - I have a new idea - check out Boot Camp Barbie's "Vision Board" thread under General Discussion.
                        Not only will it keep you occupied and be fun and tap your creativity, but it will help to change your life!
                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                          Friday night ideas

                          Like you people think I am smart and really have my life together but it has gradually been falling apart as my drinking has escalated over the last 4 years. I had 19 years without a drink but developed PTSD simultaneous to the menopause and drank to cope and have continued to do so. I have a really good job but it is stressful and in the last month I have moved house and also been working away a lot. The last 2 weeks my stress level has been enormous and I have used alcohol to block the stress and ignore a bad cold but recovering from my drunks is also a major stress. I will hang in there tonight but I am craving because a drink would get rid of these dreadful withdrawal feelings but the cycle would start again. God I look rough today - I don't know how I have even managed to stay awake today I am so exhausted.


                            Friday night ideas

                            Warm brownies and ice cream!!! Or whatever comfort food trips your trigger! Get some tonight! And then turn on the TV and watch whatever YOU want and enjoy! I am married to a remote control freak and my kids are bugging me every 5 minutes for something, so enjoy the quiet and calm while you can.
                            I figure eating junk and watching junk on TV is a huge step up from getting plastered and wasting away on the couch. I have been AF 8 days now, and I am feeling so much better that I am eating better and reading books too. I even have a cool workout DVD that is supposed to be delivered today. I can't wait to try it!

                            Just take baby steps and reward yourself along the way. Go to bed early if you have to. You will feel AWESOME in the morning!!!

                            Best wishes!! Come here if you need anything else!


                              Friday night ideas

                              Aw, pepper i understand your jitters. The last 2 nights for me have been rough but today makes 30 days AF. I am tired today and have kept busy although i missed my meeting due to my hair foiling. I joined here last night and it helped me to post my feelings. One day at a time. :goodluck:

                              Do something for you, eat what you want and then rest, take it easy.

