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back after a long time

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    back after a long time

    hi. I tried to do the moderation thing and was so inspired by the book. I bought all the supplements but only did it for a week. I figured I'm also on antideppressants and trying to lose a bit of weight that maybe it was too much to stop drinking also. But I'm pretty sad about how I look and not happy. How do I come home and find something elso to do other than having a wine?
    trying :new:

    back after a long time

    Hi Josie..

    Oh, I can so relate to that questions! My whole adult life (which started before I was an adult), was coming home to an adult beverage. it is my bewitching hour. 5-7pm. If I happen to be doing something between those hours, I am home free! It is weird. But, nevertheless, it is a daily occurance, that time anyway. I choose now to not look at it as a battle because that I will lose.

    So, first, try and find something to do at that time. Second, find another beverage, sparkeling water with lime, I like AF beer (I wasn't a beer drinker, so this isn't a trigger), whatever works. If you can exercise at night, that is fantastic. COME HERE AND TYPE YOUR BRAINS OUT - I have to do that sometimes! It really only takes a few weeks, then you start really enjoying your evenings. It is retraining, so be patient with yourself - like poty training a puppy. You don't beat him, just keep putting him back on the paper..

    Stay close and good luck!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      back after a long time

      EveryDay Wine

      Hi - yep, back here again -

      I haven't been to this site since July because life got too busy. I was working on Moderating, but seems it was daily Moderating - what I am now calling 'Everyday Wine' - so I am with you in starting AF today - not sure how long, no real plan, I just want to see what its like. My habit is 2-3 glasses of wine daily - not drunk, high functioning, no hangovers (that I notice anyway), get to work every morning, do my tasks..........but its getting harder....I thought because I'm getting older.......BUT perhaps if I go AF a few days, I will notice something different.

      Any specific things others have noticed after AF? I have gone a day or two, but if I really look back honestly, its been a long long time since I even went AF for one least 6 months, if not longer. I used to do it at Lent - to see if I could, but never lasted the whole time. I have said - "Anh, I don't need to quit all together, its just a couple glasses of wine around dinner...that's not a problem...." But maybe there is a connection with feeling not so energetic, aching bones, tired eyes, and low mood. If the wine has any part in creating that, then maybe that's a reason to try AF.

      I guess I'll try for just big commitments.....but honestly, that seems big just because it IS a different MO.

      OK, I rambled......good luck and let's keep track of each other.

      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


        back after a long time

        THank you for the replies and support - it is so nice to know that people read the messages and also understand! I will certainly keep empowering myself to try and look forward to keeping up with your progress also. Thanks,
        trying :new:


          back after a long time

          Welcome back Jcilia!! Just gotta keep on trying. Re read the book if you have to and post, post, post if you don't know what to do with yourself. x

          Sober since 30/06/10

