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Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

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    Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi im wanting to try 7 days AF, i decided on 7 days as 30 seems an impossible task, just wondering if there is anyone elce starting today ,

    Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

    EveryDay Wine

    Hi - yep, back here again -

    I haven't been to this site since July because life got too busy. I was working on Moderating, but seems it was daily Moderating - what I am now calling 'Everyday Wine' - so I am with you in starting AF today - not sure how long, no real plan, I just want to see what its like. My habit is 2-3 glasses of wine daily - not drunk, high functioning, no hangovers (that I notice anyway), get to work every morning, do my tasks..........but its getting harder....I thought because I'm getting older.......BUT perhaps if I go AF a few days, I will notice something different.

    Any specific things others have noticed after AF? I have gone a day or two, but if I really look back honestly, its been a long long time since I even went AF for one least 6 months, if not longer. I used to do it at Lent - to see if I could, but never lasted the whole time. I have said - "Anh, I don't need to quit all together, its just a couple glasses of wine around dinner...that's not a problem...." But maybe there is a connection with feeling not so energetic, aching bones, tired eyes, and low mood. If the wine has any part in creating that, then maybe that's a reason to try AF.

    I guess I'll try for just big commitments.....but honestly, that seems big just because it IS a different MO.

    OK, I rambled......good luck and let's keep track of each other.

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

      I started yesterday, but I'm with you Big Mo!!! I want it badly, and I bet you do to. We, and everyone else, can beat it!!


        Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

        Everyday wine


        I'm curious about your post. You said you drink 2-3 glasses of wine a day with no apparent effects "but its getting harder" - what is getting harder?

        I am not AF right now - I am trying mod, but I have gone AF in the past. For 3 years, once a year I would do 3 weeks because I heard that's how long it takes to break a habit. I haven't done it for a couple of years now. During those times I found it hard to sleep the first 2-3 days and after that I slept wonderfully. I had more energy once I got up, but oddly seemed to need more sleep. Definite drop in blood pressure but it took 2 weeks to see the results of that.


          Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

          First Day AF

          Hi, I am starting AF today. I would like to make at least 7. It's 6:20 here and I'm in for the night so I think I will make it today. I'm planning to go to bed and watch a movie so I can at least get Day 1 under my belt. Lots of Luck. Keep us posted.


            Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

            hey Irish Girl -

            What is getting harder is keeping the pace of everyday - kids, job, home...I am 53, have gained weight, move less, and ache more. So life is getting harder and I was wondering how the wine may be impacting that.

            THanks for asking - and good luck with the AF - I will try to go the 7 days with this thread, but I just know this day one is going ok. Just a couple hours to go before bed. I did notice I was a littles less patient around mealtime - usually when I do wine so that the tasks are more enjoyable - so many otehrs have said that.

            Good luck everyone with Day 1 - Lets keep checking in.

            "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


              Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

              Hi BIG MO

              big mo;222576 wrote: Hi im wanting to try 7 days AF, i decided on 7 days as 30 seems an impossible task, just wondering if there is anyone elce starting today ,
              I am starting this out today. I have recently separated from my son's father after 4 years together. We have a 9 month old son, and it seemed that he didn't care about me walking out of the door. I have found myself drinking about a bottle of wine a day and feeling terrible, saying that I wont drink again, usually in drunken stuppor the folloeing morning. I want to quit for myself and my son, but I don't know exactly how to do this. Any suggestions?


                Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

                hey guys. im on day five. im on antabuse though. im 26, and my friends love to party, so it is very difficult on the weekends, not AS bad on the weekdays. its saturday night. imat my bf's house, while he has his buddies over partying.. errr... but anyway. my plan is to do this for a month, then i have no idea. i dont like the supplements to much because they take away the pleasure of the alcohol, it seems. it couldve been a coincidence when i took them. but if thats the only way to moderate for me, i might just have to. anyway, one of you hear siad three weeks it takes to break the habit.. possibly.. what do you mean? where did ya hear that? just curious. i guess it take sabout three weeks to levae the body. i know that... anyway, im on day five to the girl that wrote this, so feel free to contact me.


                  Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

                  So...did you all make it through Saturday? I hope you did because I didn't. I am bummed but am starting again today. I'm with ya on this one. I drank less than normal.....whatever normal is.....but the fact is I gave in when I promised I wouldn't. I have lots of excuses why I gave in...anybody wanna hear them? Didn't think so. Let's all make this a great week. I know how good I felt yesterday morning....danicng around the house listening to Seal's new song "Amazing". It was my 7th day A/F. Back to square 1. I'm praying for you all........let's do this ODAT!


                    Starting out again!!!!!!!!!!

                    big mo;222576 wrote: Hi im wanting to try 7 days AF, i decided on 7 days as 30 seems an impossible task, just wondering if there is anyone elce starting today ,
                    I am, but I feeling emotionally weak.

