I am new to the forum and in a bit of a rut these days. I recently split from my son's father of 4 years. Not sure if drinking had anything to do with iT (he never said), but I really want to get over this. Since the split I have found myself drinking more heavily(about a bottle of wine a day sometimes more). I usually drink alone out of boredom or sheer sadness. I know this only perpetuates the cycle, but I can't seem to not do it. I have not let it interfere with taking care of my son, but I feel like crap most mornings when I have to get up to take care of him.
I want to think I still have ontrol, but when the urge hits, I drink, and then I cry for all the things I gave up to make a family for my ex. We talk, but there is never any sign that we will get back together so I drink even more.
I know that I need to be healthy for my son, but I don't know how to start the process.
My friends drink socially, and I want to be able to as well, any suggestions?