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Early Sobriety...My Story

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    Early Sobriety...My Story

    Just felt the need to do this today.....Briefly I am 55, married with 2 grown boys and was drinking daily (hard stuff) for 30 years+. Why?, because I could. I have done it all, inpatient, outpatient, AA, 2 rounds of detox, and one on one counseling, yet I continued to drink. I was not (or could not) be honest with myself or anyone else.

    Joined this site in August, hardly posted, but did alot of reading and chatting. I found myself sharing things in chat that I would never say...I shocked myself, but It felt so good!! I continued to read and chat, taking in all of the good, the sad, the ups and the downs, but still refusing to take the plunge telling myself I was still mentally preparing myself and just wasn't ready.

    In looking back and still in very early sobriety, realized something I would like to share. I really was preparing myself. I would read posts and cry, laugh, get sad, and get angry. How could I possibly do this when I see so many of us try, succeed and somehow get sucked right back in this horrible place? Way to hard for me and felt I was doomed for failure....On the other hand there were so many successful stories.....hmmmmmmm

    It finally hit me...What I was learning is that by taking the sad with the happy, the ups with the downs I was filing away all the pitfalls that await. This turned out to be a good thing. I knew it was going to be hard, but I was now aware of what was lying ahead and it was my choice as to what I did when I hit those bumps in the road. A big thank you to all of you who have shared your stories.

    To all of you who are just starting...keep reading, posting and chatting. Use all of the stories you read to your advantage, file it away and remember them. My hope is that you too will decide for yourself when the time is right for you whether it be abs or mods. I know this is going to be, for me anyway, a one day at a time journey. I may drink tomorrow, who knows......Today I am AF
    sobriety date 11-04-07

    Early Sobriety...My Story

    Thanks, Char!

    I agree, one of the hardest parts is not knumbing to the bad, or even the good in life. I was a "I happy, so I want to drink" person. But I also know that I am also a kingpin of checking out. SO, for me, just being awake and taking the "bad with the good" is very important.

    Thank you for sharing. Today I will not drink, either.


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Early Sobriety...My Story

      It just goes to show you Charlee doesn't it that forums like this actually work in helping to gain a sober life. In my early days of sobriety I don't know what I would of done without them if I couldn't share my hopes and fears with other like-minded people and without the brainwashing of AA. I'm so glad you have finally realised the problems you are facing and are willing to take steps no matter how hard to gain some control.

      Thanks for sharing Charlee and I look forward to more posts from you in the future. Keep up the good work

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Early Sobriety...My Story

        Loved your story Charlee. What an inspiration! Good to luck you and M Mama.


          Early Sobriety...My Story

          I really needed to read your story, Charlee. I've fallen down so many times I worry I won't get up again. And then I read a story like yours and it gives me hope again. I always feel best when I'm reading posts here, or doing research on the computer about new ways to stop drinking and ways to repair the damage I've done to my body (which is considerable, although non unfixable).

          I won't drink today.


            Early Sobriety...My Story

            Hi Charlee

            I've talked to you on chat a few times. Great to meet you. I am 6 months short of 55 - have two grown sons also. Also done hard stuff for at least 30 years.

            OK lets do it gal. I will not drink today either. Today will be wonderful. I'll talk to you again tomorrow.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Early Sobriety...My Story

              Charlee, congrats on your success. Yeah, hanging around here, I feel like I'm working up to....quitting! I haven't decided on a date yet when I will go a/f but I feel it in my bones--it's going to be soon! I want the freedom that I hear in a lot of these posts. It was great chatting with you and chief and the others last night (btw, I guess I kind of moderated...I didn't drink until I stopped chatting and then I drank a lot less than usual. BUT, my goal is abs). Anyway, it's very inspirational to hear stories like yours. They give a lot of hope.

              Enjoy your hangover-less Sunday!!


                Early Sobriety...My Story

                good on ya mate!
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                  Early Sobriety...My Story


                  Got on this thread by mistake and read your story. My story is so similar to yours. I had been AF for only 4 days, until last night.

                  The difference between waking up AF and waking up after having several drinks is amazing. I have been on vacation for the last week (first vacation in 3 years) I should have gotten out of bed an hour ago, to go to a job that I've had for over 10 years, that I love, that I am losing in July because my company is moving my department out of state to save money. At my age, trying to find another job with similar pay is frightening.

                  No excuse for having a drink and then another. I thought that after 4 days, I could have one with stop there. I guess not.

                  You are a real inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing your story.


                    Early Sobriety...My Story

                    Hey Char, really appreciate your heartfelt thread. I only wish you the best always and am so very happy for you. I'm sure your story, so well conveyed, will inspire others into a better place a bit more peacefully. Take good care, and hope to talk to you soon, j
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      Early Sobriety...My Story

                      Hello Charlee,
                      Thank you for sharing your story and your newfound insights. We are all so much more alike than we are different. Many of our life and drinking histories read like carbon copies of each other right down to the excuses why we should drink today.
                      I will look forward to your posts and wish you well on your continued journey.
                      Hugs Lori
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        Early Sobriety...My Story

                        Hiya charlee, your story I can relate to. You took the step to admit. You are one brave woman. I am from connecticut also. Keep in touch we all here understand, at least it seems that way. I'm 51 and I have to grow now and its hard as hell.

                        Luv and :l

