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London meet... GR88888

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    London meet... GR88888

    Hi all
    I accompanied Betty along with my daughter to the meet in Covent Garden Londen.
    I sat there thinking I was a spare part, but everyone was brilliant, involving me in conversation. I have met some very special people.... Thankyou
    TIGGER1 :l

    Formerly Mr Boop

    London meet... GR88888

    So glad you had fun. You and Kerrie have been members of our family for a while. You're special to us, too.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      London meet... GR88888

      Nice to meet you Mr. Boop!!!!


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        London meet... GR88888

        Why Mr. Boop!
        What big eyes you have!
        It's good to have you on board!
        I love your Betty and Kerrie!
        You are one blessed man!
        Nancy "Belle"
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          London meet... GR88888

          hey mr boop!

          i wish i had been there. you will have to give us all the gossip!

          EDIT: mr boop- be very careful on this site. it is addicting!


            London meet... GR88888

            Hello again Mr Boop!! We loved having you with us (definately not a spare part!!)

            Sober since 30/06/10


              London meet... GR88888

              Well hello Mr Boop, now you will understand why I spend so much time here with these lovely people :l :l :l


                London meet... GR88888

                Now now, Mr and Mrs Boop - delicate flirting between you here please!! We're watching!!

                The Boops are one special family!!

                I am glad you didn't feel left out Mr. B.....but how could we have done that; you were so good to have there and joined in brilliantly!
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  London meet... GR88888

                  Boops R US!

                  Hey Mr.Boops!! Welcome the MWO forum for the criminally insane! I've found forums like this a lifesaver in helping me combat the booze, especially during my first few months.

                  Keep posting and tell us a bit more about your story!! (that's hippie code for 'dig the dirt on Boop'!!).

                  Below is a picture my PI took when your back was turned in the restaurant on Saturday. The evidence is damming I know but please don't turn to drink over this!!!!

                  A big warm welcome from Hippie and Love and Happiness to all the Boops!!

                  I look forward to more posts from you in the future!
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    London meet... GR88888

                    Hi Mr Boop,
                    Sooo glad that you were one of the crowd, so glad to meet you kerri and Mrs bb. What a lovely day it was to meet everyone.
                    family is everything to me


                      London meet... GR88888

                      Hey Mr Boop - Nice to met ya!

                      Yep - a special bunch here and no doubt about it.
                      Was sorry I couldn't get down to the meet this time.

                      I just wanted to say - you have a VERY special lady there!

                      Look after her - If it were not for Betty reaching out to a total stranger when I arrived here - I would still be in a very bad place.

                      All that time she spends on here changes peoples' lives.

                      Give her (and Kerrie) a BIG hug from me .

                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        London meet... GR88888

                        Thankyou thankyou thankyou..... for all the welcomes. I can't believe how many I have...
                        Luv ya Mr Boop xxx
                        TIGGER1 :l

                        Formerly Mr Boop


                          London meet... GR88888

                          Hi Satori,
                          Hope you're doing well. You're right BB is one special lady.... she is all heart.... I'll give her and Kerrie a big hug from you....
                          Mr Boop
                          TIGGER1 :l

                          Formerly Mr Boop


                            London meet... GR88888

                            Mr Boop, I expect big hugs from you from Satori tomorrow ........

                            Love you babes .........

