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    cowgirl, I was recommended by the court counselor to go to rehab, I only did 17 days...RE: purpose was to become strong enough to fight the hell back. We are weaklings using alcohol to block our fears. When you stop the booze, (ITS HARD) you think different, you are patient and will begin to make solid decisions. Once the man is unable to manipulate you, healing of the relationship begins. Don't take his shit, fix you and think of you only. He can wait for you if he loves you. you can do it. :l

    BS you can't find another man...clean house and life changes.




      Cowgal, If you can remain AF it will only give you more power and him less ammunition. Let him continue to drink, make an ass of himself, and fuel the evidence for you. You, on the other hand, have had enough, want to take care of yourself and your kids, and make positive changes in your life. If you have decided the marriage is over, then it's time to start preparing for battle. There's no sense doing anything to make yourself look bad. Just my :cents worth...




        sounds like your typical insecure abusive type. wow! being sober helps to keep one clear.
        stay strong and listen to lushy.

        Big hug
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



          Sweet Cowgal! Big pats on the shoulder from me. I have cried, reading of your plight, and can only pray and root for you in this hard time. I don't know that I can say much...I've never had a man be mean to me (Daddy was an ol' softie, husband is a true good guy) and I can hardly imagine how demeaned you must feel, dealing with that jerk. You MUST KNOW, though---trust me---there are sweet fellows out there who will think you are just wonderful, beautiful, funny, and the right size---they're out there! I know they are! I know you don't want to fool with any of 'em right now, but one day, when this Hell is all in the past, you'll find happiness. And be all the more able to appreciate it!

          Your sure they have a safe place to go? I always worry about the animals in a divorce...
          Jane Jane



            The tears will go away, believe me. Thats all I did was cry and cowgirl we sympathize with your pain as many have experienced the same torture. jj is right trust her post there are good guys out there. I hope all of these posts shine something positive for you, you deserve the TRUTH. Been there, do'in it.

            :h Luv.




              I am mostly sad that I had met a friend, we had lunch once and I was feeling a real friendship w/ him that is gone now, and saddens me tremendously, I cannot tell you how lonely I am w/ this ex (soon to be)who is nothing for my self esteem that my friends give me, I am drinking toniight, sorry to let everyone down, but it is the only way I feel I can cope right now, could really use hugs and lovve, which I DO get from my kids, will turn in early and probably mee w/ lawyer tomorrow and do some bank management etc, my boss told me I could have as much time to take care of this as possible, he is sooooooooooo sweet, I will hopefully be less teary eyed tomorrow, but who knows, I cannot stop crying, and I am sooooooooooooo afraid of the results of this, but have been told by many friends that I will be SOOO much happier when it is over, maybe get the self esteem back?? I know I am a nice and loving person who has alot to offer, gotta get out of this self defeating relationship, it has been a really long time coming..............

              love and hugs, wish I could have the real thing

              MA:l :h :l
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:




                Listen to Fergie, I wish you the best hunny.


