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new and ready to stop

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    new and ready to stop

    Wine makes me eat more, I can't drink with out food, what is that?
    I really think I can do this. I need to see the difference being AF.
    I take zoloft and trazodone... I think sometimes that I drink to counteract the antidep meds....I know this sounds stupid, but I wonder if I do not need meds and drink to bring my mood down...?? does this make any sense?
    thank you

    new and ready to stop

    how much do you drink fresh hope?


      new and ready to stop

      oh! and welcome..


        new and ready to stop

        Welcome, Fresh Hope...

        I also would eat too much when I drank. It is one of my biggest reasons for being AF, I must admit. I thin you will be amazed that when you get the alcohol out of your system for a while, say 30 days, you may not need the others. ALcohol is a huge depressant for many people.

        I am glad you are here!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          new and ready to stop

          1/2 to 1 bottle red wine between 7pm and 10 pm always go to bed by 11 and never drink during the day. I couldn't work if I did and I hate wasting time... evenings I am too tired and burnt iout to do much of anything


            new and ready to stop

            Fresh Hope

            Although I can't speak to the meds, you have ceratinley come to the right place....If you think you can to will...If you need to see a difference being alcohol will. Just have to want it bad enough and be willing to do the work. Keep reading, posting and reading some more...there is a lot of good "stuff" in these threads, and there is no such thing as a stupid question........ask away!!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              new and ready to stop

              meditation mama;223360 wrote: Welcome, Fresh Hope...

              I also would eat too much when I drank. It is one of my biggest reasons for being AF, I must admit. I thin you will be amazed that when you get the alcohol out of your system for a while, say 30 days, you may not need the others. ALcohol is a huge depressant for many people.

              I am glad you are here!


              thanks for the insight I look foward to this journey and losing weight ;-)


                new and ready to stop

                thanks all I feel so positive right now!


                  new and ready to stop

                  Hang on to the positive(with all you have)...we are all here to help
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    new and ready to stop

                    Fresh Hope
                    Welcome! I'm opposite - I don't eat when I drink. So now that I'm not drinking much I am craving food and have been eating 3x a day!

                    I agree with MM - you may not need the meds once you are AF.


                      new and ready to stop

                      :welcome: Fresh has a lot of sugar in it. Eating while drinking can reduce the affect. Although meds work so much better being AF. Sounds like wine helps you to relax before bedtime? Nip it in the bud before a problem develops. Yes! you will lose weight, I have not been this lite in a long time.



                        new and ready to stop

                        Yes I think I am hard, too tired to do much, I want to shut down at night and so I drink. I am weaning off Trazodone, down to 25mg per night and replacing it ( for sedation) with imovane. I am getting the worst headaches! maybe from the withdrawal of the trazodone. I look forward to weaning off imovane to see if I can ever fall asleep without meds. I know I sleep better AF.


                          new and ready to stop

                          Ditto - I drink out of boredom. Been trying to find non-drinking activities to fill my evenings. Been reading a lot, not into TV as much anymore.

                          Are you taking any of the supplements? I heard that kudzu helps with headaches.


                            new and ready to stop

                            Always an excuse!!

                            My 18 year old acts 14 and creates lots drama...poor kid has health issues and we are getting it all sorted out... the meantime family issues are always a good excuse to pour the wine.
                            I dream of being AF. I dream of losing weight and bloat, Like others I have read here, I am a high functioning person out 3-5x week, yoga 2x week, run & own a successful business, nice house and garden, walk the dog... blah blah. It is all a facade.

                            THANK YOU to all who are so brave to many of you are just like me and that makes me feel as though I can do this. I really thought I was the only person in their nice house bored and drinking wine every night. I don?t drink at parties (because what?s the point...can?t get tipsy in front of people so why bother having only 1 drink, save the calories and look so perfect and in control.....does anyone else do that? and I don?t drink before 7PM it is just that window 7 to 10.

                            Today my excuse is all ready...stressful night, child didn?t come home till morning and those pesky drops from the eye Doc means I can?t work ...lots piled up for tomorrow so of course I should have wine tonight.
                            Kinda pathetic but maybe, just maybe if I read here and get the chamomile tea going I can get through those 3 hours and then I will be to tired to drink.



                              new and ready to stop

                              :new: Hi first time on this site I have just ordered the CD in the mean time, totally agree I too keep fit and dont eat so i can drink I have 3 children, I also wait until that certain time of the day when i convince myself it is now ok. I try everynight and fail most nights. The last two nights I have cut right down and remember going to bed which is a new experience for a long time. Its nice to know I am not alone but now the question is what do we do?

