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Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning everyone

    Hope you are all doing ok. Have caught up on your news on some of the other threads.

    Things are busy with me at the moment. I have a cousin who is terminally ill and she stays with me while having her chemo. She has to have it every two weeks so I do a lot of the hospital visits with her. She is coming tonight and will spend most of tomorrow at the hospital, then they give her a portable pump which she has on until Friday. She is only 35 and is amazingly positive and has been through so much. Her husband died of cancer last year and she was diagnosed 3 months later!! I'm 10 years older and feel so guilty sometimes that I have been poisoning myself for so long. Life is for living and it is so much more pleasurable enjoying it AF.



    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    ODAT for me

    Good morning Rustop61, day 1 yet again for me. However I do feel like I am progressing, just slower than most. I feel that I want more AF days than mods days, my mods days are like thuds off the wagon, not really mods at all. I must be really thick in the head!!

    I read about your cousin, and wish her great quality of life, hoping she is feeling well through the chemo.

    :h Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


      What a lot you have on your plate with your cousin. My prayers are with her and you.

      You are right, life is so much more pleasurable being AF. I'm hopeful that I can get back on track.

      Thanks for being such a inspiration!


        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday are needed now to help someone. Don't feel gulity about the past, its gone. Just think being AF how much you are doing for yourself and others? You will be rewarded for your efforts and care to your cousin. My best to you and yours.

        :goodjob: Rip.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

          Finding Resolve

          AF is too tall an order for me. I've tried and tried these last four weeks, but mostly have been unsuccessful. At most, I can manage one day AF. Isn't that embarrassing?!

          I hate myself and my failures. I start out each morning with great resolve, but by late afternoon when I'm a little tired and down I reach for a drink. I have to persevere, I know, but I just can't seem to find "the way". I read so many other posts and see how others have found their ways: how long before I will find mine?

          "One day at a time"...if I can only just manage to be sober one day at a time, that would be progress for me. If I could manage once to be alert and available to my husband when he gets home late from work, that would be huge progress for me. If I could remember once going to bed and not wake up in the middle of the night in a panic and sweats, that would be progress for me.

          But where's the resolve? Can I hang onto the desire I feel now for the rest of the day? Just day.



            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


            Sante, you will make it, I am struggling too, but slowly but surely we will get through this, I, too feel like I have the big L (for loser, in case you don't get it!?)on my forhead at times, try to not drink JUST today, sometimes I have to take it minute by minute, do you have a friend you can call during those touchy times??

            Rustop, I am soooo sorry about your cousin, and it makes me feel guilty as sin for complaining about my measely problems.........(well,not so measely, sort of life changing) But you said her attitude is positive, that is 9/10ths of the battle, I will pray for you and her and keep sending positive thoughts and love your way:l

            Ripple, Susanna, Sukie, you are such inspirations for me, I love you guys with all my heart, and and am soooooooooo grateful I have you in my life!!

            Thanks for all the support w/ the divorce stuff, I am sure this is just the beginning, and I will need some shoulders to lean on and cry on if that is ok, I am just AFRAID of what is going to happen, but it has been wayyyyyyyy to long in the waiting, I need to be strong and get through this, and I know w/ your help I will:h :h

            Love you !!!

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

              Mary Anne,

              Thanks. You seem to be going through a lot, too. Unfortunately, I don't have anyone I can call and confide in. This is probably one of my problems: I am quite secretive about the drinking and too proud to admit it to anyone in my life, although I know many know I have a drinking problem.

              I went through a divorce in my 20s. It wasn't fun and the change was difficult, but it was the best thing in the long run. It propelled me to move closer to my family, begin a career, and prove to myself that I could take care of myself. That was 30 years ago and today I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful stepdaughters, an entirely different, better, and happier existence. Now, if I could just get the drinking out of my life....



                Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi everyone~

                It's been a few days since I posted. I had a major set back and I was honestly to ashamed to post. I felt guilty coming here for support when I don't think I was really trying. I did contuinue to read threads and a few really made this sink in. It is going to be hard. I guess I thought that I'd just try to quit...that easy. But I now realize I'm going to have to work for my sobriety. Sure, the supps and CD's may help me along; but I have to make the descision to drink or not. And really, it is that simple.

                I'm now on day 3. Yesterday was tough with the shakes and stuff, but by bedtime I was feeling okay. I'm excited to start another day.

                Rustop-So sorry to hear about you cousin.
                Mary Anne -I've silently been following your story. I do hope that you will soon find peace.

                And to everyone else-Thanks for being here. Just knowing that there are other people fighting this fight gives me hope!



                  Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                  Good morning

                  Rustop my thoughts are with you and your family, what a tough time to be going thru....Your cousin is fortunate to have you there..please stay strong

                  Suzanna, progressing is a good thing, who cares at what are progressing

                  Suki, you can get back on track...stay close to the boards, we are here to help

                  Ripple, you sound more positive this morning and I am so glad

                  Sante, I too was a "secret" drinker. This is the one place I could share my thoughts and feelings with no worries. Felt so good to be able to see my feelings in writing. Keep posting...

                  Maryanne, You sound so much better today, than yesterday. I know you have a tough road ahead....we will be your shoulders

                  We are here to support each other...we can do this!!!!
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                    Congratulations on day 3. I was around for a while and not trying. I kept reading and reading (not posting, cause I felt guilty too)..yup I knew it would not be an easy task, but once the decision to stop finally kicks in, we are well on our way!!!...ODAT
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                      Morning everyone: :flower: :flower: :flower:

                      Its a cycle of destruction when we use that keeps us down. When I read all the posts here I cannot believe how many people are going through the same? Today I wish all of you a happy day full of hope! One day at a time. Let us work on ourselves and be honest within our skin. Drinking has messed me and my life up. I must get through today. DAY 34 AF.

                      Luv and Hugs to all!

                      :h RIP.


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hey folks, I'm back and on day, um, 2. After a series of bad decisions last week. Seems to be a theme around here today. I know it's a hole; why did I fall into it anyway? (In typing that, I initially had "why do I...", but I immediately corrected it to past tense.)

                        Anyway, my head's back in the game. Rustop, thanks for starting off the thread on a quietly positive note (at least I read it that way). Don't waste energy feeling guilty, be grateful for the opportunity to restart your life, and proud of yourself for taking it.

                        Cowgal, I'm feeling for you. I hope you can rise to the challenge, make a clean break with the past, and find a better you in the process. Peace and strength.

                        Sante, I think it helps to have definite positive plans in place for how you're going to fill those hours that used to be for drinking, especially for the first few days. Maybe plan to change the setting (go out for a movie, go to the library and find a good book, go shopping, whatever). But don't let those hours come without something planned, or you'll default to habit. Idle hands and the devil, eh?

                        The rest of y'all, hang in there. Congratulations on the progress so far, and stay positive. One day at a time.

                        Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                        A: Practice, of course.


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                          Ok so I am new, haven't downloaded the book yet....what does ODAT mean? Also, today will be day 2 if I make it through the evening tonight. I have read threads and have some plans for the "hard times" 5-7:30pm for me. I have read posts on an off all day. I don't know how all this will turn out but I am here now and trying...gonna focus on that for now. Thanks for letting the newbies in the crowd...


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                            ODAT means one day at a time. I am relatively new here too--I'm working on day 7AF. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you have a good plan to stay busy during the hard times. Come back and see us often.

