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Newbie To this site

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    Newbie To this site

    :new: Hi all...learning my way around here and will chat more soon!

    Newbie To this site

    :welcome: Hi chocklyteyes. Glad to have you join us. Lots of good posts here. Read the posts, ask questions, jump in on threads that look like they may interest you. I'm relatively new myself but if I can help in anyway just let me know.



      Newbie To this site

      Hi there - I'm new too - today's my first day on the site - looking forward to being AF!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        Newbie To this site

        Welcome to the forum all and I hope to read more of your posts in the future. I've found this a very friendly site and after being here myself for only 2/3 months (not sure!!) I've made some great friends and heard some amazing and inspiring stories. The best thing though is being able to air your hopes and fears without prejudice as everyone on here is here for the same reason. WE ALL HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ALCOHOL!!.

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Newbie To this site

          Hey I'm new too:new:


            Newbie To this site

            Welcome Chok and Universal!
            September 23, 2011


              Newbie To this site

              choklyteyes, universal, discovermarisa,

              Welcome all three. I have been here since July and I have found this to be a wonderfully supportive group. Varied goals and backgrounds but with the common concern about alcohol.

              Are you seeking a period AF or mods or something else? I have used the support here to lay down the empty green Heineken bottle for 110 days AF now. It is my sincere goal to remain AF. Mods are not an option for me...hell, that's what got me here.

              Keep posting and looking forward to hearing from you.



                Newbie To this site

                My goal is to go AF for a while - eventually I would like to be mod - I am waiting for my topomax and the vitamin package to come in so until I get those and see how they work for me I don't really know. I know that I am 2 days AF now without anything at all so I'm hoping that with the support of this site and the vit/topomax I can eventually do well at a moderate pace. But I will wait to see how things go.

                Thanks for the support though, I really love this site and I'm so glad that I found it!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  Newbie To this site

                  Thanks to all for the welcome and I am not feeling so alone! xxxxoooo


                    Newbie To this site

                    :new: i am new here too. had a good day, hope there will be many more for all of us:thumbs:


                      Newbie To this site

                      :l Sorry I am a bit behind here goal is to Mod. It wasn't till the past few years that the drinking began to get out of hand...from what I am reading here and on the seems to go hand in hand with the dreaded peri-menopause. Loooking back, my Mom did the same exact thing....uuuuugggghhhhh!!! day she just quit it and never went back. I was doing great awhile back in another support group like this and left here I am stay for the rest of my life if that is what has to be. Glad to find you guys....and welcome to all the other new folks on this site.

