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    Hi Skid Row here, just thought I would check in - just starting out, (again) on day 4, having just read a few posts about the evenings trials I can relate to all of those things about, its ok to have a glass or two to wind down, sadly I always end up having a bottle, not remembering terribly clearly putting my kids to bed, and wondering if they notice my slurrings. Well morning of day 4, and for the first time in a very long time I awoke this morning not worrying what they think of there Mum, and feeling pretty optomistic about getting to day 5, hey, who am I kidding, I am so afraid that it will end as it usually does, with a week or so off, start to look better again and then my husband will come home and well just have saturday night and I'm off, started again. He likes a drink, but is far more controlled than me, but still I do wonder about him really, Ihave asked him not to bring wine back, because I only end up drinking it, I have also asked him not to drink because it makes it harder for me to say no, when you see (and hear I swear it calls to me)a glass of something sat there, but he says he just likes a couple, and so - and I am not blaming him - although I do feel like it sometimes, but it just seems to break my resolve. Anyway, good luck everyone, I am determined to make it, and may be be useful to someone else.
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


    Good morning Skidrow, and welcome. Congratulations on Day 4! I love the feeling of awakening and thinking, oh! I feel good and I don't have to worry about what I did or broke or where a bruise came from!! It's a great feeling. Stick around and read and post often, this is a great place to be. :welcome: Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.



      good morning

      don't know if I posted that the patient of mine (I have WONDERFUL patients who are all here for me!) sent me flowers saying "to brighten your day, Larry" They are BEAUTIFUL and I really needed them, last night was rough, welcome by the way:welcome: Skid row we have all been there, some of us still are, and trying to dig ourselves out!!:upset:

      I hope I didn't damper anyone's mood , but I wish you a great day and success in this program, It really works if you try!!

      Love ya!!

      MA:l HUGS!!!!
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



        Skid Row
        Welcome and congratulations on day 4. Hold on to that feeling...Isn't the freedom of waking up and not having to think about what might have went wrong the night before, just great?...Hang on....
        sobriety date 11-04-07



          Thanks Suzanna, cowgal and charlee, good not to be alone. It is nearly 11pm here in England so I guess I made it through another day - wish the load buzzing in my ears would stop and my tongue would sort itself out, have been drinking loads of water, read somewhere on here that it might be dehydration and toxins coming out of my pickled body, have you had trouble with your tongue or hearing noises. oh PS please don't think I'm bonkers, but the tongue thing is really getting me down.
          :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



            Hi tkeene, sounds really familiar, mine does that, he will say that we need milk and then come home with a bottle of red and a bottle of white for (my particular preference), then he will say can I just try a glass of that, which then, makes me race because I know I wont get much if I don't drink it quick, how daft is that, at the moment it sounds absolutely bizar that two adults would behave this way, but its true, and I am trying to be really honest with myself firstly and now with the world. I am on day 5, I feel a lot better, a look a lot better, but am really worried because he is home tonight, and the pattern will start again, I really don't want to join him, but when he comes home its like a party because I miss him so much when he isnt here, I think that is why I reallys started drinking heavily in the first place, bored, lonely, increasingly isolated, but I am fighting back now, need to change/break this cycle. I was just having a laugh at myself actually - because I thought hey people will think lucky cow, first try and she is on day 5, this is about my millionth try I think, I even joined MWO last year, but can't remember what name I used so had to join again, hmmmm maybe it really is time to quit for good, before I lose all my marbles. As to why we do this, I guess we are mad as hatters for one, but secondly and I am so with you on this WHY? its nonsense and we have to sort it. THanks for the support bud.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



              Hi Skid Row, :welcome: :welcome:back to MWO......

              :welcome: When you feel tempted to drink, get straight on here instead. Become an MWOaholic instead ..........

              Look forward to keeping up with your story .........



                Hi Skid row, :welcome: back to MWO .....

                Whenever you feel like drinking, post here instead, this place has saved me soooooooo many times ............



                  Hi Betty boop, thank you, I am struggling a lot today and I have to say to anyone out there, don't be shy, get those fingers tapping on the keyboard, it so helps. Just a distraction, and I will probably end up with a repetative strain addiction, but better than my current one. How long you been at this new life Betty?
                  :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



                    Hi Skid Row and welcome.
                    Wishing you love and strength for Day you already know, it`s not easy to quit, but it`s so very worth it.

                    Starlight Impress x



                      Skid Row;224537 wrote: Hi Betty boop, thank you, I am struggling a lot today and I have to say to anyone out there, don't be shy, get those fingers tapping on the keyboard, it so helps. Just a distraction, and I will probably end up with a repetative strain addiction, but better than my current one. How long you been at this new life Betty?
                      Exactly a year, there is a thread in general where I posted my one year MWO aniversary, have a read, It might be on page 2 or 3 now ......



                        Just read that you are going on your hols, have a fabby time, can't find your one year anniversary, but hey, that is way cool. I have just done my weeks anniversary, hopefully in 51 I will be doing my years. With people like you in the world I wonder how anyone could slip.
                        :lI'd really rather be skiing:H

