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Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

    Hello Newbies and Oldbies!

    I thought I'd start out the thread since I don't see one for today. I have received a lot of excellent information from this daily thread and don't want to see it die. I guess we tend to rely on our "rocks" like Mary, Janice, Cindi, and Rustop to begin this thread.

    I hope everyone is doing well today. We need to put the past behind and focus on the big goal of sobriety through AF or Mods.

    I am on day 18 AF. This is the most that I've done since going AF for 40 days during Lent of 2006. My goal is to do at least 30 days and at that time I will decide if I can try a very limited Mods or just remain AF.

    For those of you who are just starting out, I promise you that it really does get better after the first week. The first week is difficult because both your mind and body are fighting the "sensible" you. Your mind tells you "lets drink tonight and start AF tomorrow" and your body is wanting the alcohol fix.

    Remember, just one day at a time. Have a great day.


    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday


    I didn't know if anyone was starting this, but I kinda, semi-started on another thread, not the ODAT, but it helped me just the same. I am feeling ok right now, it comes and goes, I will just start bawling for no reason at all, then be fine in an hour or so.................guess that is normal for greiving, losing something, no matter how toxic he is to me, is still a loss, I have had a loss of a father, brother, dog, horse, you name it, it has been a really rough couple years!

    I hope everyone does well today, I have my doubts, but will hold out for as long as I can, baseball again tonight, but will have $$ for the kids to eat, what a concept!!:H Look, I actually laughed!?

    I love you all in a big way, and thanks for all the support in this difficult battle I have ahead of me, I feel confident I can make it w/ baby steps!

    love ya!!!!!:h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

      My heart aches for you. I went through a divorce situation recently--my husband of 15 years left me right after the 4th of July last year. I was so scared and just sick about it even though I wasn't 'in love' with him anymore. I handled it by taking up smoking again and drinking even more heavily than before. I truly hope you don't go down the same road I did! Now that I am on the other side I can see how much better my life is without him.

      My thoughts are with you...stay strong!


        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday


        All my friends keep telling me it will be better when it is over, just want it to be OVER fast.........he is being downright mean, and I cannot understand cuz it was really his FORCING me to do it!?!?! He had brought it up sooooooooooooo many times in the past, and I just finally agreed, but I don't want to come out of it losing big time....................won't pick up smoking but the drinking has me scared! I was doing so good too!?

        I am worried and haven't met w/ a lawyer, but everyone here says to get one, cuz he is probably out for blood, and knowing him and his evil nature, he and I will be better off..........................

        I love my job!!!! I had a patient send me beautiful flowers yesterday cuz he knows what I have been going through and that it is all coming to a head now, another one called me this AM to check on me, Drs have been giving me hugs, they have met Mike and have made comments now that they don't understand why I was w/ him.............guess my self esteem??

        Who knows, I am looking forward to living peaceful and happy in the future!!

        Love you,:h
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

          I definitely recommend getting a lawyer. My ex was extremely nasty and even hired the most expensive lawyer in town to try to intimidate me. You have to keep your long term interests in mind and a lawyer will help you to get what you deserve. I had to cash out ALL of my retirement funds to hire someone but it was worth it.

          I'm glad you love your job and that your patients and co-workers are so supportive. I had lots of support at work too and I swear that saved me. Good luck!


            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday


            Cowgal, we are definitely in your corner and will try to counsel you so you can get through the stuff that is miserable right now, see to your long term financial and emotional health. I've never gone through divorce but I see and talk with many who have said, it's over and life is much better even if their standard of living falls a bit at first. We love you! Suz
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

              I'm having a rough one today too cowgal..........really wanting to have a drink right now - just one beer would be sooooooooo good............but I'm holding out so far - I think I'm going to go to the grocery store and get something for dinner - try to take my mind of the beer that my BF is drinking as we speak - he doesn't know that I am going through this as we don't live together so I have hid the "real" amount that I drink from him for the past year and a half - how bad is that! I am just not ready to ask for his support yet - I think I need to get at least a week of AF under my belt first - I'm depending on you guys to help me out here! So far I have seen how much everyone supports everybody on here - I look forward to being part of this group.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - Wednesday

                Victory will be ours if we stay strong

                Dear Universal, we can?t have one beer staying alcohol free is such a victory. Waking up without the shame, sickness, possible bruises and guilt is such a waste of life. Hiding the amounts we drink is part of the illness. Stay victorious and beat the Booze Demon, this is only my first straight night and I have withdrawal symptoms. I have been AF many times once for 5 years and then slipped and slipped and slipped. I hate alcohol but mostly I think I hate myself for allowing it to enslave me.
                Victory to you and all who read this, we can win and we will win and reclaim our lives.
                :goodjob: :goodjob:

