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I love my wine

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    I love my wine

    Hi, I'm new here too. :new:
    After over 20 years of drinking wine every night, I think it is time I tell someone my story (I'm sure you've heard it before). When I was engaged to my husband, every Friday night I would cook him a great dinner (at least I thought it was great) So while I was cooking, I poured myself a glass of wine, and another one with my dinner. When we got married, everyday was like a Friday night to me. I would rush home from work to make my new husband that great dinner, and drink that delicious wine. As the years went by, my habitual nightly wine drinking became a full blown addiction. Tried sooooooo many times to only drink on weekends or cut down. Only time I stopped was when I got pregnant twice. But as soon as those two boys of mine were born, I started right back up.
    Alcoholism runs in my family. My mother's mom died at age 49 and her brother died in his 50's on "skid row" they call it. So since I was 49, I was afraid I wasn't going to see my 50th birthday or watch my boys grow up (ages 18 & 12), and not feeling well for sometime (stomach & Intestinal track), I finally had enough and last February 2006, I went to an addiction specialist. After talking with him week after week, I finally got control of my addiction. Did not drink everyday and cut down. I felt like I was on top of the world !! I felt so much better physically and mentally. Lost some weight and was no longer bloated everyday. After five months I no longer had a need to meet with him, but by June 2006 I was driniking everyday again, and now I am back out of control
    No one would ever know I had this problem. I run 3 to 4 times a week, work out with weights, and eat right. I have been doing that longer than I have been drinking. I'm very much into being healthly but this wine that I love is going to kill me.
    Yes, I do love drinking wine while I cook and eat dinner. But why can't I only have one or two like normal people.....I do know why....I have alcoholism....and it s_cks
    When I first stopped drinking wine for the first week, I told my specialist that I just was not in a good mood. He told me it was like losing your best friend......interesting....huh.
    I think I'll go buy Roberta Jewell's book. Not sure about the drugs though. I have enough alcohol in my system. I just joined MWO Community on 11/12/07. I did not have any wine that night. I was so happy !! But last night I think I made up for no wine on Monday. Well, I need to get back to work, because I'm still "functional". I'm so looking forward to making friends here. Be well.
    Miss October :blinkylove:

    I love my wine

    Welcome Miss O!

    You are certainly in good company here. There are lots of us, myself included, who apart from drinking take very good care of ourselves. I also run a few days a week, take pilates and lift weights. I also love wine.

    As to why we can't drink normally, it's one of those "Life is Not Fair" things. I am working on moderating with some success but also some slips.

    You can download the book if you'd like.

    Good luck and keep posting.


      I love my wine

      Geez! It must be something in the air or water... we're all BLOATED!
      I've heard of that happening to women in living situations & work invironments... I didn't realize it could come across the web!

      Indeed Miss O, you are in good company! I don't do wine much anymore, seems to give me too much of a headache. But I do love my beer.

      I definately recommend RJ's book, it's great! I take L-Glutamine every day, as well as other supps & topa. But I think the L-glut is really helpful & gives you a bit of a mood lift too. It's just an amino acid, you can get @ the health food store.

      :welcome: Aboard!
      :l Judie
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        I love my wine

        Judie & Ducky. Thank you so much for your response. I'm so excited about being here. Judie, you made me laugh so hard with your response about the bloating. Very funny !! I plan on making a real "fast" dinner tonight so I don't drink any wine. Once I'm finished in the kitchen, I've made it through the night. Take care.

        Miss O.
        Miss October :blinkylove:


          I love my wine

          You and I could be the same person, except that my two children (about same age as yours) are girls. I also classify myself as a high-functioner---with "HIGH" being the operative word, alas! That wine is just too soothin' and seductive.

          My best to you as you start fighting this devilish habit. If it were easy, we'd have licked it already, right? Here's to the fight! And welcome to MWO.
          Jane Jane


            I love my wine

            miss oct

            You fit in just fine here, like Judie, I like my beer, but can drink wine just the same

            At least you realize something needs to be done, which alot of people I know don't have a CLUE!!!! Good luck, like everyone says, read the book, get some supps, and keep us posted as to how you are doing, even if you slip, we have all been there...........I am on a slippery slope as we speak, but this too shall pass, I have faith!

            Lots of love and support to ya!!!:welcome:

            MA:h :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              I love my wine

              Oh my god, Miss October - reading your story sounded identical to mine - exactly - why can't I just have one or 2 glasses? Why is it always the whole bottle? Why can't I remember what I did the night before when I wake up always feeling awful? I too am a wine gal and it is hard to put it down. Didn't have any last night and am on day 2 AF right now but I'm at my boyfriends and he's having a beer with his buddy - just one sounds so good...........but I'll try to stick with the diet coke for tonight - wish me luck guys..........
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                I love my wine

                yes it is the red, red wine..that is how I refer to it. I think it would help if they made the bottles smaller, and locked the door to the store after I leave...yeah right!

                Sounds so familar as you can see it is more of the norm round here. I stopped wine about a month ago now, but i can't quit all together yet , so I find less desirable alternatives, learned last night capt and coke is not one of them, went down way to quick. Beer seems to be a good alternative for me because I can only drink so much... I get bloated!!. Peace and strength to you, this is a good place to be!! You will find alot of people respond with, wow that sounds just like me!! Thats what makes it so special here.


                  I love my wine

                  hello & thank you to all

                  Hello to all,

                  I am new as well and read periodically through the day. I am on day 2 and if I make tonight I will b 3 AF days. I (we) all identify with so much that is shared. I thank you all. I will pray for strength as I drive home for one more day, not just for me but for all of us.

                  Thanks for all who have shared their fears, joys, hurts and encouragements. I am starting supps tomorrow. Just wanted to post a thank you!



                    I love my wine

                    Welcome Miss October! My story is very similiar to yours minus the two children. Life without wine is difficult at first, but is something you can live without "in time" and with the "support" you'll receive from this site. I've been AF for over 4.5 month now. It's takes great deal of practice to break old rituals and habits, but it can be done. Best of luck to you. I look forward to getting to knkow you better on this site! -Reenie
                    September 23, 2011


                      I love my wine

                      :welcome: Miss October

                      I haven't had the chance to welcome you yet. I hope you will stick around and get as much support and some laughs too, as I do.


                        I love my wine

                        hi, i am new to this. i am also a wine lover. i do not seem to have a problem with any other alcohol but i do love my wine. this site looks like i can finally start getting control of my problem. today will be a wine free day.


                          I love my wine

                          Hi October and :welcome:

                          Your story could be mine. I too started off with the Friday night "nice" dinner. Am 46 and have 2 girls, 13 and 15. Have been with the site for over a year on and off. Have defnitely had more AF time since coming here but am still struggling. I am still waiting for the switch to go off and yet hate the thought of not being able to enjoy a glass of red with a nice meal. My goal would be to be AF 99% of the time and just enjoy a glass with a meal when I go out but I dont know if thats attainable. Am currently trying to get another 30 AF days under my belt. Looking forward to seeing you on the boards, buy the book and join in.



                            I love my wine

                            I'm with you rustop, it's hard to go completely without it - I would also like to be able to be AF 99% of the time - those people that are like "I can go without, no big deal" - I am so jealous of them - I wish I could be that way and just enjoy a nice drink every once in a while. I am really hoping that the topomax and the supps help but I haven't received them yet - so until then I am going ODAT and am waiting by the mailbox..........
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              I love my wine

                              Hello everyone,

                              I would just like to say that I have been praying everyday for strength and courage to somehow overcome this powerful addiction and the curse of alcoholism. I hoping my prayers have finally been answered. This is my 4th day going through the site, and I see so much support & love from the MWO community. I wish I found this site one year ago.
                              Thank you all for the warm welcome. Last night I survived with no wine at all, and I was very relaxed about it. And yes, I welcomed the withdraw symptons: tossing & turning all night; night sweats (night sweats are good..........getting rid of all the poison in our systems, internal organs loving it)
                              Jane Jane, I loved your mood - amused - it is so important to still keep our sense of humor in this big mess we're in. So good luck to you in your fight too.
                              Cowgal, keep the faith, and thank you.
                              Universal, I know, why can't we just drink one or two. I even tried putting a sign on my wine bottle that said "Control". It worked for a couple of days. Even poured two glasses, set them in the fridge and said that's all I'm allowed. Still I poured the rest after I finished those two. Let' NEVER give up !
                              Gumby, with a name like Gumby I have faith you can bounce right back !
                              SportsGal (love your name), Congrats on day 2, hope you made it last night.
                              Reenie, That is awesome !! 4.5 months.........pat yourself on the back.....huge accomplishment.
                              One more thing, and this sounds stupid, what does AF stand for ? Is it abstain forever ? abstain for now ? Take care everyone.
                              Miss October :blinkylove:

