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I love my wine

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    I love my wine

    I made it! no drink and I am going to bed I feel so good just relaxed and normal. I haven't felt like this in years...I am usally at least 1 done!!
    ANd I too cannot stop after 2 glasses of red wine and never touch spirits, the odd beer and when I have been out of wine I never consider drinking other stuff in the house.
    Good night all and thanks for your stories


      I love my wine

      Hi Sportsgal,

      What to say when asked why you're not drinking?

      The suggestion that you're attempting a healthier lifestyle is great, but sometimes I like to have a bit more fun with it.

      When somebody asks " Why won't you have a drink?". I like to answer " because I'm allergic to alcohol".

      Inevitably they ask " Oh, what happens if you drink?"

      The answer: " I end up in jail".

      Love and chuckles,

      Long road :H
      Long Road
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
      Eleanor Roosevelt


        I love my wine

        Hey Kath,

        Try it from Australia! Time difference? Fooee!

        Long Road
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
        Eleanor Roosevelt


          I love my wine

          Dear Miss O,

          Please add to your acronym list:

          TAF: Totally Alcohol Free

          For those like me who can't touch a drop - ever

          Long Road
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
          Eleanor Roosevelt


            I love my wine

            Hi Miss October! :welcome:

            I'm a fellow wino trying to moderate ; ) Sometimes it's hard with two teenage boys and a bipolar husband. What has helped me the most is my dogs. My three little furbabies are unconditional love and I don't have to worry about catching them drinking or smoking at 2am......PEACE
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              I love my wine

              going to try another af free day tomorrow. the temptation to drink is worse when i am grocery shopping. avoiding buying that bottle of wine is too hard sometimes. tonight i'm taking my daughter with me. she is my consience. when she is there i know that buying that wine is not going to be good for our relationship. as to my partner well i have completely messed that up completely. but we live and learn. i put wine before our relationship, although he has his habits they are not as destructive as mine. when i drink i nag at him about them because that is the only time they annoy me, how bad is that? he has to live with a drunk who tells him that he can't follow his hobbies. onwards and upwards i say, try and have as many af free days as poss and i have been a single parent before and i can do it again:sighbubble:


                I love my wine

                Awesome Shedot !! 100 days get titled with the new acronym "TAF" (thanks Long Road, I like it.....not sure if I'll ever get that title......I'll stick with "AF ODAT" for now.

                Fresh Hope, Teenagers and drinking.....that really scares me. I have an 18 year old, and when he starts thinking about drinking, how do I tell him he needs to be careful because alcholism runs in the family.....and it's closer than he knows....I guess I'll have to tell him my secret very carefully. And great job on your AF Day !!

                HopefulNow.....The "Forbidden" wine in your wine rack. That is interesting that it is still there. Good for you.....and it makes for a nice decoration )

                Hi Tiger, maybe we need to learn how to sip, instead of guzzling, and I've been working on that much to do (sipping, moderation, - now that's work in progess)

                MyHeartsDrenchedInWine, That's great that your dogs help you out in your quest for moderation. I'm afraid if I had dogs, they might bite me after I drank a bottle of wine if I put my face near them to give them a nice big smooch...

                Everyone take care of yourselfs, Miss O.

                And Chefette, good luck on another AF day !!
                Miss October :blinkylove:


                  I love my wine

                  Sorry ALL, i miss my figgin WINE. I'm on probation for a year. HELP!



                    I love my wine

                    What a great thread, it is so helpful to actually see how you all struggle with that can't just do one or two glasses thing. Just like me.
                    I have been going over and over this for ages now. What puzzles me most is that until exactly four years ago, I didn't have this problem. Always liked a drink, but if I didn't have one didn't give it a thought. One glass of wine with dinner, great. Going home, never thought of buying another bottle on the way....
                    Sad, how quickly it all went wrong. :upset:
                    By the way, I'm also very nervous to talk to my kids about alcoholism. My mother always used to say about me, oh, she likes the cherry liqueurs etc, she'll end up like Uncle Rudi. He of course being the black alcoholic sheep of the family. Since then I learned that at least one of my aunts (far closer relation) was an alcoholic for most of her life.
                    What I'm trying to say is, that I don't think it was very fair of my mother to put these things into my head. Of course I have no idea if there are in any way responsible for the way I turned out, but as a young child of thirteen or fourteen to like the odd liqueur praline chocolate and then being told you might end up an alcoholic is probably not a great idea.
                    Who knows?
                    Take care, you've done it before, sure you can do it again - longer this time.... and if you have to again. One day we might all get there.:h
                    Lol, Pink


                      I love my wine

                      What the hell is pinkmilk, Tequila Rose? I'm sipping a cup of tea trying to rid the urge for the wine bottle and cork was 'only' a recommendation to stop booze. this sucks!

                      Ripped & Irritated!


                        I love my wine

                        Read Vino-grrl's post. Could have been me. What is it about red wine? If it was purely about getting pissed we'd do it with any alcohol available. Now, I'm not saying that I don't drink to excess, I do. But I went to a dinner party recently where the red wine was not to my taste, and I didn't enjoy it half as much as if it had been. So it's not just about getting drunk. My husband bought rather expensive wine the other night, and the taste was superb. Infact it was so nice, we were rather worried that we'd get a taste for it! Equally, I eat more than I should, so I think there's something going on beyond taste or getting drunk to do with over-filliing oneself. Does anyone have any insight?


                          I love my wine

                          Want to stop so my teenager can also stop

                          I drank wine last night and it was not enjoyable...feel kind of foggy but OK... it was not worth it after 3 days AF. I think if I always have a dinner plan and an after dinner plan I can stay away from is all I drink...last night went to a workout class and then was at loose ends and fell back on hold ...not that old ;-) , habits. I have to get off the couch, play a game, clean out the dreaded photo drawer, which is now a photo dresser packed full!, paint the bathroom, walk the dog, anything to break old patterns.

                          Also and this is definitely a complicating factor, My 18 year old has attended 2 AA meetings this week and seems to be steady...I want to stop in solidarity, but I do want to come out, so to speak, I want to stop without announcing it. I am afraid I will fail and if no-one knows then I am OK. I also don?t want to tackle too much, helping this child with the sad , all to common, binge drinking that is part of youth culture is taking much of my time and energy and I can?t do too much at once right? If I announce and then fail my child will see that as excuse for their we all know any excuse will this really all too much at once? Or is this just another excuse to put it off? ODAT for now for me...


                            I love my wine

                            My way of dealing with the subject of alcoholism with my son ( 17 yr ) is to handle it like any other addiction or health issue and not just focus in on THE one. We talk about it when the subject appears. Obesity, anorexia, pot, drugs. He had a friend that ended up in a coma from a drug overdose, it became a lesson, we talk about girls he knows and their eating issues. We talk about the consequences of 17 I dare say they have seen at least one of their friends drunk. My son has one friend in particular that is already an alcoholic in my view. I told him I like Jay but if he's drinking like that now at 16, mark my words, watch him as his drinking progresses. He's going to be in trouble.
                            I have also told my son that living in balance and moderation is key. And I make it a MUST. For every night that he stays up late with his friends............( I'm not naive, I'm assuming he is doing something ) he has to balance it with physical activity. We live by the beach, I wake him up early and he has to go surfing. Less likely to stay up late the next night plus it reminds him about an activity that he loves to do. Balance. One thing I have said is that his father and I have both suffered and been treated for depression. He better watch it. I force bass playing, lessons, anything that will give him a choice other than a bottle. Happy? play and create music. Sad? play and create music, surf.........I'll get back to you in the next couple of years to tell you if it works, but this what I feel today.
                            Now has he seen me drunk? I don't think so but I'm not sure. I know he's never had to put me to bed and I've never passed out if front of him but I remember picking him up at a party after I had been to one and I embarrassed him. Whether or not he attributed it to alcohol I don't know......I'm a little eccentric AF. And I'm sure I have done that a few times.
                            I think I'm going to make this a separate thread ( this came from " I love my wine" ) because I want to know how others have approached their own drinking and their children. I'd love some ideas. Hell, I'm just doing the best I can.


                              I love my wine


                              Yup, love my wine too and have been drinking a bottle every evening for almost five years now. I got up for work the next day every day.....but Friday and Saturday nights were the best since I didn't have to get up the next day - party on.

                              I started having shortness of breath and heart palpatations about two weeks ago and got scared. I decided to stop drinking last Saturday and actually went to a wedding reception that night and didn't drink a drop and somehow managed to have fun anyway. I also made it through Thanksgiving without a drink, so I am on day 7 with no drinking. Was VERY irritable the first few days and had a slight headache, but otherwise no withdrawels.

                              Went to my doctor (my wonderful, supportive husband went with me). Talk about awkward - I was 100% honest and my doc was pretty good - I was more worried my husband hadn't realized how much I was drinking (he had). Doc gave me an EKG (normal) and did blood work (will hear back next week). Between the three of us we decided I should try Campral and counseling. I've been on Campral only 3 days so I have no idea if it is working or not - I WANT my wine but am keeping busy and don't have much cravings so far.

                              What I find interesting here is the attempt by so many of us to moderate as oppossed to abstaining. I have tried to moderate so many times but was not successful....would like to hear more if any of you have been successful in this or if I am just kidding myself to think I can ever drink "normally?"

                              None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


                                I love my wine

                                Me too

                                Hi Ms October,
                                I have a similar story- I just got married and LOVE cooking for my husband. I like to start with a glass while cooking and it just continues. I want to have just 1 or 2, but usually have more. I also workout and have always been very heath concious.

                                I joined My Way Out today and will be starting the book. Wish me luck! Good luck to you.


